Chapter 816
Chapter 810

When the sound of "there is an assassin" sounded, old man Mo was on the tree where the guard came out from.Then he looked at the people rushing from all over the palace, including guards flying from the sky.There are eunuchs running from the ground!Everyone flocked to this place.But no one dared to enter the ancestral hall.

The gatekeeper reported to the guards, and the guards recruited colleagues.Then there are eunuchs to report to the higher-level people, and after a while.Everyone in the palace knows.An assassin appeared over the ancestral hall.

The Supreme Emperor was also awakened from his sleep.I had a bad dream tonight.Dreamed that the dead Nangong Lizhu was chasing him with a sword.Why did he change the crown prince, and asked him why he blocked her burial!
When I was struggling, I heard someone report that something happened in the ancestral hall!

The Supreme Emperor thought of the dream he had just had.I have a bad feeling in my heart.He hurriedly got up and rushed to the ancestral hall to see what was going on.

He was one step ahead.The emperor is one step behind.It's just that when he arrived first, he saw all the spiritual seats lying on the shelf, and he softened all of a sudden.The emperor took a step back, seeing this situation, immediately darkened, stretched out his hand and waved to the back, asking the people behind to surround the place, so that no one would spread the matter anymore.

And the gatekeeper and the guard also knew that their lives were in danger.Just knelt by the door of the ancestral hall and licked his head.The Supreme Emperor was supported by his two entourage father-in-law, and asked in a trembling voice:

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"Back to the Supreme Emperor, back to the Emperor, I don't know what's going on!"

"The servant was on duty just now, when he suddenly heard the sound of beeping inside, the servant leaned over the crack of the door and saw that they all fell down, row by row. From the next row to the upper row It fell down! The slave deserves to die! The slave deserves to die! I beg the Supreme Emperor to spare me!"

The gatekeeper's voice changed at the end.Knowing this is really a big deal.This is the spirit of the ancestors!And this spirit, I'm afraid it doesn't look very good.Generally, this kind of thing happens because the descendants of later generations have done some outrageous things, but this ancestor is not other ancestors!

When the people next to him heard what was going on, they all turned their heads away, wanting to dig a hole in the ground and pretend that they were not here.

With a dark face, the emperor raised his head to look at the spirit plaque that had fallen all over it.A pair of candles are lit in front of each spirit card, if it is said that the wind blows the spirit card down.But none of the candles were extinguished. If it was man-made, the palace official just said that he saw the signboards falling down row by row.

The Supreme Emperor's legs are weak, and the things he has done recently are all against the laws of his ancestors.I gave the throne to this son who is not the prince.Just because I doted on that woman, I left the queen indifferent. The most important thing was to prevent the Nangong family from producing another general, so I missed the funeral time of the Nangong general.This is the anger of the sky.So the ancestors can't see it anymore?
Regardless of whether it is the emperor or the Taishanghuang, what they have done recently can be regarded as a sinful thing.Naturally, they were very concerned about this ancestor's apparition.But the emperor is not willing to spread such a scandal.Two guards were recruited and said:
"You go in and look at the year. I think it's a man-made thing. Go in and check if there is anyone in it. Ask the eunuchs and guards in the palace to look it up for me. I think it's someone who sneaked into the palace."

The Supreme Emperor also understood.This matter has to be handled as if there is an assassin, otherwise, I'm afraid it will cause some unnecessary troubles.

Although I am a little afraid of the ancestor's apparition, but the big thing must be steady!
The two guards went into the ancestral hall to check, but there was no one there, so they came out and said:
"There's no one in there. I don't see any signs of anyone moving anything."

Make sure no one is inside.The emperor stepped in.Then I looked around myself, and there was indeed no one, and all the windows were closed backwards from the inside.All closed.Although there are servants who clean and burn incense every day, some incense ash in front of these spirit tablets can still prove that no one has touched them.

The more the investigation, the more the emperor's face turned black, and he was even more annoyed, and the Supreme Emperor also came in.The father and son looked at each other, and they both understood that the ancestors were really unhappy about this matter.

The two waved the guards back, the Supreme Emperor lit the three sticks of incense, and brought the Emperor to kneel in front of the ancestor and said:
"All the ancestors, all the ancestors! I don't know why the unfilial son has offended all the ancestors, and I ask the ancestors to express it!"

Insert the incense, and kowtow nine more heads.Get up slowly.One by one sign to help up.But I don't know if he didn't support it properly or what.He helped one up, and when he went to help the other, the first fell down again.After helping several times in a row, the Supreme Emperor's hands trembled.With a plop, he knelt down and cried loudly:

"Ancestors, ancestors, sons who are not filial, go and repent immediately!"


The emperor thought that his father was going to deprive him of his throne.He looked at these tablets angrily, and then at his agitated father!

"Someone! Somebody!"

The Supreme Emperor stood up and shouted towards the door.

A chief eunuch stood up and responded.

"Pass down my decree, posthumously confer the posthumous title of Grand Marshal of Nangong Lizhu Super First Grade. Command the army of the Yin Division, and build a temple to offer incense!"


The father-in-law hurriedly wrote it down.Go back and draw up the purpose.

"Go and deliver the decree!"

The Supreme Emperor is a little excited!
The father-in-law was stunned for a moment, the delivery of the decree in the middle of the night was naturally not very good.Didn't this take the initiative to say that the royal family was wrong, and spread this decree in the middle of the night!

But the Supreme Emperor didn't want to wait another half a minute, and shouted:
"Go and deliver the decree!"

The father-in-law hurriedly said:


Immediately beckon the two little eunuchs to follow him back to the study, and write out the decree first.Go show it to the Supreme Emperor.Then I went to the emperor to stamp it before passing it on.This still has to be a bit of a program.

Go through these steps.The time has come to Yinshi, and this is the only one who delivers the decree at Yinshi!

So, when the father-in-law came to Nangong's house and said that he wanted to announce the decree.But Master Nangong Hou was terrified.The first reaction was that old man Mo went into the palace to cause trouble, fearing that it would bring trouble to the Nangong family.I'm afraid something is wrong with the Nangong family!

After carefully questioning the doorman who delivered the message, it was only a father-in-law and two guards who came to deliver the decree.nobody else.Master Nangong Hou was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly sent someone to pass on the message, calling all the sleeping people of Nangong's family to get up and accept the order.

When you receive this posthumous decree.Master Nangong Hou was stunned.Which song is this sung?Handed a red envelope to the father-in-law, and asked softly:
"Eunuch, it's midnight, why do you come out to deliver the decree at this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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