farmer's daughter

Chapter 831 Xiaocao Gets Married

Chapter 831 Xiaocao Gets Married
Chapter 830 Second Xiaocao Gets Married

Liang Chengfang and Xue Jian rushed out to greet her.

Sure enough, it was Mrs. Zhang who came with her two daughters-in-law. Xue Jian hurriedly went forward to salute and met her grandmother and aunts.The little aunt and Liang Shuang helped Xiaocao clean up in the backyard, and by the way, taught some principles of being a wife.Liang Chengfang can't do this well.Because her experience is nothing to talk about compared with Xiao Hu's and Liang Shuang's, what these two are facing and what Xiaocao will face in the future have something to talk about.

Seeing Da Hu's coming, Lan's and Yue Yin hurriedly went up to greet him, the lord had seen Li, and Yue Yin also went forward to meet Li with a smile.This is my future mother-in-law and great-grandmother.As soon as Zhang Shi saw Yue Yin, she squinted her eyes happily, and pulled Yue Yin to sit with her.

Xuejian deliberately stopped there, and when everyone sat down, she pretended to sigh and said:

"Look, look, I always thought that my grandma loved my granddaughter the most. Now I have a granddaughter-in-law. I don't care about me, I only know a granddaughter-in-law!"

"Oh, our Xue'er is jealous. Come on, come on, the second aunt loves you! Let them love their daughter-in-law!"

Mrs. Chen also stretched out her hand to hold Xue Jian while laughing, and Xue Jian followed the trend and said:

"The second aunt is better!"

Mrs. Zhang called over with a popping head, laughed and cursed:
"Just your skin, why doesn't grandma love you anymore?"

Xue Jian stretched out her hand to rub her head, and frowned and said:

"It hurts! It hurts!"

It caused everyone in the room to roar with laughter!
That night, Xiaocao came to sleep with Xuejian.The two sisters chatted under the covers for a long time, and after a while they heard the sound of Xiaocao sobbing.She still couldn't bear to leave the house.

Xuejian also told her what to pay attention to when going to other people's houses. This time, Xuejian also asked Aunt Shi to prepare four maids for Xiaocao to marry as a dowry, and also bought a big one on the other side of Qingyang City. Zhuangzi gave Xiaocao.And asked Xiaomu and Shi's family to dowry, and followed Xiaocao there.But said so.It is still Zhuangzi who manages Xiaocao in a unified way.Xiaomu and Mrs. Shi took their three children and became Zhuangzi's Zhuangtou.

Moreover, Xuejian directly gave Xiaocao all of her share of mining with He Yuan. In the future, although the mining business will all belong to the He family, half of it belongs to Xiaocao.Even if the two sons of the He family split up in the future, the other half will still belong to Xiaocao.

Xuejian personally went to He Yuan to clarify this matter.Therefore, the dowry that others see is only on the bright side, in the dark.What Xuejian gave Xiaocao was what Xiaocao could live in for a lifetime.

Of course, their ready-to-wear shop.Originally, Xue Jiankai was also managed by Xiaocao.So now it all belongs to Xiaocao.

Xiaocao suddenly realized that she had become a rich woman all of a sudden.The dowry I brought over was enough to compete with the entire He family!

Although Mrs. He is a very good person, Xue Jian just doesn't want her sister to go to someone else's house and be wronged.

Xiaocao didn't expect that she was a lost child, but now she became a young mistress.All of this was given to me by my sister.Xiaocao will always remember this love.

The next day the rooster just crowed, and a girl came to wake Xiaocao, and Xuejian also woke up in a daze, feeling that she only squinted her eyes when she was talking to her sister, and it was already time.

Ban Xia came to serve Xue Jian and got dressed and washed.Then take Xuejian to go and paint Xiaocao's makeup.The person Xuejian came here to dress up Xiaocao was Da Hu.Da Hu can be regarded as a blessed person now.

Xue Jian has been sitting on the sidelines watching her sister take a bath, and then put on the wedding dress designed by Xue Jian herself.Then let Mrs. Da Hu comb her hair and put on makeup. Seeing Mrs. Da Hu's makeup, Xue Jian laughed and said:

"Auntie, I really haven't seen you paint yourself. I didn't expect your makeup to be so exquisite! You painted Sister Xiaocao so beautifully!"

Then use Xuejian's face prepared for Xiaocao a long time ago.This is a set of heads made of rubies, which is very delicate.Liang Xia, who followed in to watch the fun, was very envious.

Liang Xia has not been very popular recently.After going to the capital with Xiao Hu, I was a little vain by the vanity of the capital.She always wanted to marry into a wealthy family. After Liang Junlei got Tanhua, she still complained that her brother Liang Junzhen shouldn't be in charge of the Yantian as he had heard, and he was not a formal ordering officer of the court.This makes it impossible for her to take advantage of her status as a younger sister.

As for how Xue Jian knew this, Ban Xia's mother was seriously ill, Ban Xia went back to have a look, and heard it from others.When he came back, he told Xue Jian angrily.Xue Jian laughed.But when Liang Xia came to Leisurely Villa after that, she was not so close.But Liang Xia took the initiative to establish a good relationship with Aunt Mei. She always felt that Aunt Mei came from the capital, so she understood what she was thinking.This made Xue Jian a little angry.I plan to talk to my second aunt after my sister gets married.

Without further ado, the bride is dressed up here.Standing up and taking a look, she was a beautiful woman like a fairy.What's more, Xue Jian took the lead in making her a hijab, and asked people to use red yarn to embroider the hijab made of flowers.This makes people see the bride at a glance from the outside, but they can't see clearly, but just in that faintly visible, they only feel that the bride is even more beautiful!

The bride is dressed in the inner courtyard.I heard the sound of firecrackers coming from outside, and it seemed that the sedan chair of the He family had arrived.Xue Jian knew that Shen Chengye's elder brother was guarding at the door with Cheng Wen and Cheng Wu, and said that he would give the bridegroom a difficult problem.I don't know if it's rare for them to be the groom's official.

Originally, Xuejian jokingly said, "Brother Chengye and brother-in-law Zijie have similar studies, so it might not be easy to stop him, but if Brother Jing Hao is allowed to go, he will certainly be able to stop him."

The little grass that didn't want to be on the side immediately said:
"That can't be done, Zijie doesn't know martial arts. He will be hurt."

At that time, Xue Jian joked that her sister hadn't left the house yet, so she covered it up, causing Xiaocao to blush.So I heard Xue Jian thinking:
"I don't know how Brother Chengye made things difficult for Brother Zijie."

Xiaocao also thought of that incident, and her face flushed red.

After a while, I heard chaotic shouts from outside:

"Oh, oh, pick up the bride, pick up the bride!"

Xue Jian stretched out her head to take a look, and a group of people walked in with He Zijie in their arms.The groom's outfit on He Zijie and Xiaocao's outfit were both designed by Xuejian.Wearing it on the tall He Zijie, he looks really handsome!

Seeing her brother-in-law coming, Xue Jian also took Yuewei and Yue Lian to the door, and reached out to ask her brother-in-law for a red envelope, before giving way.He Zijie saluted Xue Jian first, and then took out the prepared red envelope from his arms and handed it to Xue Jian.This was allowed to see the bride!

(End of this chapter)

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