Chapter 813
Chapter 810

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around him backed away.The general also took two steps back inadvertently, but after thinking about it, he said:
"No. I still have to open the coffin! I have received an imperial decree that no one who is alive and infected will be allowed to go there,"

The general had to fulfill his duties with due diligence. Although the people over there were angry, they still did not put up a strong resistance.It seems that he agrees to open the coffin.With a wave of his hand, two soldiers came over.The concubine's natal brother stepped forward and reprimanded:

"What are they? If you want to open the coffin, you can only look at it, but don't touch it. Don't startle the ghost of the princess."

said.The brother of the princess stretched out his hand and patted the lid of the coffin, moved it slightly, and asked the general to look inside.

The general looked up.Inside the coffin were some jewelry that the princess often used, and under those jewelry was the princess herself in the costume of the princess. Although there were some ulcers on her face due to illness, she could still be clearly recognized as the princess.The General is sure of that.And this coffin looks too small and impossible to hide people.

It's all opened up.Now the general had to let him go, but he was still a little worried, so he sent people to follow him, under the banner of escorting him to the temple.The people here did not refuse.

A group of people came to the temple after whistling.Except for the people who carried the coffin, no one else was willing to approach the coffin. As the coffin was being carried by the border guards of the country, it could be seen that it was still dripping some dark red things until it was placed in the shed prepared by the temple. .

As soon as the coffin was put down, an imperial decree came.It is said that the princess died of a serious illness, and only her clothes are allowed to be buried in the royal ancestral grave, and the corpse is not allowed to enter the royal ancestral grave!

This decree made the brother of the princess's natal family who came to the funeral angry, and he raised his knife and slashed at the person who came to deliver the decree.The person who delivered the decree was a civil servant, and he ran away in fright.The soldiers, including those sent by the general at the gate of the city, followed suit.

The monks in the temple still came out, they chanted scriptures around the coffin from a distance, and had to finish some ceremonies, and then sent an old monk hastily to deliver some food at night.Then the gate of the temple was closed.No one came out again.

thereafter.The two or three people carrying the coffin looked around as if they were looking for a convenient place.Make sure it's safe.Then came back and notified these people.Then open the coffin.First, help the princess up.Then remove a plank.Under the wooden board, Lord Duling was still asleep.Woke him up.He smiled wryly:
"It's uncomfortable in this coffin. It's too small. Make mine bigger later."

The princess who came out first frowned and said:
"My lord, what are you talking about?"

That's right, the prince just realized that what he said was not very auspicious.He just touched his nose resentfully.The princess turned her head to look at the capital, and said in a somewhat desolate manner:

"No more, now there is nothing!"

The prince also sighed, but said nothing.Ren Fei came over and said:

"My lord, light the fire. Let's go first."

The prince nodded, supported the princess, and under the light of a little moonlight, walked around the mountain road to the back mountain, and down the back mountain, there was a small river with a boat beside the river.There are already people waiting there.

After helping the prince and concubine onto the boat, Ren Fei boarded the boat to send the two away, and another Ren Fei person who came along the way went back, and then in the middle of the night.A fire ignited in the shed outside the temple, and then a fire ignited in the study room in the palace in the capital.When the firefighters came to put out the fire, they only found a corpse of a man who looked about the same size as the prince and had a seal of the prince on the burned couch.

And in the shed outside the temple, there were people kneeling around carrying sedan chairs, including the younger brother of the princess who came to the funeral.They watched the coffin in the shed burn to ashes. A monk came to put out the fire, but they were blocked:
"There's no need to save it. That's good, just let my sister go away like this. Turn into a handful of ashes. There will never be this disease left to harm anyone again."

The abbot of the temple waited for several masters to come out, so they sat down on the ground and recited the mantra of passing away.I hope that in the next life, there will be no such terrible diseases!

The prince and princess of Xilin Kingdom are all dead.The family members of the Wangfu were taken by the steward to another courtyard outside the city, saying that these people would retire here.It is equivalent to imprisoning himself in a disguised form, and it is not easy to kill the prince. Although he has some doubts about the death of the prince, no one dares to check directly if he said that they had these diseases.The prince's people checked for a few days and found nothing unusual.

Ren Fei passed through the river and rescued the prince and princess.Go straight down the river and send it to a small town in Wuli Country.They were changed into civilian clothes.Bought a small yard in this small town.Then two people were left here to take care of them, and they came back to find Fu Jinghao.

Ren Fei didn't know the situation here, and he had lost contact with this side for a long time, and he didn't know that the two sides were now facing each other until he arrived at the border crossing.

After finding Fu Jinghao and seeing that Prince Rui was there, he happily told him everything.Xue Jian only sighed:

"I don't understand what kind of power these people are fighting for. Is it so important? The important thing is that the family members are alive and healthy, that's what matters!"

Regarding Ren Fei's return, Fu Jinghao thought of a way. Everyone just confronted each other here, and never thought of taking other paths.Look, there are other ways to go.

Think about what Prince Ula wants to be so active?I still don't want to be in the top position.This Eastern Dynasty produced a Supreme Emperor.There is also an overlord in Wuli country.They are all handed over to the young and promising generation, so he must be in a hurry.

However, the emperor of Ula seems not too old.The reason why this prince was not promoted in advance is probably because the emperor is still strong.Do you want to go to the emperor's harem to make trouble?

Fu Jinghao was the same, so he discussed it with Xue Jian.

Snow said:
"Since ancient times, enemies are easy to solve and difficult to tie. Now as long as you are good, I will let them go. But it is time to remind the emperor of Ula. What his son does will bring them back What a disaster!"

"Let's get someone to negotiate. I think it's better to leave it to senior brother and uncle to negotiate. We'll stay here. That's right. The second senior brother hasn't heard from them yet."

Fu Jinghao edited two books at the moment.Passed back to the capital, one to the emperor and one to Lian Quchen.Talk about the current situation at the border and how they look.

Now, apart from being prepared, they can only wait for Duan Fei and Qiu Zhan to send news from Wuli Country. They don't know what old man Mo is doing, why there is no news.

(End of this chapter)

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