Chapter 858

Chapter 850 The Nine Enemies Are Extinct
If Xue Jian said, she would clean up the harem matter.It is a strategy that I have planned a long time ago to directly apply this matter.It is only said today because it is ready to be implemented now.

Of course, after hearing Xuejian's words, the three people in the room had their own ideas.The emperor was greatly relieved, and he put a hat on his own mistakes, as if he was carrying out an action to confuse others.

I have to thank Xue Jian for saying this, which made him feel a lot easier!
But what Liang Shengyue thought of was that he had an idea years ago, but he never told him. As a prime minister, he didn't know anything about such a big event. Is the emperor guarding himself?But why didn't Cher mention it?We still spent the Chinese New Year together this time, and there were so many days on the way back, and there was no word about it?
But Lian Quchen felt that something was wrong, but he hadn't thought of where the problem was.Because today's matter is a bit strange, first of all, the emperor's performance in the hall is not acting.This point, I am confident that I can still see it.

But now, Xue Jian said so, and this matter is also a big one.So believe it.

"Then what are you going to do?"

The straighter Liang's voice became, he asked:

The emperor nodded, walked back to the desk, sat down and said:

"I discussed it with Prince Rui just now. We can't waste our lives and money on this matter. Because Xue Jian has always wanted no war, saying that the common people suffer. We also don't want a war. Then we can only take them directly. head of state to do things.”

"First, destroy a county prince's mansion first. It is the imperial concubine's natal family. This will show them the attitude of the Eastern Dynasty. Second, I will let the emperor change to someone else. Change to someone who can obey!"

Liang Sheng frowned and said:

"Because I didn't get the emperor's instructions before, I haven't prepared yet. I still have to think about it."

The emperor also laughed and said:
"Shengyue, don't worry too much. I didn't say it before because I was afraid that this matter would fail. Xue Jian and Jing Hao have been working hard to push some of their own people into the key places of other countries. They can inquire about some information. This time it is a success We have also chosen a person who can be the new king for us. Then we have no shortage of food and clothing. We can destroy them directly! Ula, must become our vassal state. This time, his surrender The blow to us is not small! From now on, we don't need him anymore."

The emperor's confidence is greatly increased.Because of the belief in Xue Jian's Huolei.

Just as he was talking, Eunuch Song came to report that Fu Jinghao had come.

Fu Jinghao was invited in.Xue Jian simply said some of the things discussed just now, so that Fu Jinghao would know what can be said and what cannot be said.

Fu Jinghao understood what Xuejian meant and said:

"Your Majesty, I've been unconvinced for a long time! Look at what the Wula Dynasty did. We sent princesses and princesses to get married. Those who have been sent over the years are afraid that they have royal blood. Let’s replace it with our Eastern Dynasty’s. And they are not satisfied, then let’s fight!”

Another tough main battle faction!
With what these two people said, even Quchen understood some of the key points. It seems that the emperor wanted to use Xuejian's Huolei to do something, and Fu Jinghao was the only one who did it. up.

However, this is a dangerous thing, one is not good, you have reached the center of others, and you have gone to the city.

If it is not done well, there will be no return!
But if, as they said, they had already sent people to sneak in, then everything was prepared.Then this play is sung a bit too big.

Even Quchen didn't say a word, just looked at the emperor's extreme degree.

After hearing Fu Jinghao's words, the emperor nodded repeatedly and said:
"Yes, what we want is that they surrender to us!"

With the discussion of the monarch and his ministers, this matter became a foregone conclusion.Xue Jianxin said:

"The imperial concubine can feel at ease now!"

After discussing with several people, they all decided that this matter is feasible.Then, it's up to Fu Jinghao how to do it.The emperor said:

"Xue'er, your health is not very good now. Why don't you stay in Beijing and wait for Jing Hao to come back, and then escort you back to Qingyang."

Xue Jian shook his head and said:
"There is another big thing, I told you last time, I want to improve the land in Li County, and now I'm starting to spread this matter. Just wait until I go back, if it can be done, next year, the land in Li County The land can be harvested. People in Li County will never go hungry again."

Liang Shengyue also heard about it when he returned to his hometown this time, but he didn't know everything about farming. He used to be in the countryside.They all did what Liang Zhongqiu was called.Some of the reasons have never been asked, but when it comes to the word washing the floor, he doesn't quite understand the literal meaning.I don't quite believe it will work either.

But thinking about it, Xuejian has always done things with certainty.Especially for such a big event, you won't make fun of ordinary people.

Therefore, I still chose to believe in Xue Jian.

Now hearing Xuejian talking about it, she also said softly:
"Xue'er, I'm not very good at farming, but I think this matter should be carried out with caution. Li County is not small, so don't be too radical, try a place first, and spread it out if it works!"

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:
"You don't have to worry about the pilot. I started it last time I went back. Before I came this time, I learned that the place where I tried it is now growing grass."

What does this mean?Explain that washing the floor is useful!
The emperor nodded and said:

"That's fine. Let's do it all over the place. Do you need any help? If you need someone, you can go to the garrison and send some people if there is no one."

Xue Jian nodded, this was originally planned.At that time, I am afraid that we will have to transfer some talents.

The emperor said again:

"If Jing Hao goes in this time, what will he need to use? I have never asked you about the manufacture of Huo Lei. I don't know what will be used. Where do I need to adjust things?"

Xue Jian shook his head and said:
"Your Majesty, I have something to say!"

"you say!"

The emperor has arranged things now, so he is relaxed!

Xuejian thought about it and said:

"What I want to talk about is about the third senior brother. I didn't make this Huo Lei, but a method provided by the third senior brother. I did it. The problem is that the third senior brother has never dared to say anything about it. Because of his current status, it’s really not easy to speak out.”

When Xue Jian said this, Fu Jinghao and Lian Quchen were sweating.Say this kind of thing now?Is it ok?

The emperor froze for a moment before thinking about it.The third senior brother who talked about Xuejian last time was from that enemy family back then.After thinking about it, the emperor said:

"Is there anything wrong to say directly. The people from the enemy's family back then are all dead in the case file. Your third senior brother has no chance to come to Beijing to contribute to the dynasty. If you come to the capital, I will definitely use him!"

(End of this chapter)

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