Chapter 815

Chapter 810 The Sixth Castle Is Still Here
On the contrary, the Empress Dowager looked calm and entered Nangong's house with the support of the palace servants.This is the second time she has returned to her natal home after she got married.The first time was Nangong Houye's [-]th birthday, and it happened to be two months before the queen gave birth to the prince. The emperor was so happy that he personally accompanied the queen to celebrate Nangong Houye's birthday.

To be honest, after returning to the mansion that time, the empress dowager thought that she would never be able to return to her mother's house for the rest of her life.Everyone knows that once you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea.Many people lost their news as soon as they left.

The empress dowager entered the mansion.Accompanied by Lord Nangong Hou, he first went to burn incense to the late Nangong Lizhu, and even bowed profusely, which can be regarded as the highest gift given by the Queen Mother.Nangong Lizhu can also afford it.

After finishing the incense, go back to the lobby and sit down.Then the members of the Nangong family came to visit the Queen Mother one by one, starting with Lord Nangong.The queen mother looked at the white-haired father and mother who had to kneel down and nibble on her head, her lips trembling, she still didn't say anything, she just signaled the people around her to help her father and mother up quickly.

When the Queen Mother returned to the mansion, she stayed for a few hours, and during these few hours, Mrs. Nangong's tears never stopped.Crying too much these days.These eyes can't see clearly.When the queen mother was sent away, the queen mother came and helped her mother out of the house together.Mrs. Nangong reached out and touched her daughter's face.What I want to say, what I want to say, is in that deep look.

Nangong Hou Ye stepped forward and gently pulled the Queen Mother's hand away, and quietly, a small note fell into the Queen Mother's palm.The queen mother pinched lightly in understanding.Then I got in the car and went back to the palace.

While driving, the Empress Dowager let the others relax by pretending to be asleep.Then when I turned over, I looked at it lightly, and then put the note in my mouth.When I came out by myself, I came out under the supervision of others.Although I also know the intention of the Supreme Emperor, it is true that the emperor's order cannot be violated!I am already a prisoner of others.It's better to obey.You must live so as not to make your parents sad, and you must let your son come back and take a look.

However, seeing the news on this note, the queen mother really felt at ease.There are only a few words on the note:
"The green hills are still there!"

The Queen Mother left.Only then did Lord Nangong put the funeral on the agenda again, and everyone made preparations again, that night.An unexpected guest came to Nangong's house.

It was old man Mo who came.When he came, Lord Nangong Hou was sitting alone in the study in a daze.After practicing martial arts for many years, he still felt something was wrong in the study.Turning around, I found a person sitting on the chair on the other side.

Master Nangong was startled, he stood up immediately and wanted to call someone.Old man Mo waved his hand lightly and said:
"What's the name? How long has it been since you called someone? If I wanted to take your life, your head would have fallen to the ground long ago. There is still time for you to call?"

Old Hou Ye Nangong saw that old man Mo was sitting still and stable, but he seemed to be making a fuss.Nangong Laohou clasped his fists and said:

"Dare to ask your Excellency?"

"Me? My surname is Mo, just to tell you. Lizhu and the child are safe. They are here with me. Thank you for protecting them all these years! Tell me, what do you want me to do now? Don't worry, when you come on the road, I have seen that kid, the prince is fine and safe."

Master Nangong Hou listened to some words first, and was stunned.Then ecstatically said:

"You are."

Old Man Mo said lightly:

"Don't worry about who I am, just tell me what you want to do. Let me see if I can do it?"

Nangong Laohou walked back and forth excitedly and said:
"Good, just right. Really good!"

After walking back and forth a few times before stopping, he also bowed to old man Mo and said:

"My sister hasn't told us about your existence all these years. We only found out about Yan'er's expedition this time. Of course, in this family, only Yan'er and I know about it."

Old Man Mo sighed softly and said:
"It's my fault too! I've missed a lot over the years!"

Thinking of the nephew who was poisoned to death, Old Hou Ye also sighed:

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay to leave a child behind!"

Old man Mo smiled lightly and said:

"Your Nangong family kicked a big rock this time. This one must have fallen. Don't worry, I will go to the palace tonight. It should get better!"

Old Hou Ye sighed and said:
"The current new king is not tolerant at all! Many people have suffered from him. But he has gained power, so naturally he should get rid of some differences! It's just that this appearance is too ugly. Obviously this is going to be a funeral. The queen mother was specially asked to come back, this is to make us miss the funeral at the right time. Fortunately, my sister is fine!"

Old man Mo nodded and said:

"Don't worry, you will have a normal funeral tomorrow. You have made all kinds of preparations. This is the last time. Don't worry about other things for now. I'll go to the palace for a while."

Old Hou Ye frowned and said:

"God of War, you have to be careful, there are still a few people in the palace who can do it."

Old man Mo nodded, jumped out of the window lightly, and disappeared.However, the old Hou Ye found out that he hadn't asked how the prince and son were doing now, and how the situation over there was.In a flash, the person disappeared.

When old man Mo came to the palace, to him, the tight protection was just a decoration.This old Qiu's family is dishonest.How much Lizhu suffered for them back then, and they treated Lizhu like this, first of all, they themselves would not be able to pass this test.So, old man Mo's first move was to avenge Lizhu!certainly.He still tried not to kill.

But the royals have always believed in some things.Bihe, the royal ancestral hall!This is a great place.Old man Mo came to take a look, yo, there are still people guarding it.But what's the use?

Old man Mo came gently to the back roof.Two tiles were opened.Then he dived in.It is found that there are quite a few tablets for offering here.From the high place, there are four rows in total, and there are several portraits hanging on the wall next to it, which seems to be the portraits of those who founded the country in their family.

Old man Mo read silently:

"Your descendants don't live up to expectations, but you can't blame me!"

Then, old man Mo gave a little luck and swept his sleeves.Those spirit tablets were all buckled upside down one by one.Row after row, so neat, the people outside guarding the door heard voices from inside.Surprised, he stretched his head to look inside.The candles were still brightly lit inside.But those tablets are all upside down!

The janitor stayed!This is how to do?Those who can enter the tablet at this time.But they are not ordinary people. Now these tablets are down, don’t you mean?
Do not!can not say!But this matter must be reported!

The person at the gate greeted hurriedly:
"Come on. Come on!"

A guard came over and asked,

"In the middle of the night, what's your name? What the hell?"

The janitor's face was panicked, and his face turned pale. He was afraid that his life might be lost.Because I saw these things with my own eyes, I was afraid that I would be silenced!
The gatekeeper tremblingly pointed towards the door.The guard looked forward carelessly.Also stayed, that!That is how the matter?

"There are assassins! There are assassins!"

Obviously, this guard is smarter than the janitor!If you make a fuss, your life will be saved!
(End of this chapter)

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