farmer's daughter

Chapter 859 Give 3 senior brothers a chance to make meritorious service

Chapter 859 Give Third Senior Brother a Chance to Make Contributions
Chapter 860 Give Third Senior Brother a Chance to Make Contributions
Xue Jian and Lian Quchen were stunned when they heard the emperor's words, and then said with a smile:
"Yes, it's also the third senior brother who is too refined, as if he is a bit out of touch with the world. Next time, I will bring him to meet the emperor!"

Fu Jinghao suddenly said:
"Why don't you let Third Senior Brother and I go to Ula Country!"

Upon hearing this, Xuejian slapped her thigh fiercely and said:

"Okay, give third brother a chance to make meritorious service!"

After thinking about it, the emperor nodded and said:
"Okay! I know what you mean! It would be better to have one more general in the court!"

Fu Jinghao looked at each other with a friendly smile, and decided to send a letter to the third senior brother when he went back.

But now Fu Jinghao can't accompany Xuejian back to Qingyang, so.Even Quchen wanted to invite this dean to Qingyang.I haven't been there for a long time, and I still miss it.

But the emperor disagreed:
"Jing Hao and Xue'er are gone. You and Sheng Yue are the only ones in Beijing who can give me advice. You should stay. As for Xue'er's going back to her hometown, don't you still have Princess Yu and Master Fuma?" ?”

Even Quchen raised his eyebrows when he heard this, but he had completely missed his junior brother.If Princess Yu is accompanying her now, there must be guards in the palace.In addition, there is a junior junior brother, and I will contact the second junior brother later.There is also Mr. Qin accompanying him.That's fine.

Even Quchen's desire to be lazy was not fulfilled.

Xue Jian saw that nothing happened.I plan to go back to the Prince's Mansion, and I have to deal with some family affairs. For example, Xiaocao's shop said it will open the day after tomorrow, so I still have to go to support it.

Coming out of the palace, Lian Quchen went directly to the Prince's Mansion. The purpose of going was to ask what happened today, but this time Xue'er said:
"Eldest brother, it's not good to know everything. Some things, you don't know what's good for you and the princess sister. If you have to think about it, then just think about the ugliest thing. Anyway, we To achieve our goal, it is enough to accept a vassal country."

Even Quchen couldn't help it.I didn't ask anymore, but I still discussed with Fu Jinghao and planned how to go to someone's place and directly deliver a county prince's mansion.This has to be well planned, and it's going to be fast.People can't react.

The two discussed it for a long time inside.Xue Jian followed to see the little baby at the princess mansion.

That night, Fu Jinghao left the capital.Go directly to the border town.At the same time, they also sent a message for Qiu Yuan to gather in the border town.

And two days later, Xiaocao's shop opened, but Xue Jian went to see Xiaocao the night before to cheer her up.He also lent Xiaocao a nanny from his own house, because this nanny knew some noble ladies in Beijing or someone in the family.

Early the next morning, Xue Jian brought Gu Gonggong, Shi Chun and Ban Xia to the shop.

It is said to be a small shop, but in fact this shop is not small.It can be regarded as a large shop, and there is a wide dam in front of the shop, but there are some carriages parked, and there is a yard behind the shop.Some people lived in this yard.There was the embroidered lady who had been found, and some guards brought by Manager Cheng from the mansion.

When Xue saw it, Xiaocao had already arrived.Xue Jian's carriage stopped directly outside the store in a conspicuous place, just to let others see it.The Prince is here too.But Xuejian looked at some of the decorations in Xiaocao's shop, and nodded in satisfaction.I just asked Xiaocao to change the dress in the middle with a bridal dress designed by Xiaocao herself!
In this way, as soon as you enter the door, you will see a very festive and beautiful dress!
It's an auspicious time.Manager Cheng took the firecrackers and set them up outside the store without Xue Jian's instructions.As soon as the release was over, some carriages poured out from the streets on both sides, and it seemed that they were all parked and waiting.Just wait until the guns are fired here, and it's time for the opening.Then congratulations!
Of course, the princess is the first one to come. It's not that she is the first to arrive. The main reason is that those who arrive first dare not compete with the princess.Because everyone knows the relationship between the princess and the shopkeeper.But the princess also gave way to the Xiao Hu family.Because she knew that Xiao Hu was Xue'er's aunt.It is an elder.

But Xiao Hu always let the princess take the lead this time.Because the rank of the princess can be higher, let's talk about it.The princess has always been the clothing benchmark for some rich girls in this capital, and if she is there, it means that the clothes in this store must be good.

No matter what, the people who came today are all for the sake of Xue Jian.Although Xue Jian didn't stand at the door to meet her in person, she sent Ban Xia to meet her at the door.This is to give some officials' wives a lot of face.

Not all the people who came came to see Xuejian, but everyone knew that Xuejian was in the upstairs private room of the store.Even the princess didn't go upstairs, but looked at the clothes seriously.There are indeed quite a few of them that are eye-catching, and a girl who follows the princess is also introducing the characteristics of each dress to the princess.

The other ladies just listened.I heard the princess listened carefully and said:

"Write this down for me. I want the light blue one. Make me one then. Your boss has mine in my size."

Afterwards, the princess ordered three pieces, all of which were to be made in this style, but not necessarily in this color.The girl really wrote it down on the side.Then said:

"Princess, I will remember everything for you."

The princess nodded and smiled:

"You did very well."

A girl behind the princess gave the girl a purse.It was a reward.The girl bowed without being humble or overbearing, and then accepted it.

The Princess turned her head and said to the wives following behind her:
"Hahaha, don't follow me all of you, take a look. The clothes in this store, if you like it, you can make it to order. For example, if you like this one, but you don't like the button, you You can ask the store to change the button you like when it is made for you."

All the wives immediately agreed:

"Ah, this is really great. I've taken a fancy to this dress. But I'm afraid it's too bright. And I'm afraid I won't make it for us. It would be great if we can make it to order."

The girl said:

"My wife is joking. The requirement of our store is to satisfy the buyer. You can see, you can choose any one you want. There are custom-made standards. On the wall here, we write each standard Here it is. You can all come and see."

Others followed suit to see the instructions on ordering.It is indeed very detailed.Under the guidance of Ban Xia, the princess went up to the second floor.But Mrs. Hu and He Qing's wives were already waiting upstairs.

As a result, within an hour, more than half of the clothes in the shop were sold out.Dozens of other clothes have also been ordered.While Xiaocao said hello, she asked people to bring out new clothes and hang them up again.After selling more than half of it, I will make up for it.A total of three replenishments today.fine.Xiaocao had already prepared for it!
(End of this chapter)

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