farmer's daughter

Chapter 811 I Didn't Eat One Bite of Mutton

Chapter 811
Chapter 810 I Didn't Eat A Bite Of Mutton
However, the nature of borrowing and grabbing is completely different.People say that beating a dog depends on the owner.Of course, Wuli and Xilin would be unhappy if you snatched the Wula country like this.

Prince Wula thought that Xilin State was like a small state capital under Wuli State.The alliance between himself and the current emperor of Wuli country should be very strong.Therefore, he asked someone to send a letter to Wu Lijun's people, saying that he was going to the palace of Xilin Kingdom to find the old emperor and ask for two imperial doctors.

It was right to send the letter, but he didn't wait for someone to reply before letting people do it.

Although Xilin Kingdom is small and under the protection of Wuli Kingdom, it has its own army.This time, Wuli country borrowed the way of Xilin country to fight.That is to say, there is no need for the Xilin Kingdom to send troops, as long as it is defeated, the border towns of the Eastern Dynasty and the areas under its jurisdiction will belong to the Xilin Kingdom.This will increase Xilin Kingdom's territory by about one-third.Therefore, Xilin Kingdom agreed to borrow the way, but also clearly defined the scope of the way.

In order to protect themselves, the soldiers of Xilin State were still stationed within this range.At least, we must ensure the safety of the capital where they stand.And when this small team from the Ula Kingdom came, they would strike at the slightest disagreement.Naturally it will be counterattacked.

It's just that this counterattack was unexpected by Prince Ula.He thought that Xilinguo was just a pug, but he didn't expect that the dog's paws were still very sharp.He directly took down the person he sent.And severely criticized their actions, and directly tied up the captured people and handed them over to Wu Liguo.

This embarrasses both colluding countries.Prince Ula was a little annoyed and wanted to get this place back.So another team with more people was organized, but Wu Liguo didn't agree with them sending troops.Because if the Xilin Kingdom is defeated, it may not necessarily benefit them.Prince Wula didn't know about it, but the people of Wuli country did know that there was something in Xilin country, which was poison, and it wasn't easy to use it, but it did.It may be that life is overwhelmed!

This is why Wu Liguo has been suppressing Xilinguo but dare not swallow it.Of course, another reason is that the royal family of Xilin Kingdom has no ambitions.I just want to run my original country well, and I don't want to expand.

But the dog that doesn't bark is the one that bites.Therefore, Wulaguo wanted to provoke Xilinguo, and the general who stayed behind from Wuliguo gave a stern warning:

"If you want to make a move, be prepared to tear your face apart. You are our new ally, and Xilin is our long-standing friend!"

Prince Wula was very angry, but he had no choice but to send someone to send news to Qiu Nanxing in Wuli country, and at the same time ask someone to go back and invite his imperial physician.He also paid a gift to Xilin Guo, saying that he just wanted to borrow their imperial physician.Or just send this cousin of mine to Xilin Kingdom for treatment.Now the military doctor has nothing to do with the man who is trembling with fever, and it seems that this little cousin will not be saved.It's not easy to explain to them when you go back!
This prince Ula is not good at anything else, but he values ​​this uncle's family.Prince Ula's biological mother was originally a princess of the Eastern Dynasty.But because of his early death, Prince Ula lived very hard in that palace.Fortunately, now that the mother concubine has been taking care of him, he has become the only adult prince who survived in the palace. Although two younger brothers have been added recently, the mother concubine's natal family has also stood up now. .Therefore, whether one's status is guaranteed or not depends on whether the uncles here support it.

Originally, I went to the Eastern Dynasty to marry a wife, because I wanted to get some benefits after getting married.I didn't know that I was short-sighted, so I was deceived by a pretending woman, but you have no jokes, why do you still have to marry that woman back.Fortunately, that woman is still a little bit useful, and can provide him with a natal family.But now, I haven't heard from there for so long, so I don't know what's going on.

My father was old and frail, but he still held his position and refused to come down.So he wanted to cooperate with Qiu Nanxing, make a military exploit by himself, win everyone's support, and the throne would be within easy reach.

However, now it seems that Qiu Nanxing has been arranged for many years, but he has succeeded in taking the position.But he personally led troops into battle, and lost soldiers and generals.How do you build your own credit?
Even if it can't be built, at least the uncles can't be offended.Now if something happens to this little cousin, it's hard to explain it when he goes back!

So, recently, Prince Ula is a bit annoying, really annoying.If you are bored, vent your anger on your own people.A counselor suggested,

"Prince, this war was originally initiated by Wuli. We are only here to help. Why did we take the lead and they took advantage of it? Therefore, the subordinates suggested that the prince should negotiate with them. We still maintain our personnel. All right. Otherwise, they will bite back, and we will lose our troops and lose more than we have lost!"

A counselor can see farther than the prince.The prince was right.But I will not admit that I was aggressive before.So people sent a letter to the general on Wuli country.The reply they got was that they are only stationed here now, they haven't received the emperor's order yet, and they don't know if they can do anything yet.How to start these things.

This reply made Prince Ula a little angry!Dare to attack by yourself, or just sing a one-man show by yourself, then where does this cooperation come from?

The next thing that made Prince Ula even more angry came.He also buried his hands in Wuli's country, and the news from there said that something happened in Wuli's country.If Qiu Nanxing doesn't operate well, he will be in danger himself!
I already knew before I came here that Wu Liguo came to station troops here, but they didn't start fighting, and I don't know why.Later, I didn't know what the reason was, so they retreated without fighting, if they hadn't brought their own troops.They may not come back to defense.

What does Qiunanxing mean?If they hadn't wanted to go to war, how could we, Ula, provoke the Eastern Dynasty alone?This is if Wuli country withdraws.Then the Liangzi between my Ula Kingdom and the Eastern Dynasty has been forged.How can this work?
I didn't eat a bite of mutton.Instead, he provoked a whole body of horse fleas to go back!
Prince Ula turned paler and paler.What next?Originally this dispatch of troops was initiated, and some people in the court were dissatisfied.It is said that the days of peace are too long.Now, how can I go back and explain myself now?

Soldiers from Wula and Wuli countries were deadlocked on the border of Xilin State, and no one moved.It's time to prepare for the people of the Eastern Dynasty here.

Recently.Fu Jinghao's health is getting better and better.Xuejian also drew and made some things he wanted.And, Xuejian stopped producing that Feilei.Because looking at the current state, they dare not move over there.If this thing is done too much, not only will it harm others, but it may also harm yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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