farmer's daughter

Chapter 828 There Are Really Someone Who Are Not Afraid Of Death To Seek Trouble With Us

Chapter 828 There Are Really Someone Who Are Not Afraid Of Death To Seek Trouble With Us
Chapter 820 IX There Are Really Someone Who Are Not Afraid Of Death Come To Us For Trouble
Fu Jinghao couldn't answer Murong Xing's question, so he could only turn his head and look out the car window.The expression of self-blame is also very clear from the side.

Xuejian glared at the little senior brother.This is which pot should not be opened and which pot should be lifted. Because of his injury, Fu Jinghao has always blamed himself, always feeling that he did not protect Xuejian well.In fact, he and Xue Jian were hundreds of miles away at the time.How can I manage Xuejian's injury?

Murong Xing naturally saw Fu Jinghao's expression.There is no more to say.laughed:
"I heard the news of your return yesterday, so I knew you would come to inspect. Today I will wait here. Don't worry, everything is going smoothly. Last time you sent a letter saying that someone was going to come to Yantian to do sabotage, People did get caught. But not the people you said."

Xue Jian said in surprise:

"What? Is there really someone who is not afraid of death and comes to us to find trouble?"

"Yes, what you said is true. You really are not afraid of death. Do you still remember the Futai master you cleaned up for the Yantian inspection? It was his family who came here, not to poison, but quietly The people who sneaked in here came and worked for a few days. One day, they wanted to throw stones into the well. It’s such a small well. If we threw the stones down, wouldn’t we get stuck? The rope tied to the post that we entered was cut to pieces, and as soon as we started working, the well rope would have to be broken, and that would hurt people.”

"But it just so happens that what he did was clearly seen by our secret sentry. We just wanted to see if he had any accomplices, so we didn't touch him. I didn't expect there to be. Two people. One went to prepare stones, He cut the rope."

Xue Jian was so angry that he patted the children beside him and said:
"This person is hateful! Their family went to jail because of the evil things they did, and they dare to come here to seek revenge. It's really hateful!"

"That's not right! I caught them out, and they were beaten unconscious by all the salt workers. Then I threw them directly to the Hufutai in Qingyang."

Murong Xing helped his junior sister get out of the carriage, Fu Jinghao looked at him helping Xue'er, his eyes were not very happy, but what can be done?I was just asked.He had no choice but to lead the two children to follow behind.Murong Xing pointed to the derrick up and down and said:
"Now, I ask two foremen to check some connections on the derrick, whether it is the piston or the place where the rope is tied, before starting work every day. See if there are any safety problems before starting work. .”

"Yes, you are right to do this. It is best to arrange a borrowing room here in the future, and be on duty every day. When the work ends every day, the number of people must be counted, and all people must come out. Then no one can be let in until work starts. If there are two shifts, you have to count people by name. Those who are not on that person’s shift cannot enter. First, this is cooking and food. The first thing to pay attention to is whether the work is clean. Second, there are many dangers in this . can't give some people a chance."

Murong Xing nodded in agreement, and said:
"I've already discussed it with Brother Jiang, and Jun Zhen, we think it's better to open two shifts. Although there are no people on duty here, the personnel in each shift are handed over to the on-duty staff. The foreman. Every shift is led in and out by the foreman."

Xuejian nodded and said:

"That's good. But I heard that you should go back to the capital soon. It's the New Year's Eve. I didn't go back to see you, but Princess Yu asked you directly. I still have your family, so you should go back and have a look." Yes. I heard from the elder brother that it seems that after the Chinese New Year, we will get married for you. This is the important point, you have to go back. I will also go to your wedding when the time comes. "

Another big lad.Speaking of marriage, Murong Xing still felt a little bit ashamed.Scratching his head and saying:
"Not necessarily. The last time the princess sent a letter saying that the queen mother seems to be in poor health. If... Maybe you have to wait."

Seeing this, Xue frowned and said:
"Why haven't I heard that the Empress Dowager is not in good health? But when I went back to the palace, I didn't see any of them. The Empress said it was in the middle of the moon, so I couldn't go in to see it. The Empress Dowager said she was reciting Buddha's name. I didn't face to face. It's just that Princess Yu's complexion is not very good, but she didn't tell me that the Queen Mother is ill? Why did you keep it from me?"

Huh?Hearing what Xuejian said, even Murong Xing felt a little strange.Everyone knows that the Empress Dowager likes seeing Xue'er very much, especially Xue'er has returned from meritorious service and went to the palace specially, why hasn't she seen anyone?
What's even more strange is why Xue Jian went to see Princess Jade. Considering the dual relationship between Princess Yu and Xue Jian, Xue Jian should be given some support, why not?
The three of them glanced at each other inadvertently. There must be something going on, but what is it?
Xue Jian kept it in mind.Then go to the No. [-] well to have a look.Most of the workers here are old workers, when they saw Xue Jian coming, they all put down their work and saluted Xue Jian.Xuejian smiled back and saluted, and then stopped disturbing their work, and the group went directly to the office at the No. [-] well.

Look around, everywhere is packed neatly.It can also catch people's eyes.Then I asked about the output of the two wells.After all, the No. [-] well was opened later, and now it is catching up with the No. [-] well.Because Well No. [-] is always bringing in newcomers.This is slower.

Murong Xing also asked, saying that the current salt has been taken away as soon as it comes out, basically there is no stock, and it seems that the market has opened up, so should we open another well.Because everyone has been trained.

On this matter, Xue Jian said that he would call a meeting with everyone in two days to decide.Let everyone sort out their opinions, and then discuss all the problems and solve them.

After learning about the salt production situation of several wells, Xuejian asked the guards to drive the carriage a little further into Lili County.I went along the road to see the living conditions of some ordinary people inside, and it has indeed been greatly improved.But this improvement is not fundamental.The entire Li County is still in a state where most of the places are wasteland.

Xue Jian stood in a desolate field and looked into the distance.He said to the three little ones who were following him:
"See? Weeds grow here, but crops grow on our farms. It's not that the people here are not hardworking, it's because these lands can't grow crops. We have to find a way to make this fashionable land grow better. Come out to grow crops! Because it is very pitiful to be born into a farmer's family without crops, so that they will have no source of life, no food and no clothes!"

Sanxiao doesn't know this, but it's fun to look at it, it's so wide that it can be used for playing.Only Nangong Ling said:
"It's so wide, it can be used for horse racing and training!"

(End of this chapter)

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