farmer's daughter

Chapter 821 There is a chance, you don't want it

Chapter 821 There is a chance, you don't want it
Chapter 820 The second chance is that you don't want it

so.The Ula Dynasty, which was not bad at first, is not as developed as the Hu State.Because Hu Guo has received the full support of the Eastern Dynasty!
The border issue is settled.Xue Jian and Fu Jinghao also returned to the capital with their master and two senior brothers.Leave a border to Shen Chengqiang to manage.

But before you go.Xue Jian asked people to seal up the things they made, and these things were only handed over to Shen Chengqiang for management, and he asked him to promise that without Xue Jian's consent, unless the border town was not guaranteed, he would never use these things.

On their way back to the capital, they got a piece of news.It is said that the emperor sent the imperial decree to go down, and now Shen Chengqiang is really appointed as the general of the border. The original general was injured in the war, so now he is recuperating in the capital.He also received a great reward from the emperor.This is enough for him!

After returning to the capital, everyone else went directly to the palace, only Fu Jinghao and Shen Xue saw that they had entered the palace, so they had to come back and report the situation first.

certainly.When entering the palace this time, Xue Jian brought something good, and the good thing was the trebuchet!

The emperor also no longer pursued Xue Jian's claim to go to the border town, and since she went to settle the matter in the border town, she didn't say anything.Look at the blueprint that Xue Jian brought again. I heard that this time it was this thing that made great achievements in the border town. The emperor was also very excited, so he hurriedly asked someone to make one for himself to see what it looked like.Then prepare to equip all border towns with this kind of thing.

Back at the palace at night, even Qu Chen came, and everyone sat down at a table, Xue Jian felt that this was the first time all the seniors had gathered together.Look at the master and old man Qin who are sitting on top.Xue Jian couldn't help laughing and said:

"Look, we can be regarded as converging now."

Lian Quchen looked around and said:

"That's all. Is the teacher's wife not here?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"You are so courageous that you dare to make fun of Master?"

Duan Fei also nodded and said:

"That's right, if I hadn't sent my wife to Qingyang, then we would have gathered together."

Xuejian's eyes changed, she turned to look at Fu Jinghao and said:

"What did they say?"

Because she knew that it was impossible for the first senior brother and the second senior brother to tell such jokes in front of the master at the same time, and the master had a long white beard.Why are you still married?
Fu Jinghao also looked at Xuejian in surprise.With a flash of inspiration, he said:

"They? Didn't tell you?"

"tell me what?"

Xuejian was even more confused.

"Have Master found Master Mistress?"

"Is there really a teacher?"

Xue Jian turned around and looked around in disbelief, everyone stopped moving, looked at Xue Jian, then looked at each other, then Duan Fei flew away from the seat first and said:
"You didn't tell her?"

The second one to leave was Lian Quchen, without putting down the chopsticks in his hand.He also nodded and looked at the others.Qiu Yuan yelled:
"Oops! Not good!"

He also flew away from the dining table.Seeing the seniors jumping away one by one, Xue Jian's face became redder and redder, and then turned to stare at Fu Jinghao.Fu Jinghao begged for help and looked at his senior brothers and the master sitting in the upper seat, but no one paid attention to his begging eyes.

Fu Jinghao said softly:
"Xue'er, Xue'er, this is good news. Master has a wife. It's just that I couldn't find it, but now I found it. She was sent to Qingyang. There is also a grandson!"

Xue Jian's eyes turned red, she didn't say anything, she just sat down with a snort.

The old man Qin, who was sitting in the upper seat, looked at it, and also snorted and said:

"Don't say she doesn't know, I don't know either! You are too much!"

Now old man Mo put down the chicken leg in his hand, looked at old man Qin and said:

"You are too much, don't you know? You knew it decades ago?"

"That's not what I knew decades ago. I only know that your kid gave up the throne for a woman. In the end, he didn't get the throne, and neither did the woman. That's how he spent his whole life playing games."

"If you say that again, I'm going to turn my face! What do you mean I didn't get it? Why didn't I get the son she gave me? Now I have grandchildren, how can I look like you?"

What's happening here?How did it become two old men exposing each other's background?
I saw two old men in their 80s and [-]s arguing.Lian Quchen sighed and said:

"Little Junior Sister, it's not that we didn't tell you. I thought they told you."

"Second senior brother too, I also thought they told you. Especially Fu Jinghao, isn't this with you every day? Why do we only know how to talk about love, and don't talk about the business. What do we all think of you? It's all said. That's why we didn't mention it again."

Well, this second senior brother is even more ruthless!Not only did he drag Fu Jinghao into the water, but he also stepped on him hard.

Seeing Xuejian looked over angrily.Fu Jinghao didn't care to go back to the second senior brother.Busily said:
"Xue'er, Xue'er, look. The two are about to fight. You can't let them fight!"

Sure enough, once again, Xue Jian's attention was turned to the two talents.Xue Jian raised his voice:

"Sit down, don't you want to eat! Why are you arguing, you two old men who add up to one hundred and seventy-eight, your hair and beard are all white. Why are you turning over old accounts and arguing like a woman on the street? It's noisy, it's embarrassing!"

After Xue Jian drank it like this, the two old men really didn't dare to quarrel anymore.The other three brothers also returned to the table and sat down.Looking at Xue Jian who was still standing and angry, everyone didn't know what to say.

But Xuejian didn't speak.He reached out and took the flagon next to old man Mo, in front of everyone.He took out a jade bottle from his bosom, took out three pills from it, and looked at a few people.Take another one back.

Old man Qin's heart skipped a beat when he saw it, he knew exactly what the medicine was.

Watching Xuejian shake the medicine in the wine jug, and then pour a glass for senior brother.Resentment didn't speak, just watched the senior brother take the cup with trembling hands, and begged for mercy:,

"Xue'er, don't I have a chance to talk to you?"

"Yes, I went to see when you broke your leg."


Well, yes, at that time it was possible to say.Then he had no choice but to raise his head in resignation, and drank the wine.

Then Xue Jian poured another cup for the second senior brother.The second senior brother is a person who walks in the rivers and lakes, so he naturally knows what the medicine is, and his face turned pale and he said:

"Good sister, can you spare the second senior brother for a while? Besides, I, I have to go back to the capital tomorrow. Your second senior sister-in-law is about to give birth."

"If you have a chance, you don't want it!"


The second senior brother also had a bitter face, and drank it in one gulp.

Don't talk about drinking.Xue Jian also added:
"Don't think your internal strength is great! I know it!"

It means, you don't have to use your kung fu to force it out!
(End of this chapter)

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