Chapter 837

Chapter 830 What should be faced is still to be faced
Xuejian greeted her sister from the carriage, Xiaocao called

Then cry.Xue Jian said with a calm face:

"Don't worry, we're home. Come on, you see, Mother has come out to pick you up. Let's go in. Brother-in-law, let's go into the house."

He Zijie looked at Xiaocao with some concern. Although today's incident was a little unexpected, he still didn't understand why Xiaocao didn't let him and his younger brother go down to call someone, and just cried without saying anything.But when she saw Xueer coming, Xueer recognized that person, so Xiaocao must also recognize him.I just saw Xiaocao crying so sadly.He Zijie didn't want to ask any more questions.

Because there were a lot of people around, Xiaocao went back to the house with Xueer, and at the door, she ran into Liang Shi who said goodbye to others but shed tears first.

Liang Chengfang stepped forward and hugged Xiaocao, calling out:


Seeing that Liang Chengfang and Cao'er were about to hug each other and cry, Xue Jian hurriedly stepped forward and said:
"Don't cry, this is the gate. This is a good day for my sister to return home. If you cry like this, others will think that my sister is not doing well in He's house. Go in and say, brother-in-law is still there."

Yes, can you cry like this?Mrs. Liang wiped away the tears from Xiaocao's face, and said with a smile:

"What's the matter, mother misses Xiaocao so much, she doesn't look like you. She runs around every day and can't get home, she doesn't look like a daughter."

That's what he said, but Qinghan just walked in with Xiaocao by the hand.Xue Jian could only sigh deliberately:
"Brother-in-law, look at it. My sister is the biggest in our family. You can't bully my sister. Otherwise, my mother will find you to settle the score."

He Zijie smiled and said:

"I won't bully her, but what about Xue'er?"

What did He Zijie want to ask.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"Brother-in-law, you can ask my sister later, I believe, she will tell you. Let's go, go in first, the family is waiting for you anxiously." |
He Zijie could only swallow what he wanted to say, and went in with Xue Jian.When we got inside, there was indeed a whole family sitting there.Just waiting for the two of them.

He Zijie stepped forward, took Xiao Cao whose nose and eyes were red from crying, and went to nibble old Shen Touhe and Wang Shi first.Next are Shen Sanzhu and Liang Shi.Nodding his head, He Zijie wanted to greet his uncle who was sitting on the side, but Xiaocao stopped him, and the two walked back to their seats calmly.

Now the uncle is a little embarrassed.But fortunately, Xue Jian came in and asked everyone to eat.

Going back home today was a big deal, and seeing that he didn't salute Da Zhu, old Shen Tou was also a little unhappy, and his face darkened.

When eating, you still have to pay attention to the separation of men and women.There were two tables of people sitting on the side of the man, and there were fewer people on the women's side. The first ones were Mrs. Wang and Aunt Mei.

But Xiaocao is in a bad mood today and can't eat.Only under Xue Jian's persuasion, he drank some soup, got up and left, and then went back to the backyard.Xuejian naturally missed her sister, so she followed her to the backyard.

Xuejian also wanted to understand why Xiaocao was so sad along the way, because Xiaocao had never told the He family about her biological mother.Although everyone in the He family knew that Xiaocao was not born to Shen Sanzhu and Liang Chengfang.But regarding this ugly past at home, everyone tried their best to avoid it, and didn't want to mention these past events again, because when they moved to this place, outsiders didn't know that Xiaocao was not Shen Sanzhu's child.

Xiaocao also put all these things in the place she least wanted to touch. She just got married and lived a happy life.Unexpectedly, the Hong family was placed in front of her like this.

Xiaocao told Xuejian that when their carriage came out and turned around the mountain bend, Mrs. Hong was sitting in the middle of the road.Then when he saw the carriage coming, he lay down.Then the coachman stepped forward to reason, but they beat him upside down, so Xiaocao wanted to stand up and deal with it.

Because He Zijie was just a scholar who was studying, and he definitely didn't have the grass-roots skills to open a shop and do business when dealing with this kind of matter.So Xiaocao stood up, just opened the door curtain a little bit, she saw at a glance that it was Mrs. Hong lying on the ground!
At that time, Xiaocao was stunned, quickly closed the car door, and sat back in panic. He Zijie wanted to go out to deal with it, but Xiaocao grabbed him, Xiaocao held He Zijie tightly, and He Zijie also He felt Xiaocao's nervousness and fear, although he didn't know why, but the most important thing was to comfort Xiaocao.

And the carriage that Xiaocao used today was not big, so He Zichen didn't bring the girl along when he wanted to come along, so there was only one coachman outside to deal with it.Xiaocao was so anxious at the time, she could only cry, because she didn't want the Hong family to find her.He also didn't want the members of the He family to see or be seen by the Hong family.

Moreover, she was afraid, she was afraid that the Hong family came to stop her on purpose!So she didn't dare to come out, and was helpless in the carriage.Fortunately, I can't wait to welcome them here!
Hearing Xiaocao's cry.Xuejian reached out to hug Xiaocao and said:

"Don't worry, she didn't know you were the one who went there. I think she can't live anymore recently, so she's doing this kind of blackmail with those people. When I asked someone to take her away , she also said she didn't know it was you."

"Don't worry, sister, she will never appear by your side again. I have someone take her away. It's just that you have to think about how to tell your brother-in-law about this. I think it's better to say it. It's nothing It’s a big deal. It’s just that if you haven’t taken care of it for so long, you’ll treat it as if it doesn’t exist. Besides, it’s clear that you’re in the clan, and you’ve transferred to my house.”

Xiaocao nodded and said:

"I want to say it, and I have to say it, otherwise, it will be hard to get along with me in the future. But I'm afraid, Xue'er, your brother-in-law is a scholar, and he pays the most attention to these etiquettes. What if he dislikes me?"

Seeing the worry in her sister's eyes, Xuejian reached out to hug her and said:
"You don't have to worry, besides, you have no family background! You are from our family! We recognize you as your family background! No matter what, you have a prince sister, and the He family can't help but dislike my sister! "

Maybe it was the encouragement of my sister!Xiaocao was not so worried anymore.Just gotta make things clear.Xue Jian said:

"Then I'll have someone invite my brother-in-law in so we can talk about it together?"

Xiaocao shook her head and said:

"No, it's better for you not to come out, let me say it."

Xue Jian smiled, patted her sister on the shoulder and said:

"This is my good sister, but you have to promise me that no matter how their family treats you in the future, you will tell me. You can't bear it alone. Some mistakes are not yours. You You don’t have to bear the burden of the previous generation’s mistakes!”

Xiaocao nodded.Xue Jian asked Ban Xia to invite her brother-in-law in.I just retreated to the side room.Let my sister and brother-in-law talk.

(End of this chapter)

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