Chapter 804
Chapter [-]: Initial Test Success
Fu Jinghao looked behind and said:

"Leave one person at the entrance of this cave, and one person at the entrance of the cave where we just hid. If you find someone, make three night bird calls."

Several people divided the division of labor very carefully, and then they split up, and the several large cloth bags they brought were quickly filled.It's a bit of a hassle to transport it away.This thing is also very heavy.People still can't walk over it blatantly.

At the end of Yin, it was almost dawn.Fu Jinghao directed everyone to retreat first.But how to withdraw has to be thought out.Five people brought four bags of things, the local man thought about it and said:

"Master Hou, I have an idea. Let's see if it works. Anyway, it's Mo Ye, and they can't see far away, as long as they don't encounter patrolling people. We go up the mountain from here. This is a small col, and the mountains there are short. One point. When we reached the mountain, we tied him up with a rope and rolled down slowly."

Fu Jinghao thought about the terrain here, and he was familiar with it every day.After thinking about it:
"It's feasible, as long as there is someone to follow. It's not good if you meet someone in the middle of the roll."

Think about it, too, in the end it was the local who went down with a bag first.For the checkpoint over there, it is just a place to block the line of sight, as long as they don't come over.You won't find out what's going on here.

Thanks to God's help, they transported a few bags across the border smoothly.Back to the station.

The sentinels on both sides did not notice anyone coming and going.

Only Lian Quchen knew that Fu Jinghao was doing this thing here.But Lian Quchen and the others encountered difficulties in defending the city.Because the opponent's troops took the initiative to attack the city.In the beginning, everyone was able to draw.Because there are so many of them, and the morale of the people here is high!
However, the next two days will not work.Because there are many families.Here comes a wheel war.One round is still considered a chance.The second round was a tie, and the third round was down.The knives of the people on the tower were blunted.The arrow is almost shot.And those people are still attacking.Even Quchen went to the battlefield to fight in person.I can't stand it anymore.

I took a chance.Give Shen Chengqiang a wink, and Shen Chengqiang tells a soldier beside him to report to Fu Jinghao.

As for Fu Jinghao, two of them had just been made at this time, one was tried, and the other was handed over to a small team to bring to the tower.After clicking on the fuse, he threw it directly at the most crowded place under the city tower.Only a bang was heard.There were wailing sounds from below.It seems to be a success!And this time the lethality is even greater, because this one is full of nails.The people over there didn't know what it was, so they hurriedly called for money to withdraw their troops. It seemed that they had to go back and study what it was.

And so, another day of truce.And that sound also alarmed the general.Even Quchen didn't expect this thing to be so powerful, and he actually retreated the soldiers in one fell swoop.As soon as they retreated, they retreated to their frontier.

And the people here went down to the city tower to clean up the battlefield.The entire city wall was stained red with blood due to the fighting these days.The ground below the city was also dark red again.

Because the city is short of weapons now.Those who also go down to clean the battlefield must first bring back arrows and knives.Even Quchen went down to check.He wanted to see what was shot out by the thing just now, and after checking the soldiers who fell on the ground, he found that they were all nails!
There is a hole in the knife in the hand of a soldier, it seems.The nail pierced the knife through a hole!This power is too fierce!

When Lian Quchen was leaning over to check, he didn't expect a Wuli soldier who was stunned and not injured to wake up suddenly.He chopped Lian Quchen's leg with a single stroke.At that time, even Quchen's legs splashed out.

Shen Chengqiang, who was following Lian Quchen, was furious.Stepping forward with a sword, the man's chest was pierced through.Only then did he go forward to support Lian Quchen.Lian Quchen passed out in the blink of an eye.He just whispered to Shen Chengqiang before falling down:

"Don't tell about that thing, don't let the general know."

Then when Shen Chengqiang went to support him, he confessed:

"Looking back, I will hurt my leg a little bit more, and then you will send me and the general away in the name of recuperating. Forcibly send away. After that, you will wait for your boss to come back."

Shen Chengqiang didn't understand why, because someone else came over, and Shen Chengqiang felt that Lian Quchen slapped his leg heavily with his hands, and then he really passed out.

Shen Chengqiang is a straightforward person, after hearing Lian Quchen's words, he must do as Lian Quchen did, and send Lian Quchen back to the tower.It was said that Lord Lian Hou was seriously injured.Then he asked the carriage to take Lian Quchen away. At the same time, he went to look for the general, who was bandaging the wound. Hearing Shen Chengqiang's words, he stood up in shock.But at the same time, he was also stunned by the medicine that Shen Chengqiang raised his hand.

Then Shen Chengqiang ordered them to be escorted to Fuzhou under the pretext of sending the two to recuperate.And he stayed to take care of the border town.

Because after the war in the past few days, the casualties on both sides were heavy, but relatively speaking, the besiegers died more.Therefore, they may also have to make an adjustment, and they have not come to attack the city in the past few days.

Shen Chengqiang collected the weapons and food in the city again and distributed them.Then some personnel were also arranged, and now the people left in the city have become the ones who take care of the wounded.Because if they don't shed blood and fight, their homes will be gone.

When Xue Jian arrived, a border town was immersed in a kind of post-war restoration.And the people on the opposite side may also be discussing how to attack the city again.

When Shen Chengqiang saw Xue Jian, he couldn't stop the tears welling up in his eyes!This younger sister is here, it seems that he has found the backbone!
Xuejian was surprised to see Brother Chengqiang, who is still that mischievous boy now.He looked like a decisive cold-blooded general.If it weren't for the red eye sockets, the appearance of tears almost falling made Xue Jian find a little bit of the previous appearance.Otherwise, I really don't believe that this is brother Chengqiang!
Cheng Qiang looked around, smiled lightly and said:

"Sister Xue'er, you came at the right time. Don't come again. Brother can't stand it anymore!"

Xue Jian also smiled with tears in his eyes:

"Why can't you stand it! I think you are completely like a general now. If the second uncle and aunt see you now, I don't know how happy you will be."

Only then did the people around look at Shen Chengqiang. Although Prince Rui was also surnamed Shen, it turned out that Shen Chengqiang was Prince Rui's elder brother.With such a good sister as Prince Rui, why do you risk your life to fight here?People around looked at Shen Chengqiang differently.This is a real man!If he only relied on his younger sister, Prince Rui, he would still have something to eat and drink.But his choice is different!

(End of this chapter)

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