farmer's daughter

Chapter 818 The Smashed Spirit Card

Chapter 818 The Smashed Spirit Card

Chapter 810 The Smashed Spirit Card
The Supreme Emperor sat in the imperial study and cleared up some scraps on the table.The prime minister and several veteran officials came.

Originally it was said that Gong Lixuan would enter the palace immediately, everyone thought something happened in the palace?They all hurried over from the sacrificial shed.

The Taishanghuang didn't know about the sacrificial sheds on the street, but he was a little surprised to see everyone rushing over so quickly:
"Why are you so fast?"

Having said that, the sharp eyes swept over, and the prime minister sighed slightly.Oh, forget it, let's tell the truth.

"Go back to the emperor, because Grandpa Nangong is going to have a funeral after dawn, I have to set up a sacrificial shed on the street to see him off."

The Supreme Emperor may not have thought of this reason, he thought he had gotten wind of an accident in the palace, so he rushed here so soon.

The Supreme Emperor sighed and said:
"It's time to send her a trip!"

After a pause, I looked at everyone and said:

"Today, something happened in the palace. The emperor went crazy. I have invited the emperor back to the palace to rest. From now on, I will take care of the government affairs. Eunuch Lu, declare the decree!"

The eunuch standing on the side announced another decree. Today, all the veterans were confused by the two sudden decrees. Now they dare not ask each other with their eyes, so they just bowed their heads and knelt down to accept the decree.Let's see what this decree says.

This imperial decree was written down by the Supreme Emperor after he arrived at the imperial study.The idea was that the emperor had a sudden illness and was in a state of madness, hurting his own hands and head.Need to be treated now.Therefore, the current dynasty still has to be ruled by the Supreme Emperor.

When everyone heard it, the news contained too many meanings. First of all, everyone found the root cause of today's sudden announcement in the middle of the night.It seems that these things are all because the emperor is ill, so the emperor did this.Does that mean that the former prince will come back to be the prince when the Nangong family rises in the future?
I thought so, but no one dared to ask!I can only kowtow to receive this imperial decree.As soon as the Supreme Emperor came to power, the first thing to check was some people who had been confiscated by the emperor recently.As a result, the emperor was furious!Several people are his confidantes.It was the person who was going to leave it to the prince, but the emperor knew about it, and ransacked the house for a reason.

He was here to sort out some things that shouldn't have happened, but old man Mo returned to Nangong's house, because the God of War many years ago was a handsome and handsome man in everyone's mind, but now he is a white-haired and white-bearded man. bad old man.No one paid attention to who the old man was.

But only after Master Nangong, who was busy preparing before the funeral, saw Old Man Mo in the crowd.His complexion tightened.Then he explained to the people around him, and went to the study at the back by himself.

Old man Mo saw him go to the study.He also turned around and walked to a small road with no people.Jumping into the room, he went to the study after a few ups and downs.

After entering the study, Lord Nangong respectfully invited Old Man Mo to sit down and said:
"Before dawn, the Nangong family received a total of two imperial edicts. May I ask if it is related to your Excellency?"

Old Man Mo snorted and said:

"Your Taishanghuang is just a fool. I didn't do anything, but I knocked down the ancestral tablet in their family's ancestral hall. Then they said that the ancestors had appeared. Think carefully, what I did wrong, first The first thing is that the first imperial decree came to the Nangong family. I was not happy when I heard that decree, what kind of Yin general."

"I knocked down his spirit seat again, and then he came with a second decree. I thought it's okay now. Let's forget it. But I didn't expect the old emperor and the little emperor to kill each other. This is not , I helped the old emperor lightly, no, the little emperor was imprisoned. In the future, I may still bring the prince back."

Hearing what old man Mo said, Master Nangong was so shocked that his legs went limp.Then what did you do?Moved the tablet of the ancestors of others!Not an ordinary ancestor!
But old man Mo seemed to be a normal person.I really don't know whether I should thank you or not!

Old Mo said:

"Go and do your work, don't worry about me, I will stay for a few more days to see if I can deal with the prince's affairs. Originally, I didn't want to care about it, because your grandson even made his mind on my disciple I went to my body. That little disciple of mine is my sweetheart, and I have already engaged her in marriage, so I told your grandson not to think about it! If it wasn’t for your sister’s sake, I wouldn’t care about these things!”

Nangonghou didn't know how to answer this, so he could only salute and then turned around and left.Instead, he left old man Mo in the study with peace of mind. Old man Mo looked at the study, twitched the corner of his mouth, found the screen in the study, fell down and fell asleep.

Nangong Hou came out and arranged for the funeral, and he heard people report back. The sacrificial shed outside had been set up far outside the city, so it would take a long time for the coffin to wake up and fall down today.

Nangong Hou helped the spirit himself, took two concubine sons and nephews from several families, followed the sound, and then started on the road.

The first stop when I walked out of the door was the sacrificial shed of Prince Fu's house.Nangong Hou naturally wanted to lead his sons and grandchildren to knock on the sacrificial tent of Prince Xie Fu's house, and Prince Fu stood there in person.After everyone thanked each other according to the etiquette, they went to the next family.

Before he went far, he knelt down and thanked him several times.Master Nangong Hou couldn't stand it anymore, he was still not young after all.Just let the kids go up there.This send-off, from dawn to dusk, arrived at the place where the spirit fell.All the procedures are done.Master Nangong Hou couldn't even stand still, so the family members carried the sedan chair and carried Master Nangong Hou back home.It was dark at home.

On this day, Master Nangong was tired, and the Supreme Emperor in the palace was even more tired!The Wuli Dynasty did not open the main hall today.It was because the Supreme Emperor announced that the imperial court would be suspended for three days, and it was because he wanted to commemorate the passing of General Nangong!In order to express my gratitude to the general.This is the first time since Jian Dynasty that the royal family has bestowed such a great favor!
People in the capital don't understand which song the royal family is singing.In fact, it was just that the Supreme Emperor had to discuss whether to take the crown prince back to court in order to reorganize some recent events.There is really no way.So just drag some time to do things!

After receiving such a great gift from the royal family, Nangong Hou had to take his wife into the palace to thank him early the next morning.But when he went to the gate of the palace, he welcomed Nangong Hou to the Imperial Study Room to meet the Supreme Emperor, and led Mrs. Nangong to the Empress Dowager of the East Palace.Sihao didn't intend to meet the Empress Dowager Nishinomiya.But Xi Gong didn't care about this now, but cared about Qiu Nanxing who was lying on the bed staring at the sky and talking nonsense. Obviously, Qiu Nanxing was scared out of his wits by the matter of that spirit card!
(End of this chapter)

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