farmer's daughter

Chapter 812 The Funeral

Chapter 812 The Funeral
Chapter 810 Three Funerals

The Eastern Dynasty didn't panic too much, because after receiving Prince Rui's arrival in the border town.Those who came one by one were good news.Although there are still troops to go.But because of the fleeing crowd encountered on the road.Still a little late.When their people arrived, the three parties were deadlocked.

The leading general was surnamed Yang, and he was a fourth-rank general who worked hard.As soon as I reported on the tower, I was attracted by the row of things standing on the tower.hurriedly asked:

"What is this for?"

A soldier said excitedly:

"This is the trebuchet made by our Prince Rui. This time we beat them back, but it all depends on this. This thing works very well. Look, add stones here. Look here, yes Just hit where you want to fight! There are twelve fighters here. There are ten more over there for training. Prince Rui said, you have to practice until you can fight wherever you want.”

The vanguard general also became interested, saying:
"Go, show me."

Fu Jinghao smiled and said:
"You have traveled a long distance, you must be tired, you should go and have a rest first."

"Master Fu, I don't talk about anything else, just care about these new gadgets. If you don't let me go and see Xuexue, I can't eat or sleep. I'd better go and have a look first. "

"Hahahaha, good. You, you, the two of you will accompany General Yang to have a look."

Fu Jinghao casually ordered two soldiers to go, and asked them to follow General Yang to have a look, and walked a few steps.Xuejian called from behind:

"Both of you, remember not to let General Yang forget to eat when he's having fun. If he doesn't eat, just say I said it, and don't let him use it."

General Yang smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.The two accompanying soldiers also laughed.

But now Fu Jinghao was worried about old man Mo. Although old man Mo was very skilled in martial arts, he hadn't heard from him for so many days, so something was wrong.

And the second senior brother and the others haven't heard from them yet.I really don't know what's going on.I have to say that the person who figured out to remove all the trees and grass on the mountain is really smart!

The situation here has been stabilized, so some ordinary people who got the news came back again.What the common people want is a stable life, and no one wants to be displaced to make a living.

Xuejian also went out of the city with Fu Jinghao to check some of the surrounding terrain.He gave Fu Jinghao some suggestions.For example, on every higher mountain.Flatten out a place.There, you can put a trebuchet, but because this is outside the city, you have to pay attention to safety.Just set a few points on the mountain.Made some hidden sentinels.

In the middle of the night.Ren Fei dived back.It is said that Xilin State is also in civil strife now, because Prince Xilin did not know how to operate it, and used a substitute to be left in Wuli State, but he came back.After returning, he had a discussion with the emperor.

Then, the next day, a decree was issued to order all the princes to enter the palace, but Duling got the news the day before that the prince had returned.After thinking about it, I knew that if I entered the palace, it would be a to his serious illness, Du Ling did not go to the palace.

The prince naturally didn't believe it.Although he is not in Xilin, he doesn't know which brother is his biggest taboo!Although I don't believe it, I dare not come and check it myself.It can only be checked by those who believe it. After checking, it is said that the prince of Duling has an infectious disease, and it is said that the prince has acne!
This is how the prince was clever but was mistaken by cleverness.You said you were sick, exactly.The imperial doctor came to see it and said you had acne!In this way, who dares to come close to you?Anyone who gets close to you is asking for death!
Prince Duling is also angry in the palace.I didn't expect that the prince's move was really good. In this way, except for those diehards, no one else wanted to care about the prince.Even in contact with the people in their house, they are far away.All of a sudden, Duling was isolated by himself!
And Du Ling also felt the danger, if this continues, he may be killed in this palace.So he made arrangements to escape later.He doesn't care about other people in the mansion, but he still has to take care of the princess.No matter how we have shared joys and sorrows for so many years, we have been husband and wife.then.He asked Ren Fei to find a way to get the princess out first.Then run away by yourself.

Ren Fei thought for a while.road:

"If the crown prince says that you are sick, then die. If you die, you will be lucky to get out, so go to the funeral!"

Du Ling knew that what Ren Fei said was true.After thinking about it:
"it is good!"

Following Fu Jinghao for these years, especially Ren Fei who was often tossed by Wu Lin, now he is not only a person with high martial arts, but also learned to use his brain!He went down first and made some preparations.Then one day, a white cloth was hung in the palace.The doormen put on filial piety clothes when they came in and out.Said the princess was dead!
The gate of the palace is wide open.Because no one outside came to help, the people in the mansion could only be responsible. Naturally, there were not many people in the mansion, so everyone was busy. The people watching outside saw that the princess was put in the coffin.I also saw the prince coming down to bid farewell to the concubine with the help of others, and even fainted for a while.Everyone hurriedly carried the prince back to the house.

Then a second steward of the palace was in charge of sending the spirit to the funeral. Along the way, he heard that the princess died of illness and was going to be sent out for the funeral.But because Xilin Kingdom has a small rule, that is, after the death of the royal family, they must rest in the temple for a month before being buried!And this temple is naturally dedicated to the royal family.But now the princess died of this disease.The temple only built a thatched shed outside the temple, ready to welcome the princess.

Over there, preparations were made.It's just that you can't get out of the city here.Because the city gate officials here have obtained the prince's order, they must check carefully, and the princess and prince cannot be allowed to go out alive.

The city gate officer closed the city gate.Then go forward to check before letting go.This made the second housekeeper of the palace very angry!No matter what, this kind of behavior that blocks the way of the dead is wrong.And this is no ordinary dead person.This is a princess!

But the city gate officer is also difficult to do. If you have an order, you have to check it even if you die.I have to open the coffin to check!
Along with the funeral was the brother of the princess's natal family, a young and promising general.Seeing that his sister's coffin was blocked, he was very angry, but there was nothing he could do, and he knew the reason.With a sullen face, he cried:
"The steward step aside and ask him to investigate. If nothing is found, or the spirit of the princess is disturbed, I will ask him to make an apology to the princess!"

In this way, it is not true that the general is investigating, nor is he not investigating.When everyone was frozen, it was Ren Fei who walked over quickly and said:
"General, if you want to check it quickly, look, there is blood dripping under the coffin. It may be a pimple!"

(End of this chapter)

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