farmer's daughter

Chapter 803 Stealing Sulfur

Chapter 803 Stealing Sulfur
Chapter [-] Stealing Sulfur
After much deliberation, Fu Jinghao and the others realized that they couldn't wait for reinforcements now.Then, you can only go forward!If you are fighting, you have to rearrange your layout.See how you can block other people's attacks!

However, before they finished their arrangements, news came that half of Wuli's soldiers had turned back.They were not far away.The turning back was naturally quick, and in less than half a day, they returned to the original camping place.Because everything along the border has been cut bare, so you can see the soldiers stationed there at a glance.

This is not good news!Fu Jinghao and Lian Quchen frowned.Standing on the city wall and looking out.The secret sentry stationed on the border mountain sent a message. They observed that the troops of Wuli country retreated.The men and horses from the Ula Kingdom approached.The two sides are joined together.

The opponent's troops are sufficient, and there are many people.Seeing that this side is being crushed, some people are a little scared.The general directly killed a Qianhu Jiqi who wanted to be a deserter!For a while, everyone's spirits were aroused.

But Fu Jinghao quietly discussed with Lian Quchen, wanting to make some explosives like what Xueer said.In fact, even Quchen had never seen what kind of thing it was, but when Fu Jinghao's eyes lit up and he talked about it, Lian Quchen agreed.

But Fu Jinghao said.This thing will not be handed over to the general unless Xue Jian agrees.Because this thing is too harmful.If it is announced, it may cause chaos in the world.

Lian Quchen thought about it and said:
"Can it be made into something that doesn't hurt so much, but can still stop people?"

Fu Jinghao thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said:

"It's possible. Xue'er said. The sparks made by this thing will scatter into flowers. Then I will wrap some iron or nails in this thing. Those who are unlucky and hit the head and the heart will die." Die. If you are lucky, you will only be injured."

Fu Jinghao had an idea in his mind, so he naturally wanted to try it out.But Lian Quchen took a look and said:
"It's so far away, how do you throw it there? If the soldiers are approaching the city, will it hurt our soldiers if we throw them again?"

Fu Jinghao paused for a moment.That thing is heavy to make, so you can't shoot it with a bow and arrow, right?Fu Jinghao also paused.This is how to do?
Lian Quchen thought for a while and said:

"In this way, you take people to do it first. We will not announce this matter for the time being, and you do it quietly. I told the public that you were seriously injured. You have gone to recuperate. I told the general that you took people to check the news. But , Cheng Qiang has to stay."

Fu Jinghao nodded after thinking about it, and then, Fu Jinghao brought a few people who he had brought together, went down the tower, and went directly to find some raw materials for preparation.

On the city wall, Lian Quchen went to discuss with the general, saying that Fu Jinghao was leading people to go back there to have a look, and those on his side should pay attention to protecting the food and grass.These are now another point of procrastination.

Although the general was not very happy, Fu Jinghao left without saying hello.But there's no way, isn't it?

For the next three days, there was no movement on either side. I guess it might be that there is something they haven't discussed or they are working on a new layout.

Lian Quchen and the general had been paying attention to the situation of the opposing army, and Fu Jinghao treated the wound briefly.Then he led people out of the city gate and pulled two carriages. No one knew what they were loaded with. They all looked very heavy, because the carriages weighed a lot.

Then they went directly to a nearby mountain, which was the original training base of their squad.This is their territory.Fu Jinghao directed the people to put the things away separately.There is an iron mine in this mountain.It was discovered during their training that there happened to be two people in their team who could smelt iron, so Fu Jinghao ordered three people to be their assistants and asked them to smelt some iron, which didn't have to be of good quality. On the side, let two people who can forge.Get some iron nails and small iron beads out.

On the other hand, Fu Jinghao tried to get some saltpeter ready for two days, but the first batch failed.Fu Jinghao doesn't believe in that evil, so let's do it again.I didn't make a decent one in the first five days, but on the sixth day, I finally exploded one in the ravine, which was full of iron beads.That one exploded.The iron beads flew around, and after checking, many holes were punched by the iron beads on the surrounding trees on the ground.Even the three zhang away stone wall had been driven into some iron beads.It seems that if it hits someone, it is afraid that it will pass through.

But there is not much sulfur in this border town.They took away all the pharmacies, but fortunately, one of their team is a local.He said there was sulfur not far away.It's just that that place is now in the hands of the other party.

In the past, when the two sides were not at war, they could go and pick some for themselves.The people over there don't care.But now I'm afraid it won't work!

Seeing the only bit of brimstone, Fu Jinghao's heart sank.Decided to get some brimstone back.I found a few people to discuss it, and decided to let the local person lead the way, or go find it.This thing is indispensable.

Don't care about the injuries on your body.After Fu Jinghao ordered a few people, he led them out of the mountain and went directly to the place where the sulfur was produced.

Fortunately, they are all trained people, and they are not very slow when they are in a hurry.Finally arrived at the border before dark.But it seems that the person on the opposite side just set up a stuck point at that intersection.You have to go through that intersection.

Fu Jinghao led a few people, all dressed in black, leaning over their heads, and walked slowly forward.It was getting dark now, and the group of them had reached their checkpoint.Still not found.

Fu Jinghao told everyone first that they should not be alarmed, as long as they can pass.Clean up these people when you come back.

There are not many people guarding here, it seems that there are only four or five people.Fu Jinghao and the others quietly passed down a small slope on one side while they were eating.There is no danger.

After passing by, the local man led Fu Jinghao and the others to turn to the other side, and they felt a burst of warmth all the way here.Fu Jinghao knew that this place was not far from the brimstone land.Got there, sure enough.The smell there was full of sulfur, and there were a few people walking around not far away, who seemed to be patrolling soldiers.

A few people followed the local and found a cave to hide for a while.Let those inspectors pass by.Come out again.The man directly took Fu Jinghao and the others to the foot of a mountain.There are many large and small holes there, and the sulfur smell in the holes is particularly strong.The man led them directly into a small cave:

"Here, we were here last time. All the harvested products were sold to merchants."

(End of this chapter)

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