farmer's daughter

Chapter 832 Marriage

Chapter 832 Marriage
Chapter 830 The Third Marriage Worship

In fact, everyone knows.Xue Jian is not short of money from that red envelope.It's just to add a joy to this kind of happy event.

Seeing the red envelope, Xue put it in her arms happily, turned around and called:

"The groom's officer is here to pick up the bride, the bride comes out quickly!"

Xuejian's cry caused everyone to coax them into laughter.In the room, the two maids prepared for Xiaocao stepped forward to help the young lady up.Mrs. Da Hu stepped forward to hold Xiaocao and guide Xiaocao to the door.

Everyone who followed in to welcome the bride was dumbfounded!Because this is not the capital, and Xiaocao is not an ordinary lady!In addition to managing the leisurely villa, he also has to go to fucheng to manage the clothing store every day.

So there are quite a few people who know Xiaocao.But everyone who has seen Xiaocao never expected that Xiaocao is so beautiful in her bridal attire!I'm used to Xiaocao's usual plain dress, but I didn't expect that Xiaocao's dress is so amazing!

The groom's officer, He Zijie, was even more dumbfounded!He knows best what Cao'er looks like.I have also seen Xiaocao's appearance when she was shy. Although I often feel moved, compared with Xiaocao at this time, the feeling is completely different.

At this time, Xiaocao is no longer like that peasant girl!Instead, it looks graceful and noble!The momentum opened up at once!It seems that everyone who sees him feels ashamed.

Xiaocao stood at the door, but she didn't expect that the brother standing at the door waiting to carry him would be Shen Chengzu!

Chengzu didn't say much, just bent down, motioning for Xiaocao to bend down.Chengzu carried the grass on his back and walked towards the main room surrounded by the crowd.

In the main room.Old man Shen and Mrs. Wang were both wearing new clothes and sitting directly above them.Shen Sanzhu and Liang Chengfang also wore new clothes.Sitting on the left side of Old Man Shen and Mrs. Wang.

Although Liang Chengfang was smiling all the time, she picked up the handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes from time to time.Anyway, even if Xiaocao is not his own, this is her first child to start a family.

For every mother, marrying a daughter is the most reluctant thing.Because from then on, the daughter is someone else's family.

Shen Sanzhu only gave Liang Chengfang a concerned look from time to time.Slightly sighed.There were chaotic voices outside the door.Shen Chengzu carried the bride on his back.

Putting down Xiaocao, Shen Chengzu stood aside, and the matchmaker stepped forward and gave a piece of red silk to Xiaocao and He Zijie's hands respectively.After saying some auspicious words, let them salute Xiaocao's elders.

Xiaocao and Box acted according to the command of the master of ceremonies.First of all, he bowed to old Shentou and Mrs. Wang, knelt down and kowtowed three times.Old Wang also frequently wiped his eyes!
This granddaughter can be regarded as his single-handed support.Although it was later handed over to Shen Sanzhu and the others, it was indeed the old Wang who carried the feces and piss with him when he was a child.If you want to say that you don't want to part with the old Wang family, you also don't want to part with it.

Although Xiaocao is covered with a hijab, it can be seen from the shaking of her shoulders that Xiaocao is also very excited now!In particular, Zhuanshan was saluting with Shen Sanzhu and Liang Chunfang.Xiaocao just bent over the ground without raising her head.

But Liang Chengfang simply stood up and stepped forward to help Xiaocao and He Zijie.Xiaocao tightly grasped Liang Chengfang's hand and wouldn't let go.It's time to sob.

Shen Sanzhu's eyes were red when he saw it.But fortunately, he still said what should be reprimanded.Liang Chengfang echoed and took a box from the girl behind him, and put it in Xiaocao's hand.It can be regarded as a private dowry given by a mother to her daughter.

The master of ceremonies looked at the sky outside.Softly reminded:

"It's time for the lady! It's time for the bride to board the sedan chair!"

Weddings and weddings in rural areas are very particular about timing.It must be carried out according to the calculated time, mainly to act at an auspicious time to get a good omen.

When the time came, Liang Chengfang had to let go of Xiaocao's hand.Thousands of exhortations and ten thousand exhortations can only be reduced to one sentence:

"Cao'er, no matter where you go, the Shen family will always be your natal family! Parents will always be here! No matter what happens to you, don't be afraid of having parents!"

What other words can move a married woman?It's my mother's advice!Through the red gauze, look at your mother's red eyes from crying.Look at the brothers and sisters standing beside the young.Xiaocao was paying respects to them, saying goodbye.

Turning back, Shen Chengzu still carried the grass and sent it to the sedan chair parked outside.He Zijie also saluted several elders and brothers and sisters, turned around and left the house, and got on his horse!The team with the engine set off at an auspicious time and returned to He's house!

Originally, he had been busy preparing for the matter of marrying a daughter for several days.Even after the bride was sent off, many guests came.It also feels empty all of a sudden!Xue Jian couldn't bear this feeling.Instead of greeting the guests, he turned back to his room.

Ban Xia always followed Xue Jian, seeing the lady was a little unhappy, Ban Xia was very sensible and didn't follow the lady into the house.Instead, after the lady entered the room, she gently closed the door for the lady.Then I sat outside the door and waited for the lady to order!

And Shen Chengzu took a few brothers in his family to send Xiaocao off.Even Shen Chengwu followed.

Not to mention Fu Jinghao and others, they also went to He's house with someone and the bride.

But today's He family is very lively!Because everyone knows that marrying a daughter and getting married.The last salute was at her husband's house, so today I knew people on both sides.Most still chose to go to the He family!For the woman, when the bride leaves the house, it means the wedding is over.The guests can go.

The sedan chair went around Qingyang City according to a certain route, and then was carried to He's house.When the bride was helped out of the sedan chair, the people around her looked dumbfounded once again, and the people from the He family who came out to greet her were stunned.This bride is too beautiful!What a blessing for He Zijie!
Brazier across the gate.Xiaocao was led by He Zijie, and the matchmaker was supporting the bride.Then come to the lobby!
Today's lobby has been specially decorated, and there is a sense of joy everywhere, and the color of the furniture is completely new.

Mrs. He sat, and Mrs. He Yuan and his wife sat on both sides behind Mrs. He.Looking at the newlyweds with a smile on their face!I was a little surprised by how amazing the bride was. , but more to be proud of!
There are also many guests who come to He's house for wedding wine.Except that the bride is Prince Rui's sister.Many people also came because He Qing was the Minister of Rites.

With the help of the matchmaker, according to the greeting of the master of ceremonies

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Bye husband and wife!"

"Send to the bridal chamber!"

All the rituals are done. , After worshiping the church.He Zijie led Xiaocao to the backyard, the new house specially arranged for them.According to the rules, it's time for the female family members of the He family to come here to visit the bride.And He Zijie should come out to toast the guests.No one dared to drink He Zijie's wine today.Just because he and himself are followed by a few people who are not kind at first glance.It was Fu Jinghao and the others who selected a few soldiers who could drink to help He Zijie block the wine.

(End of this chapter)

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