farmer's daughter

Chapter 827 I haven't settled with you yet!

Chapter 827 I haven't settled with you yet!

Chapter 820 I haven't settled with you yet!
Nangong Lizhu looked at Xuejian, smiled lightly and said:

"Don't worry, I've come here. Naturally, I let go of some things in the past. Anyway, if they say that I am dead, then I will die. From now on, I will be a member of your village. I also hope that Linger I can live a happier life, but I have been locked up for these years, and I am not good at connecting with people, so I am very relieved to entrust Linger to you!"

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"In our place, I'm not the one who encourages people to study and take the scientific examination. I like to make people live a more comfortable and happy life, and let people use their strengths in life. Look at my cousins, just According to me, only one of them went to take the scientific examination, and the others did something completely unrelated to studying, but everyone found their own position and were very happy doing it.”

Nangong Lizhu sighed, patted Xue Jian, then looked at old man Mo and said:

"Zicheng, now I understand why you always say that this girl is smart. She is really smarter than those of us who are dozens of years old. We have spent decades, grayed our hair, and lost everything before we understand. This truth. And she, at this age, also understands. What is one looking for in a lifetime? Isn't it just to be able to live a more comfortable and happy life? "

Old man Mo nodded and said:

"So, you can stay here with peace of mind, and you don't have to worry about family matters. This time, I will take care of the Nangong family's affairs. I also met the head of the Nangong family. Recently, Wu Liguo has been in trouble. Now It's all over."

Afterwards, old man Mo talked about some things that happened in Wuli Country, and it was the first time Xuejian heard about many things.But when he heard that old man Mo overturned all the spirit tablets, he also laughed and said:

"Master, you are the only one who can do this kind of thing! Play with his ancestors!"

Old man Mo didn't care about his disciple's teasing this time, he just said:
"Actually, people don't know what to do when they die. Only those who care about them will be afraid. In fact, people who have been dead for decades will eventually turn into dust!"

Xuejian really didn't know how to say that Master was open to it.Just laughed:
"Master, teacher's wife, it's getting late, you guys go to bed early, and I'll go back to my yard too. Teacher, I live in the yard next door. If you need something, you can come to me anytime."

After returning to Qingyang, the first thing to do is to check the situation in Yantian.So, early the next morning, I set off with Fu Jinghao and the three boys.Of the three boys, one is Du Jie, who is Fu Jinghao's godson.The other one is Nangong Ling, who is Xue Jian's nephew.The last one is that I haven't seen it for a long time, but I suddenly saw Shen Chengwu who seemed to have grown up a lot.

Coming back this time, Xuejian felt that the person who changed the most was Shen Chengwu.Because Chengwu grew taller and stronger.Every day in the courtyard, he was laughing and laughing, but he lived up to the name he was given, Cheng Wu.

Now I heard that I will go to Yantian with my sister, and I am so excited that I will go to lead the horse after dinner. I want to ride a horse, but I heard that Xue Jian will take a carriage, because it is cold, and I can’t let the little ones get cold.Cheng Wu was not happy all of a sudden.

But when choosing whether to go or not, I still chose to get on the carriage.It's just that they didn't look very happy when they got into the carriage.It was a pleasure to finally be allowed to sit in the coachman's seat with an escort.

Xue saw Yantian, and now it is a world of white flowers. After walking around for a while, the people who work here are very active.Wherever Xuejian went, those old workers would kneel down to greet Prince Rui when they saw it. Only then did the newcomers know that this girl was the legendary princess who brought good days to her family!
After looking around, Xuejian found that basically everyone is doing well here, for example, the people of the Lu family are doing very well now.Mr. Lu's wife also gave birth to another son for him.I heard that Second Master Lu went out for a wandering trip.Still don't like staying at home and doing things.

I heard that the head of the Lu family disagreed at that time, thinking that the Lu family is now the prince's servants, so how can they still have the right to play.On the contrary, Jiang Youpeng guaranteed that there would be no problem after he found out, and that he could live his life as he wanted.Just do what the Lu family should do well.

Second Young Master Lu really took a book boy and went out to study everywhere.

Patriarch Lu told Xuejian about this, and kept apologizing, Xuejian said with a smile:

"I said at the beginning that the reason to keep you is because of this sales problem. But now it is done by you. We are masters and servants in name, but I think we are partners in cooperation. "

"No, master can't think that way. If you are a master, you are a master. My Lu family's life depends entirely on the master to stay. The way of business is to be trustworthy, and to be a person is to be respectful! Lu If the family recognizes the master, they are the slaves of the master! The master thinks highly of us and gives us such a good living environment, this is the master's favor!"

Well, this is an old stubborn, and it seems that it doesn't make sense with him.But Xue Jian had to admit it in his heart, and admired such a person very much!People who can distinguish clearly are serious in their work.

When I went out for a year, many things changed when I came back. For example, the matter between Yuan Conghai and Miss Xu finally became a family according to what I saw and expected.Because of getting married, Miss Xu stopped working in Yantian, but went to take good care of her nephew, and heard that she was also pregnant.

Look at the people on the well, they are all working happily.Xue Jian was checking No. [-] field with Jiang Youpeng, and then went to No. [-] salt field, where Murong Xing was in charge.Seeing Xuejian's carriage coming, he rushed down from the mountain and jumped into the carriage. The carriage hadn't stopped yet, and the two children in the carriage were startled.

But I heard that this is Prince Rui's junior brother.The two children showed expressions of admiration.Murong Xing didn't care about that, he just got into the car and looked Xue Jian up and down carefully.Frown said:

"I heard that you were injured? What happened? Where was the injury?"

After looking up and down, I found that the little junior sister was only a little paler, and she was wearing a little more clothes, which was not much different from usual.Still smiling, Mimi called to herself:

"Little Senior Brother!"

"I'm not young anymore, call me Fourth Senior Brother!"

The last thing Murong Xing wants now is for others to say that he is young, because he is engaged, and now he is Princess Jade's prospective son-in-law!How can you say small?

Xuejian smiled slyly and said:
"Are you sure? Don't be a junior brother, but a 'dead' brother?"

Murong Xing was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said:

"You are looking for a fight!"

Fu Jinghao, who was sitting on the side, snorted softly.Murong Xing turned his head in disgust and said:
"What are you humming, I haven't settled with you yet, the little junior sister was entrusted to you to protect and go out. Why did you come back injured?"

(End of this chapter)

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