farmer's daughter

Chapter 839 Your Private Money

Chapter 839 Your Private Money
Chapter 840 Your Private Money
Xiaocao looked at He Zijie's blushing face, the face that was still blushing with tears and red nose burst into laughter, reached out and beat He Zijie's shoulder, and cursed shamefully:

"What are you thinking. I just wanted to say thank you!"

He Zijie looked at the woman in front of him, and he didn't want to let go, holding Xiaocao's hand.Said softly:

"Cao'er, we are husband and wife, so we won't say thank you in the future! Don't worry, I will talk to my parents about this after we go back. No matter what, He Zijie has identified Shen Yuecao in this life. He will never changing."

Tears welled up in Xiaocao's eyes again, she nodded and smiled.

It's good for the young couple to talk about things.He Zijie said:
"Then let's go out now. If you stay here for a long time, others will laugh at you. Besides, my mother almost cried when she saw you today. You should talk to your mother. We haven't gone to the capital yet. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, when do you want Come back, I can accompany you back."

Xiaocao nodded heavily and agreed.

The two came out holding hands, and Ban Xia, who was guarding in the yard, saw it.Busily went to the side room to report to Xuejian:

"Miss, miss, the eldest lady and the eldest son-in-law have agreed. Smiling, it seems that everything is fine."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"That's good."

Then he continued to lower his head to handle some of his own affairs. Recently, he had to sort out some matters in Li County. It seemed that he still had to bring County Magistrate Yang back.The current county magistrate is still not very clear about the land and terrain in Li County. He is not like the county magistrate who has been in Yang county magistrate for more than ten years and has traveled all over the county.

There is also the matter of arranging manpower. The whole county may be mobilized, and I am afraid that a lot of manpower will be needed.Manpower was arranged.It is also necessary to solve the problem of food and clothing for these people, and it is not a small expense to think about it.Although the emperor promised that the salt profits for the past two years would not be handed over, and would be used to make changes to the entire land in Li County, but this had to be put into practical use, what to use, and how much to use.Xuejian still has no idea.It seems that you have to find someone who can count to calculate these.

Xuejian was busy in the house.Xiaocao went to find Liang Chengfang, and the mother and daughter talked quietly for a while.

"Cao'er, are you still used to being in He's house? From now on, it's not like being a guest in someone else's house. It's your home, and you have to treat the fashionable people as family members. You have to treat yourself as a family." .”

Xiaocao nodded and said:

"Yes, mother. I was still not used to it on the first day. I got up and thought about how to arrange things at home. But I found that I was no longer in my own home."

Xiaocao talked and laughed.

Liang Chengfang also laughed and said:

"Yeah, you're gone, and they come to ask me about everything. Only now do I know how many things you do. I used to say that mother took care of my daughter, but in fact, it was you and Xue'er who took care of mother." .I’m a mother, but I’m really not good at it. Look at the little ones, they don’t come to me for anything, and they go to Xue’er directly.”

Thinking of this, Liang Chengfang was also a little depressed.The children regard the two older sisters as the stewards of the family.My own mother has become a decoration.

"Cao'er, did your mother-in-law ask you to wait?"

Liang Chengfang was still worried that Cao'er would be rubbed by Mrs. He.Although I grew up in the countryside, I don't understand how so many mother-in-laws from rich families care about their daughters-in-law, but after Xiaocao got married, one day I overheard Shi Chun talking about the rich families in Beijing. How does the mother-in-law treat her daughter-in-law?Liang Chengfang's heart sank.If someone treats their daughter like this, then don't do it!
Xiaocao smiled lightly and said:

"No, mother, Mrs. He is very kind to me. We went to say hello the next morning, and she laughed at us for getting up early."

Having said this, Xiaocao blushed and smiled.Then he said:
"She said that she didn't want me to go to say hello early every morning, and said that it was time for her to sleep in. She didn't even want me to hand her a bowl during the meal. She said it was because their family was not happy. The daughter-in-law waits for the meal. It is said that she has never served the mother-in-law before, and she will not let the daughter-in-law serve her."

Liang Chengfang nodded and said:
"As good as it is. As good as it is."

Xiaocao smiled shyly:
"Mother, just now, I told Zijie about the Hong family. Zijie told me not to think so much. He said that after the year, he would take me to Beijing. His family also has a house in the capital. Go to Beijing. He is still studying, and I take care of his life, and he said that I can start a business again. I want to open another clothing store and go to the capital."

"Okay! That's good! You live your little life like this with them. You will be a housekeeper, and you will manage your little family well in the future. By the way, wait a minute."

Speaking of which, Liang Chengfang stood up and said:
"Your dowry that day, there are still some things that haven't been taken away. I have prepared a carriage for you to take there today. And this, it was your sister who asked me to give you this box. Your sister Having said that, you can do whatever you want. You can keep this private for you, and you don’t need to let the He family know. "

Liang Chengfang put it in Xiaocao's hand, and Xiaocao gently opened the box. Inside was a stack of silver tickets, and two gold tickets under the silver tickets.Looking at the amount, Xiaocao was stunned.Busily pushed back to Liang Chengfang and said:
"Mother, this won't work. If I take this away, I will take away all my Shen family's belongings. The dowry you prepared for me is now the first dowry in Qingyang Mansion. I have enough of it." This is my sister's savings over the years. Next, there is my sister's marriage. My sister is a prince, and you can't get married with a little money. There are also younger brothers, and there are grandparents and grandparents. Mom, I can't Take this with you."

"Why can't you take it away?"

The one who comes in through the interface is Xuejian.Xue Jian stepped forward and said:

"Sister, it's better for our girls to have their own money when they are away. For example, when you arrive in the capital, if you want to buy something or make friends, you have to have more money. When those people in the capital attend parties, You won't wear the same dress to two banquets, they have to make new clothes every season. I don't want my sister to be looked down upon by them. So, you take this money. Didn't you think of doing another one in the capital? Shop? This will allow you to open another shop. Don’t worry, I’ve prepared some new clothes for you.”

"Xue'er, I don't know how much it is after I take care of the house? This is basically all of our family! Let me take it away, and you will be married in two years. What will you do then? Now the family is big and the business is big, and every day I open my eyes, I need money."

Xiaocao still refused.

"You don't have to worry about the money in the family. Besides, who said that I gave you all the money in the family. No way. You don't have to worry about the pension money of your parents. You only see that my villager uses the money and doesn't look at it." Will I have an income every month? As for my marriage, it’s still early, so you don’t have to worry about it. Think about it, I’m a prince. I also have a prince’s mansion in the capital. How much is there in that mansion? Zhenbao can be my dowry! Besides, the title of Prince is enough for your sister and me!"

Anyway, Xuejian gave the box to Xiaocao.Liang Chengfang also tried her best to persuade Xiaocao to accept it.Xue Jian said:

"You really don't need to tell the He family or others about this money. This is really your private money."

(End of this chapter)

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