farmer's daughter

Chapter 826 Believe in Cher

Chapter 826 Believe in Cher
Chapter 820: Believe in Cher

The two lingered together like glue for a few days, and finally they were found by Nangong Lizhu's deputy general, and it was only then that old man Mo knew that Nangong Lizhu was the female God of War.It was a little ridiculous, when old man Mo hugged Nangong Lizhu and said that he was the male war god they called.Nangong Lizhu said calmly:

"I know. That day, I knew."

Needless to say, the two withdrew their troops respectively.One will never join the royal family after returning home, and will not be the God of War.One will never lead troops after returning home, and asks to resign as a general.He also confines himself.

But in just a few days, Nangong Lizhu secretly conceived and gave birth to a son after returning home.But because Nangong Lizhu has become the emperor's worry, a person who can fight can't be used, so he has to get rid of it.But Nangong Lizhu not only retired by herself, she also retired with the Nangong family members.

Moreover, the Nangong family's old man and Nangong Lizhu's father passed away one after another for several years, which made people see that the Nangong family was indeed in decline.In this way, the emperor let their family members go, but he still didn't feel relieved about them.

Nangong Lizhu's son was also very talented in the art of war since he was a child, but this made Nangong Lizhu feel scared.Not to mention anything else, she imprisoned her son herself. A child has never known that there are other worlds outside the courtyard wall since he was a child.

The Nangong family never said to the public that Nangong Lizhu had a child, because she had a child out of wedlock, especially a female general who had been with men for a long time.

Others don't care, but the new emperor does.Although his father used Nangong Lizhu to make such a big country, but now his father is dead.And Nangong Lizhu is still alive.Therefore, I have been trying to find a way for people to check and find out whose son Nangong Lizhu's son is.But there has been no result.

Even if Nangong Lizhu locked up her son, the emperor didn't feel at ease with them.Finally, there is a chance to poison their diet, making people who are not in good health even worse. After a few years of delay, they died when they were nearly 40 years old.

Fortunately, under Nangong Lizhu's deliberate arrangement, he and his girl consummated their marriage, leaving behind a posthumous child.It is the current Nangong Ling!
After having a grandson, Nangong Lizhu was thinking about how to let this child walk out of the fence alive.After discussing with his family, he originally planned to send it out, but at this moment, there was news that the God of War of the Eastern Dynasty was still alive. Because he came forward to protect his disciples, everyone knew that the God of War was still alive.

The news came.Nangong Lizhu cried for two days.She always thought he was dead.Because there has been no news.But don't want him to be alive!And disciples!In this way, she told the current Patriarch Nangong that the father of the child is the war god of the Eastern Dynasty.Now, she is not well.I want to send my child back.

That's why Nangong Yan and his father stepped forward when the prince wanted to fight the Eastern Dynasty.Nangongyan is also the prince's uncle, so he naturally won the prince's trust.So he got the post of general, and he went to war to attract the god of war.

This is what happened later.

I have heard about Nangong Lizhu's past.Looking at Nangong Lizhu again, Xuejian understands that this old man has been shouldering heavy burdens all his life, and he was spoiled since childhood. He didn't spoil her into a proud and complacent young lady, but let her understand that the family, the country, the world .

She first conquered the world for the sake of the country, but then left behind everything she deserved for the sake of her family.Because if you don't abandon it, your family will only be punished.In these years, perhaps the only thing he did for himself was to fall in love with old man Mo.

But for the sake of old man Mo, he was voluntarily imprisoned for the rest of his life.

In wartime, he can bravely kill the enemy and command thousands of troops, and when he retreats, he can teach his son to forbear.What she has endured is not something that ordinary women can bear.

But fortunately, now, she can let go of everything and follow Master to this place. From now on, it's time for her to live her life in peace!
Xuejian also sincerely congratulates Master and his mother for their family reunion.After meeting the teacher's wife.Everyone sat down, Nangong Lizhu said with a smile:
"Xue'er, since I said goodbye to your master, you are the one who has heard him talk the most. You are indeed a beautiful and intelligent child!"

Xue Jian mischievously smiled and said:

"Master, my master didn't speak ill of me behind my back, did he?"


Nangong Lizhu liked Xue Jian's mischievous appearance.laughed:
"No, it is said that he has a well-behaved, sensible, smart and capable disciple, and that is you little girl!"

"That's all right, that's all right. If he speaks ill of me, I won't give him something to eat."

Xue Jian winked and winked on purpose in a relieved manner, which made Nangong Lizhu smile so hard that her eyes narrowed into a line.

A child came out of the inner room, who looked only four or five years old, but the calmness in his eyes made people feel distressed.Nangong Lizhu smiled and said:
"Ling'er, come here to meet grandfather, and this is your senior aunt. I want to see your senior aunt."

Nangong Ling stepped forward to salute his grandfather, and then went to salute Xuejian.Xuejian looked at Nangong Ling, he looked similar to his younger brother.And my little brother is extremely naughty now.Every day he came back covered in mud, but Nangong Ling showed a calm demeanor.It can be seen that they have been under a lot of pressure on his education since he was a child.

Xuejian supported Nangong Ling and said:

"Master, you want to train another general. I heard that he was studying military books as soon as I came here."

Nangong Lizhu smiled uncomfortably and said:

"I don't have any other books, so I teach him to read and write when I have nothing to do."

Xue Jian looked at Master and said:

"Let him go out more and play with children of the same age. Look at him now, he looks like a little old man. Children should still have children's fun!"

Nangong Lizhu sighed and said with a smile:
"This may be the reason for me. In these years, I have never left the gate of the yard, and I have never even gone out with him. This time we came back here, it is the first time we have walked out. To the outside world Feeling a little overwhelmed.”

Xue Jian can be regarded as someone who understands their past, nodded and said:
"Master, you have not only confined your own people, but also your heart. Now that Master and I are back, how about this, Master, and Master will let you take out this yard. Linger will be handed over to me." Yes. I will take him out to see the world! Give him a happy childhood!"

Old man Mo looked at Nangong Lizhu, and said guiltily:
"Can we listen to Xue'er? I have suffered for you these years. From now on, let's live a good life. With Xue'er, you will have a very happy life, child, let's leave it to Xue'er. Besides, She will not leave with her, we are all in this village."

(End of this chapter)

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