Chapter 834

Chapter 830 Five

In fact, the topography of this county has been settled in Xuejian's mind.Where to start, there is probably a bottom line. The main reason is to do this, and the effect will last for a long time. At least you can say that the washed land is useful, and you will not know until you plant it for a season.

Xuejian explained the thinking of the people of this clan.Taking advantage of the fact that it is winter now, and the fields below are all in the water, we can wash the surrounding areas first, how?We have to draw water from the river.Build some borders piece by piece, and then collect water in that field. Before collecting water, you must first plow the entire land deeply once.The water will cover all the mud in the ground.After soaking for two days, use deep plowing again, and then drain the water.Let the sun dry for a while, and then soak in water.

So repeatedly, put the water used in the last field to the next field and then repeat it.People don't use it much, Xuejian also said that the prince's mansion will provide things for farming.At that time, you can choose some people to learn to use it, and then you can start, but first you need to build some men.

It is impossible for Xue Jian to start from this place.How long will it take to finish the whole county?Xuejian just arranged the situation here and then arranged to go to the other side of the county.

It's just that tomorrow is the day when my sister returns home.Xue Jian decided to go home first.

The next day, in order to welcome Xiaocao back home, Liang Chengfang asked someone to clean up the house early in the morning.Although it was just her daughter coming back home, Liang Chengfang had been going out as her daughter for a long time.This is the same as coming back.I saw her rushing in and out there early in the morning.It's almost as if I can't wait to do everything by myself.

Sure enough, as Shi Chun said.Liang Chengfang is really not as good as Butler Xiaocao.This little grass has only been away for two or three days, Liang Chengfang can only take care of the house step by step, whenever something like this happens.She didn't know how to arrange it.It's all about doing whatever comes to mind.

Now that she is the mistress, the family can be regarded as a group of slaves.But she just can't learn how to be a lady.Xuejian also found out about this situation, so she promoted Xingni to be the housekeeper of the family. Xingni and Wu Qiming are now the two husbands and wives of the manor house, one in charge of outside affairs and the other in charge of family affairs.Xue Jian asked them if they wanted to return their deeds to them.But they don't want it, they only ask for a little bit, if Xue Jian gets married in the future.They want to follow Xue Jian.In other words, they only recognize Xue Jian as their master.

Xue Jian accepted them, because the younger brother in the family was about to grow up.Chengwen, according to what Old Shen said, the longer he grows, the more crooked he becomes.Everyone used to boast that he could read, but now, he followed his father to the farm every day.Now there are dozens of rapeseed plants in the farmland that have been marked with ribbons by him.And pass on the word so that no one can move him.

Xuejian once talked to his younger brother, and knew that he had heard Xuejian talk about it.If you can grow better crops, you have to have the best seeds.Therefore, if he wants to engage in this business and has the best seeds, he must cultivate the seeds first.For him, he should keep the best plants first, and then make the best seeds.

And Chengwen didn't foolishly choose only the best ones, he also chose some of the poor ones and the middle ones, and went to see them every day, just like his sister used to grow corn in the greenhouse.It is also recorded every day.Instead, I put down the normal reading.

Grandpa is a little anxious, this Chengye has passed the Juren examination.This second room can be regarded as the beginning.But although the third room had made a false statement, he became a prince under the honor of his master, and it was a girl, who was going to go out in the future.After getting married, all her things are not inherited by her children in the end, so it has nothing to do with the old Shen family.

Then the people in the third room have to look at Cheng Wen and Cheng Wu.Seeing that Chengwen was doing well in his studies, he suddenly went astray. Can this not make the old man anxious?Not only the old man was anxious, but Liang Chengfang was also anxious.

The Liang family has completely turned around in the past few years.Although Liang Shenggao and Liang Shengbei were still farming, or doing something with the people in Xuejian, generally speaking, the two brothers were farmers.

But with Liang Junlei's visits, the Liang family has completely become a scholarly family.The first room has a Tanhua, and the hope of the second room is pinned on the youngest Liang Junlin, and Liang Junlin now also shows an unusual talent for reading.After sending away a few brothers.He is now the top student in the school!
Moreover, Liang Junzhen is now managing very well in Yantian.The court directly gave Liang Junzhen a small official position of the sixth rank, no matter what, Liang Junzhen also ate the imperial food.

Needless to say, Liang Chengying's family.Because of that encounter, Liang Chengying's family was separated from the Long family.The two brothers also passed the scholar examination, but they didn't want to continue their studies and decided to become teachers.

Therefore, Liang Chengfang is a little anxious now, and wants Shen Chengwen to follow the example of these cousins ​​and brothers, so that he can learn from literature and have a place to stand out, so that others will not always say that he lives on the glory of his sister.

But seeing Chengwen like this, she became a little angry.Find Xuejian, because Chengwen listens to her sister.Not only Chengwen, but also Yuewei, only listen to my sister.I wanted Xuejian to talk about Chengwen, but Xuejian persuaded her instead, telling her to think about it a little more, not only can she get ahead by studying, but there are many things she can do in her life.

Liang Chengfang felt that she had nothing to do with these children.Fortunately, Xiaocao is very obedient, but now Xiaocao is married.So, when Xiaocao returned home today, Liang Chengfang was very active.

Because the two families are not far away, I think they are the ones who should come back at the end of the day.But he looked around and didn't come back.It was almost noon.Not only did Liang Chengfang visit the door several times, but Old Shen and the others also asked several times.This person is not far away, why can't he arrive?

Xuejian was dazzled by mother's frequent inquiries, raised her head and said:
"I'm afraid something has delayed it. I'll send someone to have a look."

So Wu Qiming sent someone to ask what was going on.Wu Qiming didn't dare to be careless, so he took two people and drove a carriage along the road to check.

Wu Qiming and his entourage went all the way to the place where the lime mine was mined, and saw people still surrounded at the foot of the mountain. Among them was a carriage, which looked like the He family's carriage.Looks like something is wrong.

Wu Qiming took people forward to check, but saw a person lying in front of the carriage, a woman in tattered clothes.He also looks in his forties, and his hair is also dirty and messy.But he was lying on the ground recklessly and refused to get up.

(End of this chapter)

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