farmer's daughter

Chapter 857 This Is Just a Play

Chapter 857 It's Just a Play
Chapter 850 It's Just a Play
Xue Jian calmly followed the emperor to the imperial study.As soon as the emperor entered, he yelled at Eunuch Song angrily:
"go out!"

Eunuch Song has been with the emperor for so long, but he has never been angry like this.It was also the little eunuch who was busy calling for the tea, put the tea down, and backed out.Going straight to the outer room, Eunuch Song told everyone around him to back away a little bit.Then he went to the door by himself.

Even so.The emperor in the room lowered his voice and stared at Xue Jian and asked:

"How did this come about?"

With that said, he threw the booklet heavily on the table.Xue Jian said lightly:

"We have let some people into Wula country. We have also arranged for Wuli country. But we don't use these people in normal things. This time, the people over there heard that this person came and was sealed as an official. Your concubine, you just passed the news on!"

The emperor's face turned red.According to the above, this woman is not a princess at all.It was all for the purpose of being sent here, so a temporary title was granted. The people lurking there did not expect the always loyal emperor to fall for this trick, so they did not move, and did not pass on the real identity of this woman.This man was bought from that building by the county king, and he was specially trained in the building, so he has some special skills, and it is because of these that the emperor is fascinated.

This is called being seductive and blind. The emperor has never doubted that a lady from a great family, how could she be like that?Moreover, it is very frivolous to deal with people in the palace.She is very good at acting like a baby to the emperor, and can always keep the emperor from wanting to go to court early!The emperor asked, and it was a family tradition.Pass on the female but not the male.Let the emperor believe it!
Now, Xue Jian gave such a news!The emperor really lost his face before Xue met!The emperor walked back and forth in the room.This face is completely lost.I'm afraid that in the Wula dynasty, everyone is laughing at themselves!This anger!Can't leave!
The emperor is very angry!Very angry!is really angry!

Xue Jian said lightly:
"Look, let me tell you, ordinary people can't teach such a girl."

"To shut up!"

The emperor was even more angry.He yelled at Xue Jian directly.Xue Jian curled her lips and said softly:

"It's very simple, lock that woman in the palace, let outsiders think that you are just a smoke bomb, and then send a surprise soldier to destroy that princess's mansion directly! Then, write a letter to their king , if you claim your title to us, you will not send troops, or you will send troops to let them see that the imperial palace is not much stronger than that county's palace!"

The emperor was pacing, turned his head to look at Xue Jian and said:
"When did you find out?"

Xue Jian glanced at the emperor and said:

"The news I received last night, I can't use this news to come to you in the middle of the night, so I have prepared the scriptures. I am going to tell you today. I didn't expect that person to say that about me. I said it in the palace .”

Regarding this matter, Xue Jian didn't think she was at fault.

The emperor said angrily:

"Who else knows?"

Xuejian pretended to be surprised and said:
"You don't want to silence? This matter can't be suppressed!"

The emperor glared at Xue Jian angrily and said:
"Did I say I want to kill my mouth? Then kill you first!"

Xue Jian pouted again and said:
"Master Fu knows. He sent the news to me. It was his people who sent back the news. Others don't know."

The emperor took two steps:
"Okay! Go to the end! As long as you know it!"

Xue Jian nodded obediently and said:
"Yes, it's not something glorious, and I don't want to talk about it."


The emperor looked at Xue Jian with an innocent face.Some angry but dare not express it.

After another pause, the emperor stood still and said:
"Destroyed the county prince's mansion? What kind of fire and thunder can you use?"

Xue Jian looked up at the emperor.It is not surprising that the emperor would know about Xue Jian, and he should have known about it.In order to be able to bear it for so long and find this time to ask, he is still not bad.

Xuejian didn't answer directly, but just laughed and said:
"It shouldn't be a problem. It's just a county prince's mansion. It is said that it is not a very favored county prince."

The emperor looked at Xue Jian, and didn't ask any more questions about the role of Huo Lei, nodded and said:

"Well, just do as you said just now, run the county palace, and let the people who run it inform the county king and their emperor, and let them know what they died for!"

Xuejian was a little surprised and said:
"You want the emperor to die?"

The emperor said:
"The emperor, he must be 70 or [-] years old, he should die! Let us leave an emperor who we can control."

Well, Xue Jian admits that she is not as thoughtful as he is.This is indeed better!
"That has to be discussed."

"Come on!"

The emperor swung his queen and shouted:

"Xuan Liang Chengxiang, Lian Hou Ye. Fu Hou Ye enters the palace."

The eunuch Song outside received the order immediately, and asked the little eunuch to take people to inform him.The emperor has also calmed down now. As the monarch of a country, he was being teased by others.This matter must come back with revenge.

After a while, Liang Shengyue and Lian Quchen came first.It seemed that Fu Jinghao was going to carry out the order to guard all the Ulalai envoys first.

Both of them were at a loss.They didn't understand what was going on. When Guoshu Bianxuejian got the news yesterday, it was a bit late, and they were not notified.

After they came in to salute, they saw that Xue Jian was sitting on the side calmly, and the emperor was not as excited as before.So he stood aside and waited for the emperor's order.

The emperor was a little embarrassed, it was a shame to say such a thing.

Seeing that he was too embarrassed, Xue Jian said after thinking about it:

"Uncle, senior brother, today we sang a play in the hall. I think you are confused?"


Liang Sheng became more and more incomprehensible.If she had guessed some things before, but now that Xue'er said that, she really didn't understand.

The emperor also took a look at Xuejian.

Xuejian said calmly:
"After the great war, we thought about a problem, this Ula country. There are a few places that I value. It is that there is a salt field in their territory that is the same as Li County. The news is that Brother Jing Hao's people went to visit It came. But now they don’t know how to use it. In addition, this Ula country has always been married to us and maintained a cooperative relationship with us. But stabbed us in the back. This kind of thing will never be tolerated. So, years ago. I have a discussion with the emperor, and I want to turn Ula into a vassal state of our Eastern Dynasty!"

"So, when it came out today, I just took what the messenger said in time. The main reason is that we got the news yesterday that our people have a way to sneak into their palace, that is to say, we can act now. We have to It's not a war, it's just the result of a victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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