farmer's daughter

Chapter 808 News from the Capital

Chapter 808 News from the Capital
Chapter [-]: News from the Capital
Xuejian found that Shen Chengqiang's punctuality was very good.If it is modern, it is an excellent sniper!And Shen Chengqiang saw that the one made by Xuejian and the others was more effective than the one thrown down last time, and it seemed to be more lethal.

Shen Chengqiang laughed loudly and said:

"That's it. When you see them coming, give them a Feilei to eat. Grandma is a bear! I like to see them fall one by one like this."

Sure enough, the sound of Ming Jin withdrawing troops was heard over there, and immediately their people ran quickly and retreated ten feet away.Xuejian also said angrily:

"Brother Chengqiang, look, with this distance, can you get there? Throw that stone again, and they will fall down if they are scared."

Shen Chengqiang is now an experienced person, after looking at it, he said:

"should be no problem."

Then someone installed a slightly larger stone on it.Then Cheng Qiang shook the pole lightly, and estimated the strength.Then he pulled again violently at the person who was fleeing, and the pole was raised violently, throwing a stone up again.

The people on the tower watched quietly as the stone flew over and directly hit the fleeing crowd. If they were not dazed, it seemed that it hit two people directly, but the others were so scared that they rolled climbed.I don't know if this will explode again.But when it got down, it was just a rock, and it didn't look like it was about to explode.

Get up and run out quickly.This battle was fought so badly that before the city wall was even touched, they were blown up to death and wounded, and they fled back in fright.This made Prince Ula, who was in charge of this battle, very angry.He didn't expect what kind of weapon was used here, the people he sent in.There was no reply as to what happened in the city.

Send someone to ask about Wuli country.But Wuli's soldiers turned back, but they just stayed there and didn't move.It seems to be watching, to see which side wins and which side to help.This made the prince of Wula very angry.I have an agreement with the current emperor of Wuli country.I can be regarded as helping him, but why are his people so weak!

I don't know if the secret trick I used is working now.Ordinarily, news should come by now, but there is no news yet, and I don't know if something will happen.

The prince of Wula Kingdom was a little confused, walking around in the tent angrily.

And the secret trick that the prince of Ula country pinned his hope on was the tunnel in the capital of the Eastern Dynasty.Ever since he found out about Xuejian's discovery of Yantian in Qingyang, he felt a little flustered.They Ula country supervises the sea.It has its own salt road.Also sold a part to Wu Liguo.It is also because of the sea salt in their own country, so although Wuli country is stronger, it still gives Ula country three points of face.But now I heard that Qingyang's salt will go to Wuli country.And if you hear that Wuliguo intends to take over the Eastern Dynasty, then it will directly occupy the Yantian.

Then if the Eastern Dynasty is eaten up, then Wuli Country will be even more dangerous.Fortunately, when they went to the Eastern Dynasty to celebrate their new enthronement, they met Qiu Nanxing, the ambitious prince of Wuli State.In this way, the two colluding people secretly reached an agreement.For the future of the two, they both want to help each other and benefit each other.

Even if Qiu Nanxing was circled after returning to the country, Prince Wula was not worried, because he knew a little about Qiu Nanxing's secret forces, and he also secretly arranged some things for a happy cooperation.

Fortunately, those who went to the Eastern Dynasty brought back a wife who was a girl from the Houye family of the Eastern Dynasty, but everyone knew that there were secret secrets in every Houfu.Originally, he was cheating on the girl from the Lian family, but he didn't expect that she actually knew the secret escape route of their family.So, what he wanted to do started from there.

Prince Ula made an excuse to send some gifts to Lianhou's family, and the relationship between Lianhou and Lianhou was very good.Even the old Hou Ye had no ambitions in the court.Also a little depressed.But I didn't expect that the butler that Prince Ula often sent to deliver things was a thoughtful person.After coming and going, a small housekeeper was treated as a guest by Mr. Lian.

When even the old waiter felt that something was wrong, even the family was controlled by their people.They didn't know what medicine they took, anyway, the Lian family had to listen to them, and if they didn't listen to them, they wouldn't be able to get the next medicine.If you can't get the medicine, you will feel uncomfortable.Just take it yourself.But Madam and some of the girls are also tricked.They don't have the willpower of Lian Laohou.Even the old Hou Ye was old and old, but he never thought that he would watch his whole family like this.

Only by agreeing to some of their demands.Even if I wanted to send someone to ask for help, it would not work.Because now the people in and out of the mansion are all their people.And Lian Quchen used to send that housekeeper back every month to offer incense to his mother.But recently because he went to the border town.And the Princess is in labor again.The butler didn't come either, just sent a servant to come.A servant who just came to enjoy the incense and then left, couldn't understand Lian Laohou's eyes at all.Even the old Hou Ye's family gave Prince Ula control in this way.The Lian family became their base.And outsiders can't tell that something happened to Lian's family!

Therefore, if Liang Junxiao's people hadn't happened to hear about these arsenic purchases, all the people in the capital might not be able to wake up for a while.They made the poison at the Lian family's house, preparing some to throw into various wells in central Beijing and some salt.As for the other part, it was planned to be made and sent to Qingyang.Put it into the salt fields in Qingyang.This will directly destroy Yantian!

So, when Xue Jian delivered the news to the emperor.The emperor immediately surrounded Lianhou's mansion.This prevented even the family members from running out.Even those people were all besieged to death.They wanted to escape from the tunnel.But I didn't want the army outside the tunnel to wait for the magnetic cards to card them, which was fine.To a clean sweep.

After killing these people, the emperor was furious!He directly escorted Old Master Lian to the hall.Seeing that the old general disappeared for a short time, his hair was all white.The emperor's anger is also shorter.

Liang Shengyue asked what happened in front of the adults.Lian Laohou said:

"Your Majesty, the old minister is guilty!"

Then tell the whole story.He also bowed down and wept bitterly:
"Now the entire family of the old minister is poisoned. This poison is so poisonous that no one is prepared for it. Now I just ask the emperor to send someone to check what kind of poison we have. After killing the old minister, the old minister will have no regrets." If you don't check clearly, someone will fall for these tricks in the future!"

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(End of this chapter)

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