farmer's daughter

Chapter 805 Meet Again

Chapter 805 Meet Again

Chapter [-] Meet Again

No matter what others think of him, Shen Chengqiang has not only strengthened his body by following this small team in the past few years.It also tempers a person's spirit and will into steel!
Seeing Xuejian coming, and the people who followed Xuejian, Shen Chengqiang was finally relieved and led everyone directly to the tower.When she first came up, Xue Jian was still a little uncomfortable, so she stretched out her hand to cover her nose.Because on this city tower, when the wind blows, the smell of blood is all there!

And those soldiers were a little unhappy when they saw a little girl go up to the tower, some of them didn't recognize her.Because women are taboo on the battlefield.

With a glance.Shen Chengqiang knew what these people were thinking, and shouted loudly:
"Listen. This is Prince Rui. Prince Rui has come to see us in person! Everyone has worked hard for the Eastern Dynasty, and the court is watching!"

Those people trembled, oh my god, this is Prince Rui!Quickly kneel down and salute.Xue Jian said with a faint smile:

"Everyone is free! I came a step late, don't worry, there is a court to fight against foreign enemies with everyone, we not only have to beat them back, but also beat them to their hometown, until his mother can't recognize who he is Like that. Do you have confidence?"


Everyone on the wall responded in unison.Seeing the morale here is still so high.Xue Jian was naturally more relieved.Everyone came to a room.Let us sit down and talk about the situation.

However, Xuejian first pulled Shen Chengqiang to the other side to talk alone, this time it was about Fu Jinghao. He heard that Fu Jinghao had a chest injury, which was not healed in time, and he had been working all the time.So now that the injury is not fully healed, Xue Jian is also worried.

Xue Jian also understood that Fu Jinghao did this only to protect the things he made, and he didn't want the people above to know.But is it necessary for Fu Xiaozi and senior brother to protect themselves by hurting themselves?I am more or less a prince now, and there are a group of them here.How can I protect myself.

Thinking about these is distressing!

Xue Jian whispered to Shen Chengqiang:
"You get someone to tell Brother Jing Hao to move back and do it. When I come back, I will tell them how to do it better. And about the matter you just said not to vote for. I will come. I promise that they will not cross the border and be banned." It exploded. Brother Cheng Qiang, I am not afraid of being known by them. I am only afraid that you will all be injured. Seeing Senior Brother, I hurt my own leg. It is just to cover for Brother Jing Hao so that the General can be taken away. But my heart! It hurts so much!"

Shen Chengqiang patted the snow and said:

"Don't worry, they all know what's going on. Do you think the general doesn't know what's going on now? He also understands, but he didn't tell the truth, did he? Besides, even Lord Hou and Fu Jinghao are measured People. They all know what to do. Know what they're doing."

After coming out, we discussed it together.Duan Fei mainly asked about Master's news.But when I heard that Master had gone to Wuli Country for nearly 20 days, but no news came back, I was also a little worried.Now we discussed it.Duan Fei took a few of his people to Wuli country to find the master, while Bai Haoming and Qiu Yuan stayed behind.One is to protect Xue'er, because Xue Jian has no internal strength now, and is equivalent to an ordinary person.Although Fu Jinghao and the others were there, it was time for war here.It would be more appropriate to leave a few people here.

The martial arts of Duan Fei and the others were not afraid of those sentinels guarding the mountain, but they still didn't want to get entangled with them, so they decided to set off at night.

Naturally, Shen Chengqiang immediately sent someone to inform the people on Fu Jinghao's side that Xuejian and his party had arrived.

But in the afternoon, it was three people who carried Fu Jinghao back.It turned out that Fu Jinghao hadn't recuperated his wounds in the past few days, not to mention, he had been working hard to make that thing, and in order to get more brimstone, he went back and forth several times. This mobilized his internal strength, and the wound couldn't heal even more.In addition, those things that are in contact with every day are not good for the wound.Therefore, people have a high fever and are still in a coma. When they are a little awake, they are told not to tell others that they are sick.

Seeing Fu Jinghao's weak appearance, Xuejian's cheeks were flushed red, but she lost a lot of weight.Xue Jian was so distressed that she burst into tears.Only then did old man Qin come forward, took Fu Jinghao, and gave Fu Jinghao his pulse. He tore off his clothes and looked at the wound again. The wound was on the right chest, but the wound was extremely red and swollen.

Pinellia went to fetch water.Xuejian personally cleaned Fu Jinghao's wound.As soon as some pus was washed away, some fresh blood flowed out.It may be that Xuejian touched him, and it hurt a little.In a coma, he actually stretched out his hand to hold Xue Jian's hand and shouted:

"Xueer, Xueer!"

Calling is calling, people still have their eyes closed.There are several people around!Seeing Xue Xue made her face blush!Pulling his hand lightly, he said:
"Brother Jing Hao, brother Jing Hao."

In a daze, Fu Jinghao opened his eyes, saw Xue'er, and said hoarsely:
"I really dreamed about Xue'er."

Seeing tears streaming down, Xue Jian touched Fu Jinghao's face and cried:

"Brother Jing Hao, wake up, it's really me! It's not a dream, Xueer is here to find you."

Fu Jinghao still closed his eyes, but smiled sweetly.It seems that he wants to continue dreaming about his Xueer.

After Xue Jian cleaned the wound.Old man Qin took out a jade bottle from his body, and Xue Jian recognized the jade bottle.It contained life-saving things.Last time on the prairie.Old man Qin had been eaten by Xue Jian.Now take it out again, twist it with two fingers, and it will be powdered, and then sprinkled on Fu Jinghao's wound.

The place that was bleeding blood unexpectedly stopped bleeding.Then old man Qin took out another powdered medicine and sprinkled it on, then found a clean white cloth and wrapped Fu Jinghao's wound up.Then said:

"Don't worry, Xue'er, I can't die. I just need to rest for two days. I will wake up at night at most."

Xuejian nodded, and confessed that Shi Chun was watching here.Then he came out and said to Shen Chengqiang and the others:
"Ask someone to find some carpenters. Also, find some big trees, bigger ones! Get ready, I'll be useful!"

Then he turned his head and told Ban Xia:

"Bring me paper and pen."

Pinellia doesn't need to look for it, she just carries a bag on her body all year round, in which there are papers and pens that Xuejian needs.Just take it out and open it.

After Xue Jian unfolded, he completely sank into his personal world, and then he didn't know what was drawn on the paper. Others took turns to look at it, and no one understood what it was.

Xuejian just kept painting and drawing for an hour, and then lost it when she was dissatisfied and started to paint again.People like Bai Haoming who were waiting at the side didn't know what Xuejian painted, and they all quietly picked up the discarded ones on the ground to look at them, as if they wanted to study what the painting looked like.

(End of this chapter)

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