Chapter 819
Chapter 820
The imperial physicians kneeling outside the emperor's bedchamber had nothing to do with the emperor's current situation, even though the Empress Dowager Xigong said she would kill them.That is also impossible.Seeing that the emperor lost his soul, an imperial doctor suggested that if he wanted to know why the emperor lost his soul, he could bring his soul back by telling him about it.But the queen mother didn't know everything, even if she didn't know everything, she knew that she couldn't say more about what happened last night.If he said more, then maybe this son of his has not lost his soul.I am afraid that what I will lose is my life!
No one knew what the Supreme Emperor and Nangong Houye were talking about. Anyway, Nangong Houye walked out of the palace with a calm face, while Mrs. Nangong cried farewell to her daughter.

The funeral of the Nangong family is over.Master Nangong Hou used the excuse that he wanted to keep the funeral behind closed doors, and did not communicate with the dignitaries in Beijing.It's just that servants come out every day to purchase the necessities at home.

This made all the people in Beijing wait anxiously.People who know a little bit of the inside story are quiet.But everyone wants to know the end result.

Finally, one day, a man ran out of the palace gate crazily, with disheveled hair, but wearing a dragon robe.Shouting along the way:

"Ancestor! Ancestor!"

Isn't this the emperor who is it?But whoever saw it would dare to step forward to block him?
Fortunately, after a while, he was pulled back by the guards sent by the Supreme Emperor.As soon as he saw it, he pulled himself into the palace.The man shouted again:
"People are going to be killed! Our ancestors are going to be killed!"

With a play like the Emperor's, Beijing is full of excitement. Although I know that it can't be spread casually, it's okay to spread it not so casually. Everyone just whispers you in my ear, and I lean in front of you, whispering something .Or gesticulating something, many eyes are looking in the direction of the palace.

They all want to see what decision the Supreme Emperor is going to make now?

Two days have passed, and it's time for morning morning today.Early in the morning, all the ministers waited at the gate of the palace.Uncharacteristically, no one said a word.There were a hundred and ten people standing, and even the sound of breathing was not heavy.Everyone is waiting with bated breath.

Wait until you can enter the palace.Everyone just filed in.Apart from the sound of clothes and footsteps, there were only the muffled coughs of the two old ministers.It seemed that it was unbearable, so he closed his mouth and coughed gently.This is afraid of breaking the silence!
When we arrived at the main hall, the old Supreme Emperor had already been sitting there, and it seemed that he was waiting for these courtiers.Everyone hurried forward and knelt down and shouted:
"Long live the emperor, long live!"

The Supreme Emperor didn't speak, just waved his hand and asked the eunuch to read two imperial edicts, this time it was determined whether the crown prince or the crown prince should come first.Nothing has changed.The emperor who has been in the dynasty for more than ten days should have never happened!

Of course, it cannot be completely dismissed.Because the second edict of the Supreme Emperor is to announce.Several people who were declared to have stolen their homes returned all the stolen things to others, all of these people.The capital officer was restored to his post!

Everything in the court returned to a month ago.All the soldiers who have been sent out are called back.Just protect your own territory, and stop thinking about eating the Eastern Dynasty.On the contrary, he also accepted a suggestion to send someone to the Eastern Dynasty to discuss whether to allow the Eastern Dynasty to reopen the salt road, so as to ensure that the people of this country have salt to eat.Because since the war, there has been no salt in many places.In some places, common people are making troubles.If you don't stabilize this matter, then there is really nothing you can do.

The Taishanghuang and the others discussed it, and decided to welcome the prince back first.We also need to sort out some of the problems left by Qiu Nanxing.

Old man Mo didn't think of a game action of his own, and wanted to punish these people, so he went to knock down the tablet of their ancestors, and resolved a war!Now that they're all here, let's wait another two days.Anyway, these days, I had a good time eating and having fun at Nangong's house.

Because Nangong asked people to make new delicious food for old man Mo every day.That's why he really couldn't think of the East.

So, when Duan Fei and the others came to the capital of Wuli Country and found old man Mo.Old man Mo had just accepted the gift from Nangong Yan who had just escorted the prince back to Beijing, when he saw Duan Fei standing on the wall.

Old man Mo thought of it all at once.I have been here for so long, and I completely forgot to send a letter to Xuejian and the others.It seems that they all know what they do.But I saw Duan Fei.I knew things were bad, but I didn't believe it.Xue'er must have had an accident for herself, so she found Duan Fei.

Old man Mo hurriedly turned his head and said to Nangong Yan:
"Tell your old man that I'm gone. See you tomorrow."

After a few ups and downs, the person disappeared, flew directly out of the fence, and followed Duan Fei to a small courtyard.When he entered, Duan Fei turned his head and looked at him coldly.

Old man Mo scratched his head and said:
"I didn't do anything. I just forgot to send Cher a letter."

As soon as he looked down and saw the feet, he suddenly remembered, stared at the past and said:

"Stinky boy, what face do you show me? Are you the master or am I the master?"

As he said he was about to hit Duan Fei, Duan Fei rolled his eyelids, snorted, and said without moving away:
"Do you still remember that you are the master? Don't you want to think about how worried we are? In order to find you, Xue'er brought me and the third junior brother. Do you know that the senior brother was also injured. Jing Hao was also injured. Xue'er is now You don’t have any internal strength at all. When you were about to be protected, you came here just for fun! I’ll have to talk to Xue’er later.”

"Hey, hey, that's not the case! I also came here to help solve the matter. Didn't you see that I have solved all the affairs of the family dynasty? Their soldiers have all withdrawn. This time they can't fight Now, Xueer and Jing Hao will be fine now?"

Qiu Yuan also snorted and said:

"Master, you speak as if you have made great contributions. Do you know that they retreated because Xue Jian made a new weapon that blew them up. That's why they withdrew. Then There are [-] Ula soldiers squatting there!"

"Let's go, I've just dealt with the matter here. Then you're here, let's go back together."

Old Mo, who didn't want to listen to the two disciples' nagging, began to urge him.It seemed that he was still in a hurry, as if these two disciples pulled back.It's really speechless!

Although God of War became famous in one battle back then.But old man Mo actually didn't want to fight.Like Xueer, he hopes that everyone can live in peace.Why do we have to fight for those sites.It is not bad for every dynasty to manage their own land well!

 To all my readers and friends.I have just opened a new book "Businesswoman in charge of a business without worrying about marrying" and I have officially signed a contract. It will be on the shelves in February. If you want to wait for this pit to grow fat, please help me to collect it first.Once it’s collected, it’s time to watch it when it’s fattened up!By the way, I ask for a recommendation ticket!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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