farmer's daughter

Chapter 835 Anyway, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes

Chapter 835 Anyway, barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes
Chapter 830 Six, Anyway, Barefoot Are Not Afraid Of Wearing Shoes
Although Wu Qiming is young now, he still has some reputation in this Qingyang Mansion.It's because he is the external manager of Leisure Villa.

Therefore, some of the onlookers recognized Manager Wu, nodded and bowed and called out to Manager Wu, who made way for them to walk in.

The carriage was indeed He's carriage, with red lanterns hanging from the front and rear of the carriage.This means that the family has just had a happy event.

Wu Qiming walked over and heard someone shouting:

"This must be paid for! You can't just let it go if you hit someone!"

The carriage driver saw Wu Qiming.As if seeing a savior, he hurried forward and said:

"Director Wu."

Wu Qiming frowned and looked at the lump lying on the ground, and said softly:
"Where's my eldest lady?"

"Young Mistress, Eldest Young Master, and Second Young Master are all in the car."

Wu Qiming walked to the side of the car and said softly:

"Miss, I'm Wu Qiming. Ma'am and Miss [-] want me to pick you up. Miss, why don't you go to our carriage first. I'll take care of things here."

There was a sniffing sound in the car, and then the eldest lady said hoarsely:
"Director Wu, send people away, and we won't come out."

Manager Wu was taken aback for a moment. Anyway, the eldest lady's voice was not right, she seemed to have cried.Also, with the eldest lady's ability to deal with things, how could she not be able to deal with this person who is known to be rascal?And according to Missy, they won't show up.

Mr. Wu turned around a few times in his mind, and didn't want to understand what was going on, but he understood one thing, the eldest lady didn't want to stand out, she didn't want others to know, she wanted to hide.

Manager Wu turned around and said solemnly to the people around:
"Go away, what's there to see? I'm the manager of Leisurely Villa, I'll take care of this matter, you guys go back to your homes."

The people around here are all people who rely heavily on Leisurely Villa to live their lives. Hearing Mr. Wu say this, they dare not stay any longer. This is a matter for the Prince's family.

The person next to him left, but there were two men who did not leave. They were all dressed in shabby clothes, and their eyes were very vain.The two saw that other people left because of the words of Manager Wu.I also know that this person is not an ordinary person.It seems that this matter is a bit troublesome.

The two looked at each other.After winking, one of them knelt down, and then cried out:

"My sister, look at you, you were hit by a carriage and no one cares about you!"

The coachman scolded angrily:
"What nonsense are you talking about? Why are you ignoring it? Didn't we say to take the person to the doctor? Let the doctor see where the injury is. No matter where the injury is, we will treat it to the end. What else? ?”

The man cried:

"Look at the doctors. Those doctors are all connected to you. If you lose money, we will find the doctors ourselves."

The driver said angrily:
"Mr. Wu, look, this person is just trying to extort money. And we didn't bump into anyone at all. This way just happened to be a bend here. When I drove over, there was a woman sitting on the ground. Look Look at the ruts, our car hasn't arrived yet, how could we hit it? She fell down when she saw us coming, who knew she was bleeding from her back when she fell down. The two people surrounded her , must say that we injured the person."

Butler Wu also looked back and forth and said:
"Yes, the ruts are still here."

The one standing between the two cried out:
"There were so many people just now, everyone stepped on it and couldn't see it. Don't say anything else, is the blood shed on my sister's body in vain? There is so much blood, my sister, I'm afraid it's a bad one." Yo. Why should we go back and explain to Mother!"

After speaking, he squatted down and pretended to cry.Wu Qiming called a person beside him and whispered to him several times.Then he stepped forward to check the woman lying on the ground.The woman's face was indeed pale, but she felt that someone approached to look at her, the eyeballs under the closed eyelids were also turning, and her body couldn't help but tremble a little.

After a few more glances, Wu Qiming noticed the difference.The man said that there was blood coming out of his back, but the blood wouldn't flow out like pouring water, and the water didn't look like blood. The weather is a bit cold now, if blood really flowed out, It had been frozen to the point of blood clots long ago, but the blood from this woman did not form blood clots, but was soaked into the mud on the ground, making the mud red, but if it was blood, it would turn the blood into blood clots. The mud also looked sticky, it didn't soak in like this, it just turned red, but every grain of sand in the mud could still be clearly seen.

Wu Qiming changed his mind, stood up, sneered and said:

"Are you going to leave by yourself or I will report to the police to deal with you? I think it is a good thing for our young lady to come back today. I will spare you. Get out, or don't blame me for being rude."

The two men froze for a moment, and one called out:
"Why, your carriage hit someone, and you still ignore it? We are not afraid of you reporting to the officials. You think that officials will defend each other. We have heard that this Hu Futai is a good official."

Wu Qiming couldn't help laughing and said:

"It seems that you have inquired very clearly. You know that our Futai is a good official? If a good official comes, do you think he will help you? If you don't leave, it will be easy. We can't help but trouble the Futai, just die. We can still afford to pay for the two of you. It’s not easy to pay for the injured, but it’s easy to settle for the dead, just bury it. Come and drive the carriage, and if you’re not dead, you’ll be able to settle if you’re killed.”

As soon as Director Wu's words came out of his mouth, the scene fell into silence!Those two men probably didn't expect Manager Wu to give such an order.They were all stunned, not knowing how to respond.

And the coachman of He's family also stood there in a daze and did not dare to move, this is to let him hit someone, and even kill him!No, this is the manager of Youran Villa, not the manager of my own family, so I can't listen.Don't mess with the master!
Manager Wu's stern look didn't help.Because the driver didn't cooperate, it didn't work!Wu Qiming frowned, and secretly scolded the coachman for his lack of eyesight, so he just pretended to be okay?
All of a sudden I became embarrassed.Manager Wu came forward, but it seemed that this side refused to listen. In the eyes of those two people, they saw hope.The man who was crying in the sky shouted loudly:

"God, you have a long face. This man is going to kill us!"

Manager Wu felt a little helpless, and turned his head to stare at the coachman, but the people sitting in the carriage were in a hurry.He Zijie called his driver and said:

"Listen to Manager Wu."

The coachman climbed into the carriage.Prepare to drive over it.The people on the ground were not afraid anymore, and they shouted even louder, hoping to attract more people to watch!Anyway, barefoot people are not afraid to wear shoes!

(End of this chapter)

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