farmer's daughter

Chapter 820 One Dead, One Crazy

Chapter 820 One is dead, the other is crazy

Chapter 820 One is dead, the other is crazy

Anyway, the affairs here are almost handled, it just depends on how the one in the palace handles things.If one is not good, come back and let his family's ancestor's spirit card fall again?
Old man Mo really left the capital of Wuli country this time, and the two disciples also brought people back behind him, but when they passed the border, they found out that under the guidance of the memory-crazed emperor, Ling's team stationed in Xilin also began to pack up and go back to the capital.That is to say, it was withdrawn.

I don't know what happened to the Wula country!

It is said that the soldiers of the Ula Kingdom have become ugly now, retreat, they have issued a military order when they came out in the imperial dynasty.Let's go in, I'm afraid that my little person is not enough to bring some black lumps like other people's.

Prince Wula looked at the news in his hands angrily. He heard that Qiu Nanxing had gone crazy, and now the old emperor was in charge of Wuli Country again.Then how can I continue singing this play?
When Prince Ula was angry.Another person came to report that the person who went to Dongfang Dynasty to contact them could not be contacted now, and it seemed that something was wrong.Because the Lianhou family over there are all in jail!

The bad news comes out one after another.Prince Ula was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood, wishing to go crazy because he was not that Qiu Nanxing!

What is the fight?What you fight for is morale, what you fight for is food and grass!And here, I have no morale at all.The supply of food and grass has also begun to run out.It's starting to get cold again.If I go back at this time, I'm afraid I won't be able to pass this year!

Prince Wula was so angry that he fell ill, so he had no choice but to let someone send the real news to the current uncle's family to see if he could help him!

But he didn't know that in the Ula Kingdom, the little daughter-in-law he married brought him a catastrophe!

Miss Lian has always maintained that she is superior to others.She is a daughter of the Marquis Mansion, even if the elder brother Quchen is valued by the emperor, and he is named Marquis by himself, in her opinion, he is a concubine!He is not at the same level as his noble self.

Therefore, she was still a little dissatisfied with the fact that she had no choice but to marry Prince Ula, but at any rate, this prince was the most likely person to be the prince, and she was the princess.if that's the case.She is only one step away from being the highest-ranking woman in the Ula Kingdom.This suits my identity.So reluctantly accepted Prince Ula.

After three months of marriage, it was found out that she was pregnant. This was the foundation for her to gain a foothold.Therefore, in this palace, Miss Lian, who has not yet become a crown princess, uses her status and requirements as a crown princess to ask others to respect her!
These, of course, will cause some people to be dissatisfied.

The first family is the natal family of the empress who raised Prince Da Ula.This family also wanted to send a girl to Prince Wula's side, so that she would become the real princess in the future.But the prince said that he should take advantage of the opportunity of going to the Eastern Kingdom to get married and get some support from the Eastern Kingdom, so that it will be beneficial for him to ascend to the throne.

Everyone thinks about it and recognizes it.Because even if married back.As long as you get help, after a woman dies, there are naturally thousands of ways in the harem.So it is necessary to bear with it first.

With this plan.Prince Ula got support only when he got married in the Eastern Dynasty.But I didn't expect that such a woman would be married back, and I would not give any help to Prince Wula if I put the music on it first.If it wasn't for the sake of her being pregnant, the empress of the harem would have already made a move, and she would have died without knowing why.But after raising that emperor's son, she still has a little affection for him.So, to his first child.Still spared a hand.

But Miss Lian didn't thank her for her hand. On the contrary, Miss Lian became even more serious, and even said in public that this lady in the palace was not the prince's biological mother after all.She also said that the empress wanted to dominate the prince for her natal family, and she said this in public.

She really didn't understand the expressions of others laughing at her.And he said it proudly!
But her words offended the entire empress and her family.You can say that even if you are not in power now, if you gain power in the future, won't you be shitting on your head?

So, the empress made a move.Even the girl has been a little unwell recently and always feels dizzy, so she hasn't shown up in any public places.But the empress's natal family passed the message to the empress.The natal family expressed that they no longer supported the adopted son of the empress.Remain neutral, because it seems that that is not a thing that can be lifted up!
In addition, the news of the border closure is spreading, and everyone knows it well.this time.Prince Ula is hopeless.When he comes back, the emperor will definitely pull him down from the throne, even if he is not executed, he will only be imprisoned!
Even the princess at home fainted, and never woke up again.Even the baby in the belly followed.And Prince Wula at the border also vomited blood and passed out, but the cronies tried their best to rescue him.With the head coach like this, and not getting any new instructions from the palace, the two lieutenants discussed it, and it would be better if they took the initiative to return to the imperial court, otherwise they would be killed by this prince for the rest of their lives!
So, while the prince was still in a daze, the Ula army also withdrew.And brought back a dying prince.Before arriving in the capital, news came that Princess Lian and her child had died.The comatose prince heard that his son was gone, and that could be regarded as a code to save his life.Now there is nothing left.Back in Beijing, father will definitely not spare himself.

Under the shock, he vomited another big mouthful of blood, and he was dead!

So, of the two people who started this war, one is dead and the other is crazy.However, the relationship between the remaining three countries has undergone subtle changes.

Wu Liguo took the initiative to come to the Eastern Dynasty to ask for the opening of the business on the salt road. This is a big deal, so it must be done naturally, after a round of negotiations.Lian Quchen and Liang Sheng looked at each other and smiled more, and the status of the Eastern Dynasty was confirmed from now on.And the original big country of Wuli will no longer stare covetously at the Eastern Dynasty.

In this battle, they also saw the power of the Eastern Dynasty!It is no longer the dynasty that they could force whatever they wanted.

However, Ula State was cut off by the Eastern Dynasty. Although Ula State has its own salt road, other aspects, especially food, have always relied on Wuli State and the Eastern Dynasty.Now that Wuliguo and Lefang Dynasty have expressed their friendship, what they can give to themselves is only a little private business. If they want to do a lot of official business, that's not enough.Neither side agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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