farmer's daughter

Chapter 807 Fight Again

Chapter 807 Fight Again
Chapter [-]
Xue saw that they hadn't come out of the workshop room yet.Hearing the shouts of killing outside, Xue Jian frowned and said:
"Are they attacking the city again?"

Fu Jinghao nodded and said:
"It seems so. Let's go up and see."

Although Fu Jinghao went up with Xuejian, he didn't allow Xuejian to look at the city wall, fearing that there might be arrows flying towards him.Cheng Qiang and the others stood on the edge of the city wall and watched, and the archers standing and squatting behind were all ready to go.Everyone is waiting in full battle.

Xue Jian frowned and said:
"Aren't we short of these bows and arrows?"

Because Xue Jian saw that some of the arrows they were holding had blood stains on them, so it seemed that they had used them for the second time.

Xue Jian sighed:

"Why are they so unafraid of death? Launching such a war is very cold-blooded!"

Because Xue Jian knew that this kind of war without high technology was piled up entirely by human flesh and blood, and it was all to satisfy the greed of the superiors.That's why he committed such a crime.

Xue Jian can be reborn from himself.I have always believed that God has the virtue of good life, but I have to create those lethal weapons, because if I don't, I may not be able to stop this battle.

The benevolent Xue Jian shouted:

"Listen, people below. You go back to your own dynasty quickly. If you come to invade our dynasty again, we are not welcome. We just tried a new weapon of that kind for you that day. If you still want to come, we will not Just use one!"

The words are shouted.But the people below didn't seem to listen, and they kept coming here.Those who braved the arrow rain first set up the ladder and began to climb up, while the people below covered them and shot arrows.After watching for nearly a quarter of an hour, Xue Jian sighed a little.Can these people be called heroic?Still not afraid of death?I watched the one in front of me fall down, and went to make up for it myself.Climb up again.Really climbed up, there are so many masters in this city.

While talking, someone came to report:
"I'm afraid there are [-] to [-] people coming from the opposite side. The people who launched the attack today are from the Ula Kingdom."

Xuejian didn't have a good impression of the prince from Ula country.When they heard that they were from the Ula Kingdom, they became even more upset.Shen Chengqiang snorted coldly and said:

"If they are not afraid of death, then give them a thunderbolt."

Under Xuejian's guidance, Tianlei, who was pretending, was carried up in a basket.And someone from over there reported that the two carpenters knew that there was a war here, and wanted to adjust the newly made ones for a try.

Xue Jian nodded.Then someone went to carry the thing that had just been made.

After a while, a shelf taller than Shen Chengqiang was lifted up.Xue Jian saw it with a smile and said:
"Too small. This one was made smaller. It should be made bigger."

The two carpenters who came up followed nodded, Xue Jian stepped forward and tried to turn around, nodded and said:
"Just try to decorate it casually."

The stones used to smash the stairs were already prepared on the city wall.So I installed a stone first, and Shen Chengqiang personally operated it.Xuejian was directing from the side.Load the stones.Shen Chengqiang first relaxed the other end a little.Then press down hard, and the other side is lifted like a lever.Then, the stone on the other side flew out with a smooth force, and it flew far away. When the people under the city saw another black thing flying, they were frightened and ran away with their heads in their hands.After falling to the ground and killing a person, it was discovered that it was only a stone!

Their leader was a little annoyed.Then he urged his horse towards the city wall and shouted:

"Little people of the Eastern Dynasty, you only play with three-year-olds, and you are throwing stones. If you have the ability, come and fight the young master!"

It seems.I don't know which kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.Dare to come out and challenge.Looking at the soldiers under the city wall, they were all scared back by this stone.In the square below, there was only that one kid yelling and cursing.Xue Jian looked at it and said:

"Brother Chengqiang, try it and see if you can hit him with a stone."

Shen Chengqiang looked at it and smiled confidently:
"Look, I'll get him one right away."

So I asked someone to install another stone, and I had the experience of throwing it before.Shen Chengqiang swayed from side to side, tried to draw a gesture, and then pulled one end abruptly, and the other end tilted up.Throwing the stone violently.

Because of the previous stone incident, the man under the city wall naturally looked at the sky, and when he saw a stone coming.Taking a few steps back suddenly, the stone fell on the place where he stood first, smashing a big hole hard!
Xue Jian on the tower naturally saw it.This stone was cast really accurately, Xue Jian laughed out loud.Unexpectedly, when he was smiling with his back to the outside of the tower, suddenly an arrow shot up from downstairs just brushed Xue Jian's shoulder and fell to the ground.


Shen Chengqiang was so frightened that he pulled Xue Jian over to protect him behind him. Fu Jinghao, who was watching the situation outside the tower over there, heard Shen Chengqiang's scream and turned around sharply, just in time to see Xue Jian being pulled away, and the arrow fell. The way it looks on the ground.

Fu Jinghao was so angry that he reached out and took the bow and arrow of a person beside him, and shot at the person who had just shot an arrow under the tower.Several arrows were shot at the same time.But Fu Jinghao shot the arrow so quickly that the man panicked and didn't shoot it.was shot in the leg.When I leaned over to draw the arrow, the second shot hit it again.Shot directly through the man's shoulder.The man fell to the ground suddenly.

A few soldiers rushed out from behind, holding shields in their hands to block, and rescued the man back to the camp.Then it seemed that someone was concerned about his injury. Fu Jinghao seemed to know that this person might be one of their officials or someone important. Come down alone to call the battle, and dare to directly release the cold arrow on the tower!
Although he was hit by two arrows, Fu Jinghao was still not quite reconciled, and directly said to Shen Chengqiang:
"Click one, shoot it down. Just go to the place where there is more."

Where is the crowded place? It is where the injured person was just carried back. It seems that they are discussing something.

As soon as Fu Jinghao finished speaking, Shen Chengqiang immediately took a flying thunder, first adjusted its direction, then lit it on fire, and flew directly towards the crowd.The people over there must have been in a mess when they saw something flying.All sides were retreating, but the people surrounded in the center couldn't retreat, but two or three people raised their shields to block it, and others were carrying this person back.

But they didn't expect it.This time it was not a stone that flew over.Even if he avoided the landing point, he still couldn't avoid the nail that came out after the explosion.

The people on the city tower stretched their heads to watch, only to hear a "Boom!"

Immediately afterwards, there were screams everywhere!When the smoke receded, all the people standing there fell down, some could still move, some couldn't move at all, and they could only yell mother and father.

(End of this chapter)

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