Chapter 814
Chapter 810

It took another two days before news of old man Mo came back.It was from Duan Fei's people that the situation in Wuli Country is in chaos again.It was because of the appearance of old man Mo.

The newly appointed emperor single-handedly eliminated the former prince's henchmen with an iron fist.He also cherishes his reputation, and he doesn't want to leave a name for others to say that he stepped on his brother's bones for the sake of superiority.Therefore, he did not kill the prince.But you can't let the prince have his henchmen!
In order to clear the supporters of these princes.He found some reasons to say that these people did not support the New Deal, and first demoted them.Then catch the wrong one, and make a mistake for you if you are right. In this way, all the officials in Wuli's country will be wise and safe for a while.The entire officialdom is jittery, and everyone is in danger!

Especially the Nangong family. After Nangong Lizhu, no one from the Nangong family entered the officialdom, except that the first emperor appointed the eldest daughter of the Nangong family to be the queen.Nangong's family eats Nangong Lizhu's old food.All the officials sold Nangong Lizhu's face.Although there is a queen.But under the management of Nangong's parents.No one in the Nangong family is willing to enter the officialdom again, except for this Nangong Yan.

Nangong Yan was a child taught by Nangong Lizhu since childhood.After learning the skills of leading an army, I just want to show it off.So, this time the prince gave him a chance.He also led the soldiers out.Just want to show off.But he didn't want this battle to fail because of his aunt.

If it doesn't work, forget it.Anyway, the prince also agreed, but he and the prince did not expect to leave the capital.But the backyard of the capital was on fire, and the fire was a bit big, not to mention burning the princes, and directly burning out a new emperor!

Nangong Yan was very angry, but he also knew that being angry now would not solve the problem.When my aunt gave up the title of general, the emperor had a plan to disband the people brought out by the Nangong family.Now, Nangong Yan came out on behalf of the Nangong family again, and received more respect, but there were very few people who were close friends of life and death, especially now that the prince is not the prince anymore.After Nangong Lizhu was declared dead, everything changed!

But in the capital city, Patriarch Nangong ignored what the emperor did.It seems that it doesn't matter if the superior is not his grandson.He only has one thing to do now, which is to arrange Nangong Lizhu's funeral well.

Because the emperor changed his seat, those with eyesight didn't even come to see the funeral.Only a few old time friends asked people like the housekeeper to send a funeral ceremony.The majestic female general of the Nangong family quietly handled the funeral. On this day, the head of the Nangong family had already thought of it. Back then, my sister didn't even want the position of marquis, she just wanted to live quietly as a family.If it weren't for a queen.The Nangong family is a commoner family, and it was only because of the queen that they posthumously granted the Nangong family a Marquis.

However, as a Marquis.It's a bit too desolate that no one came for a funeral, but the day before the funeral, a group of people from the palace came.

"The imperial decree of the Supreme Emperor is passed on. I know of the passing of General Nangong, and I am deeply saddened. The Empress Dowager Donggong is authorized to go back to her natal family for the funeral."

This decree was passed on, and the Nangong family was slapped in the face. The original queen, following the new emperor's accession to the throne, should have been the queen mother, and now the new emperor wants to support his biological mother.So the queen mothers of the east and west palaces were separated.How do the queen mothers of the two palaces get along?

Now, the Empress Dowager Donggong is allowed to leave the palace to attend the funeral, but the meaning is there, Empress Dowager Donggong, you can go.Your son is no longer a prince.You can go to the old age with your son.

Patriarch Nangong was very angry this time.This autumn family has gone too far!The Nangong family made great contributions to the Qiu family's throne. Later, a talented general Nangong Lizhu appeared and laid down more than half of the territory of the Wuli Dynasty.But now he treats the descendants of the Nangong family like this!

Back then, my sister repeatedly said to be patient and to be patient.It would have been nice if it hadn't been allowed back then!Don't they go too far, thinking that the Nangong family, as a founding father's family, would not have two waters?When Nangong Hou received this decree, he also clenched his fists again and again, so he had to bear it for a while.The son has not sent back the news of the next step.But now that the empress is returning to her natal home, the family still has to welcome her according to the regulations.

These days when the funeral is over, the palace does not allow the Empress Dowager to go back to the residence to pay tribute to the funeral, but the funeral is about to go out, and the Empress Dowager is asked to pay tribute to the funeral. This is obviously a missed time for the funeral, because you have to follow the etiquette to welcome the Empress Dowager.And this queen mother is from her own family.You can't let the dead go to the funeral first and then welcome the queen mother back to the house just because you belong to your own family.People are here for funerals!This is the problem that the royal family has set for itself!

Lord Hou of Nangong accepted the order.In the presence of the eunuch who delivered the decree, he gave orders.Let the family members prepare to welcome the Queen Mother first.Let the mage give Nangong Lizhu a new burial period!

After a while, a servant came to report, saying that the master said that the hour of tomorrow will pass, and another funeral will be next month.I'm afraid the corpse won't be able to be left for that long next month.But if you bury it casually, it is not good for future generations!
A ruthless look flashed in Nangong Laohou's eyes, and he replied calmly:
"Don't worry, if there is no good funeral date, then wait until the day after the Queen Mother leaves the mansion!"

The father-in-law also breathed a sigh of relief, the news he wanted to wait for has arrived.Putting down the tea bowl, he took his leave and went back to the palace.

It was a long time later that Xue Jian learned about it from Nangong Lizhu.It turned out that the Nangong family had a female general, and it was rumored that it was because their ancestors' feng shui was well buried.But no one ever knew where their ancestors were buried, only the head of the family knew.

Later I heard that after Nangong Lizhu captured several cities, someone told her in a dream where she would be buried after death.Only then can the blessing shade be transferred to the descendants of the Nangong family, but this cannot be said.It can only be said that it is necessary to calculate a good funeral date according to the time of the Nangong family members, so that they can visit the Nangong family.

Presumably, the royal family knew about this, so they let the queen mother leave the palace to pay tribute to relatives and funerals before the final funeral.This messes up the time.He thought that in this way, the descendants of the Nangong family would not be protected by their ancestors.

The next day, Nangong Houye's family wore formal attire.Open the front door wide, waiting to welcome the queen mother back to the mansion!The queen mother arrived at the door of Nangong's house on time according to the notification time.Get off the car and drive.When Nangong Hou and his wife saw their daughter, they were about to shed tears, but under the harmony of everyone, they didn't dare to make any gestures, they could only dare to lower their heads tightly so that no one could see their own weakness. Distressed color.

The current empress dowager once overwhelmed everyone in Kyoto.Because of this accident, she became skinny and skinny!His pale face looked sick at first glance, as if he was about to fall when the wind blows!Whose child is distressed!Nangong Houye and his wife have been grieving recently, seeing their daughter's appearance.Madam Nangong almost stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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