farmer's daughter

Chapter 830 Red Makeup

Chapter 830 Ten Miles of Red Makeup
Chapter 830 Ten Miles of Red Makeup

A few days before her sister's wedding, Xue Jian put aside other matters and specially arranged some wedding matters.He even used some of the rare things he got as a prince as his sister's dowry, and the dowry prepared by the Shen family for Xiaocao attracted people from far and near to come to see it.

On the day before receiving the bride, the dowry must be sent to the dowry, because in this dynasty, there are still certain rules for marriage. Xiaocao is just the daughter of a commoner, and the He family does not have any official positions. My dear, but it's unusual.Even so, the amount of dowry cannot exceed certain regulations.

In order to pack the dowry prepared for her, Liang Chengfang was troubled, thinking about sending it all over, even if every load was full, she couldn't fit it.This side is still screaming that he can't put it down, but Xue Jian over there is still thinking of something and shouts:
"Aunt Shi. Open the warehouse and give the pair of jade bottles to my sister."

"Aunt Shi, I remember that there are still two paintings. Give it to my sister. My brother-in-law is a person who loves these things. Fu Jinghao and I don't like those. Good things should be given to those who can appreciate them."

"Aunt Stone"

Xuejian was giving orders, Xiaocao came in with red eyes, stopped Aunt Shi and said:

"Xue'er, my sister is enough, there are so many things, don't add any more. You see, you will get married in the future, and your sister Yuewei is all left to me. I seem to get married and evacuate the house It's the same. I don't feel good about it."

Xiaocao choked up as she spoke.

"Sister, how much is this? I have a lot of things. This time I brought some good things back from Hu country, and some of them are in the capital. Don't worry, I'm willing to vacate this place! But No matter what, the dowry is your confidence. When you arrive at the He family, you are different from this family. No matter how you look at Mrs. He, they get along well. But a woman also needs to have her own confidence to stand straighter! "

Xiaocao took her sister's hand and sobbed softly.She knew that Xue'er was doing it for her own good, and wanted to give herself everything, but when she thought of leaving this house, Xiaocao suddenly felt like she didn't want to get married!
On the day of displaying the dowry, people standing by the roadside saw a strange way of walking, no longer two people carrying one load, but one person carrying one load, or two people walking side by side.According to the rules, one row after row is counted as a dowry, so from one lift to two lifts, it can only be counted as a dowry, but there are a few more people in this thing.

Moreover, none of the things posted are not good!More and more people came to watch.But no one dared to move those things, because those who picked them were all soldiers!

"Look at the load, the pole is bent, it can be seen that it is loaded with heavy things."

"Nonsense, if you don't look at it, it's full of new books, and there's no room left. Mrs. Shen doesn't know how much she has given her daughter as a dowry. It seems that she can't use up her dowry for a lifetime of food and clothing." Woolen cloth."

"Hey, look at the load of jewelry. They have a box and you can lift it, but Miss Shen's, it's not just a box. I counted, and a load has three layers. Each layer It's two boxes. It's still two loads. From now on, Miss Shen will be able to wear a new set of jewelry every day."

The discussions on both sides continued until the last one was lifted out of Youran Villa.And the first one was picked up by the He family.What came out of the back was the hardware dowry such as the bed cabinet.Move all these things to He's house, because they want to show them to relatives and friends of He's family.There are two full courtyards!But the furniture still had no place to put it, so it was carried directly into the new house and installed.

The relatives of the He family were also dazzled by the things that were picked in one after another, and Fu Jinghao, who came to help out voluntarily, ordered them to arrange and count them.Handed it over to Mrs. He.

But both He Yuan and his wife felt a lot of pressure. The daughter-in-law's dowry really scared them.Originally Mrs. He had been mentally prepared. Although she knew that Xiaocao was very much loved by their family, she was not her own after all.I thought it would be fine to have a slightly generous dowry.

But unexpectedly, Prince Rui was really too willing to part with this sister.Seeing that Fu Jinghao was about to leave, He Yuan quickly stopped him and said:

"Master Fu, wait a minute. I didn't expect to bring us so many things today. Some of these things are too expensive. I'm afraid it's not safe for the people here. Why don't you leave me a few people first. This There are a lot of people and a lot of things for a few days, after these few days, let them put in the treasury, and I will find someone to take care of the nursing home."

He looked at He Yuan's worried face.Fu Jinghao smiled inappropriately, and said:
"Don't worry, I've kept someone. It's only for those who think the dowry is too small. You're worrying too much!"

He Yuan smiled and said:

"More or less is a matter for them to live in the future. I am only worried about the safety of these two days. These are all good things from Prince Rui's beloved sister. It is the first time I have seen many of them."

Fu Jinghao nodded and said:

"This is more than that. I heard there are more. They will be loaded in a carriage on the day of returning home."

He Yuan let out a cry, really can't answer this question!

Over there the dowry was carried out.Liang Chengfang turned around and looked left and right at home and said:

"Oh, I said to make two more wooden basins, the bigger ones, so that the children can take a bath in the future, why did I forget, I only made a pair."

Lan's who came to help was tired after walking back and forth all day, so he sat down and said with a smile:

"Then you can ask someone to do it again immediately, and there is still time to take it away on the day you return."

Mrs. Liang is really going to order someone to do it.This time it was Xuejian who stopped her mother and said:

"Mother, that's enough, I gave two of them. My sister gave birth to seven or eight, and the two basins are enough to wash. Besides, I will make new ones in the future. I won't be able to fit them in the carriage on the day I return. Two big pots!"

"Hahahaha, it would be great if you had seven or eight. Cheng Fang, then you will be a grandmother!"

Lan's teased.

Liang Chengfang also sat down and said:
"Don't laugh at me, you just keep going. I don't just want to be a grandmother, I also want to be an aunt!"

Xuejian looked at Sister Yueyin who was standing behind her second aunt, blushing because of her mother's joke.Because Liang Chengfang is called aunt, that is, the child born after Yueyin and Liang Junlei's marriage is called aunt!

Liang Chengying also smiled and said:
"That's that. I'll be a great aunt too."

There were a few laughs outside, and it was the eldest aunt and the others who heard the sound.Because they all went back to Liangjia Village to clean up recently, and Liang Junlei will get married next time, and he still has to go back to his hometown to do it.So today I rushed here from Liangjia Village.It's too late, I didn't see the dowry being carried out.

(End of this chapter)

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