farmer's daughter

Chapter 838 The past is the past

Chapter 838 The past is the past

Chapter 830 IX The Past Is The Past
He Zijie, who was invited in, didn't know what happened to Xiaocao, because he knew that she had left early.

In the room, Xiaocao sat there alone. Although her eyes were still red and swollen, she could see that she was firm.

"Cao'er. Are you okay? I don't think you have eaten anything."

"I'm fine. Come and sit down. I'll tell you something."

He Zijie sat over nervously.Xiaocao took a sip of water lightly, as if to calm herself down, and then said:
"Zijie, I want to tell you what happened today."

"Xiaocao, you don't need to mention the unhappy things. I saw that you are sad. Although I don't know why, I think it must be something that makes you sad. So, let's not mention it, just let it go. Okay?"

He Zijie comforted Xiaocao, Xiaocao shook her head, tears filled her eyes again, and said:

"I don't need to talk about other things, but I want to make this matter clear. I don't want to hide anything from you. Xue'er is right. We are married, and we live together. We hide everything, and one day we will hide it." When you don't, that's cheating. So, I'm going to tell you."

Xiaocao paused, sucked her nose and said:

"I believe you all knew it back then. I'm not Xue'er's biological sister, but this family treats me no worse than Xue'er. The woman lying on the ground is the woman who gave birth to me!"

Speaking of this, Xiaocao paused again, looking at He Zijie's expression, He Zijie was a little surprised, originally thought that Xiaocao was just afraid of those people.Unexpectedly, Xiaocao not only recognized that woman, but was also her biological mother.

Xiaocao sighed slightly and said: "Today I don't let you out of the carriage, because I am afraid that the woman will see you, and I am afraid that she will hurt you. Xue'er and I are not new sisters, we are cousins. That woman today She used to be Xue'er's eldest aunt. She didn't like her daughter, and I was born at a bad time. She said that I was born to beat her. On the night I was born, let my father throw me away Went out to the edge of the mountain forest at the entrance of the village."

"Early the next morning, grandma heard that her newborn baby was lost. Grandma went to look for it. Everyone thought it would be eaten by wolves. But I was still alive, so grandma took me back and said God wants to save my life, I don't deserve to die."

"Then they don't want me no matter what, saying that my horoscope has restrained them. It just so happened that Xue'er's parents just got married. This mother is a kind person, so she took me to raise her. At that time, she was only as old as I am now. .I have never eaten a sip of milk from that woman. I was raised by my mother and grandma. I survived because I was lucky enough to meet someone from this family! Even my household is in this family. It's all in the genealogy."

Then Xiaocao told the story of the Hong family again, letting He Zijie understand the whole thing, and even more so, to understand what the Hong family did, so that they could understand why their car was stopped today, and why Xiaocao didn't let them get out of the car.

After saying all this, Xiaocao said:
"I didn't tell you about this person before. It's not that I want to hide it. It's that I really forgot about it. I forgot about her. When Xue'er brought me here to help manage Zhuangzi , I just don’t want me to have any relationship with them. I want me to start a new life. So, I’m here, living a good life. You see, even my parents came and let me take care of this Zhuangzi.”

"If you have any opinion on my matter, then you have to say it. I don't want to worry about this kind of thing in the future. Just now Xue'er said that she came to talk to you, but I think about it, we are married. I should tell you. If, if you dislike it."

Before Xiaocao finished speaking, He Zijie covered his mouth with his hand, and He Zijie reached out to hold Xiaocao's hand.softly said:

"Stupid, Cao'er, we just got married, how can there be people who say this with disdain, you are good, I know! Otherwise, sister Xue'er said at the beginning that she would wait until you were eighteen before getting married, so I would come here every day Wait here, let me pick you up in advance, don't you?"

"Besides, that person has nothing to do with you now. You and I can live a good life in the future. Don't worry, I am not a person who only loves my son. What I love most is my daughter. In the future, you will give me I have no objection to having a daughter, let's see how my mother loves you and sister Yuewei?"

Xiaocao was still a little worried and said:
"After you go back today, go and explain this to your parents. I don't want to have any thoughts or use this to talk about me in the future. I will do what a daughter-in-law should do. I will treat them as Parents are filial, but if they have any ideas, or think that we are not suitable, then..."

He Zijie hugged Xiaocao lightly, said softly, patted Xiaocao's back comfortingly and said:

"Don't think so much, just look at how much your parents love you now. Sister Xueer and the others never said that you are not treated differently if you are not a real sister. Forget it. Forget all that. In the future, My mother said, after the Chinese New Year, you will go to Beijing with me, and we bought a house in the capital. After I study and take an exam, you can start a new clothing store if you want, just the two of us, No one will say anything to you!"

Xiaocao looked at He Zijie in surprise. He Zijie was going to study for the exam, but Xiaocao thought that after they got married, He Zijie would go to the exam. She had to be filial to her parents-in-law at home.Fortunately, my mother-in-law is easy to get along with.

Unexpectedly, He Zijie arranged it like this.Xiaocao raised her head from He Zijie's arms and asked in surprise:

"Really? Do you agree with me to open a shop again? Do business again? Don't you think I'll lose your face by showing up?"

"Fool, do you know why I come to Leisure Villa every day to wait for you? You don't know, isn't the teahouse opposite the clothing store you are in Fucheng? I watch you do business every day in that teahouse. Do things there Xiaocao, it’s not simple. He really looks like a big boss. His demeanor and action are so charming! Xiaocao, I like you not only because you can manage housework, but also because you do things when you start things. That way. Cao'er, I've heard sister Xue'er say many times that women don't have to be trapped at home, I understand what that means, and I won't trap you."

Nothing makes Xiaocao happier than having a husband who understands her!When Xiaocao got excited, she hugged He Zijie back.But He Zijie was so excited that stars were shining in his eyes.His face was flushed, and finally he sighed:
"Cao'er, this is my mother's house, and it's still broad daylight!"

(End of this chapter)

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