farmer's daughter

Chapter 806 Making Catapults

Chapter 806 Making Catapults

Chapter [-] Making Catapults

Finally, Xuejian raised her buried head.But they still frowned and cried:
"Is the carpenter here? Is it the old carpenter?"

"Prince, here we are, waiting outside!"

"Call in."

Someone went and called the carpenter in, and there were two men in their forties, one looked like a soldier, and the other didn't wear a soldier's clothes.That is an ordinary person.

"Grassman pays respects to Prince Rui!"

This is the first time for the two of them to see such a big official, is it the prince?

Xue Jian said lightly:
"Get up. Come and see, see if you can do this?"

The two stood over tremblingly, only dared to look lightly, but looked up.Xue Jian frowned and said:

"Don't talk about etiquette like that. I don't follow so many rules here. Now I just want to ask you to take a look at the thing I drew. If you can see and understand it, please make it for me."

Only now, the two seriously took the blueprint that Xue Jian handed over, and took a rough look at it.The man in soldier's clothes said:
"Is this a shelf?"


Xuejian replied:

"Do you understand? But what I want, this thing has to be big and exquisite. It's used for throwing things."

Having said that, Xue Jian turned to look at Ban Xia and said:

"Ban Xia, go ask someone to bring me some ready-made noodles from the kitchen. I'll make a model for them to see."

Ban Xia immediately understood.When the young lady is at home, she usually uses mud to make it, but now she is more particular about making it with flour.

Just in time, the kitchen was just closed, so Ban Xia brought half a basin.

Xue Jian rolled up his sleeves solemnly, and after thinking about it, he still extended his hand to Pinellia.Banxia immediately took out two straps from her bosom, and tied up Xuejian's sleeves.

Xue Jian didn't care about anything anymore, she reached out and grabbed the dough, and then started to make it on that table.Now several people, including Bai Haoming, gathered around to see Xue Jian explaining while doing it:

"The main thing is that the two of you need to understand. I just know how to draw this picture, how to do it, or how to do it well. It's up to you to understand. Take a look. This is a bottom seat, and here is also You need to sit on the bottom, and the two should be connected and fixed, so you can’t move.”

And rubbed out a long strip:

"Here, use something to fix him here, but he can rotate on these two sides."

In order to solidify the words.Xue Jian stretched out her hand and pulled out her hairpin and one of Pinellia, then set them up and asked Bai Haoming to come and take care of them.Then do it yourself for everyone to see.

Shen Chengqiang understood at a glance.Xuejian is made to throw that bomb.

Excited, he slapped the table vigorously and shouted:
"it is good!"

This sound was so loud that it knocked down the things that Xuejian had made out of dough.The dough doesn't look good when it's upside down.Xue Jian glared at Cheng Qiang, and Shen Chengqiang was a little embarrassed and said:

"I understand. The thing that Prince Rui came up with will be useful in the future. Not only can you throw that thing, but you can throw stones and everything, right?"

"Yes. This is a thrower."

Everyone in the room is not an idiot, Xuejian explained it so clearly, even made a sample, what else do you not understand?Everyone understands.

Even the two carpenters said they understood, but they are both conservative people.road:

"Back to the prince, we have never done this, now we go down and try to make one. But the size may have to be reconsidered. Let's make one and try."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"You guys do it. When you're doing it, find some people who can do carpentry to watch and learn from it. Because there will be several at once, and the two of you can't do it even if you work overtime."

The two went down in response.Shen Chengqiang laughed loudly and said:
"No wonder Marquis Fu always said that you can find a solution when you come. It seems to be true. Prince Rui. Now you have solved a big problem for us."

In the evening, after everyone has eaten.Xuejian asked someone to carry a couch to Fu Jinghao's room, and decided to guard him here for a while.

In the middle of the night, Fu Jinghao really woke up. When he saw Xuejian looking at him expectantly, he couldn't believe his eyes.Stretching out his hand and rubbing his eyes, he said:

"Xue'er, is it really you?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Of course it's really me. Look, I came, but you passed out. If I don't come, are you going to wait to die in that ravine?"

Fu Jinghao smiled embarrassedly and said:
"That's not the case either. I know what's going on with me, so don't worry. I'm fine."

Xue Jian laughed and scolded:
"Of course it's all right now. If you don't look at it, the master is with you outside. I'm worried about you."

Ban Xia sensiblely went down and called Mr. Qin.

See Master.Fu Jinghao bowed slightly and said:
"Master, thank you old man for being exhausted all the way."

"It doesn't matter whether you work or not, as long as you are good!"

Mr. Qin's medicine is really good, it can't be said to treat trauma.Fu Jinghao could get out of bed the next day.Hearing that Xue Er has made a new throwing thing, she is also excited to see it soon.Xue Jian stopped him and said:

"Look at your body? Sit down and rest for a while. I'll show you the drawings. Anyway, they haven't done it yet, so they don't know if they can do it. It's not too late to look after it is done. !"

Fu Jinghao didn't dare to object, he had better listen to what Xue saw.My body has been a little overdrawn recently, and it's time to take care of it.So, I took a solid day of recuperation, and with Xuejian by my side, I felt that the day passed quickly.

The next day, Xuejian took Fu Jinghao to see the place where explosives were made.This place was forcibly surrounded by Shen Chengqiang.You are only allowed to go in here, not to come out.If you want something, just ask someone to tell Shen Chengqiang directly, and Shen Chengqiang will naturally ask someone to prepare it and deliver it.

Xuejian and Fu Jinghao are here.In fact, the people who stayed here were just doing some preparatory work as Fu Jinghao said.None of them made a complete come.Xue Jian looked at it and said:
"Ban Xia, go ask someone to bring you a scale."

Xuejian studied science and engineering in her previous life, so she wouldn't make estimates like Fu Jinghao.Naturally, everything is matched according to a certain ratio.Then teach someone to put it on.Tell everyone to handle it with care, but you can't bring a fire bag into it.If there is a fire here.That can destroy the whole city!
With Xue Jian's release, everyone will be more careful.Xue Jian admired some of Shen Chengqiang's actions, saying:
"Others say that you can't avoid relatives by raising internally. I really want to raise internally. Brother Chengqiang is a good general!"

(End of this chapter)

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