farmer's daughter

Chapter 861 Tracking

Chapter 861 Tracking
Chapter 860 Tracking

Because this action required speed and effectiveness, even if those who went to negotiate with the Eastern Dynasty were controlled, it was unknown if they had other ways to pass the news.

So, after meeting the shopkeeper and learning about the situation here, Fu Jinghao decided to go to the county prince's mansion himself!
Although the staff stationed here gave Fu Jinghao a map, but Fu Jinghao read it.Still for the sake of caution, I still plan to get familiar with some streets in this capital.So I found someone, and after dinner, in the name of shopping, I took a look around.

Fortunately, this capital is similar to the capital of the Eastern Dynasty, with one main road from east to west and one from north to south.Then most of them are laid out in the same grid.Extending in all directions, dignitaries live in the east, merchants live in the west, and small officials and civilians live in the south.And the north is the kind of people they rent and some poor people, it is the most chaotic place, but their small yard is a little bit better among the chaos.

The person who led the way also explained in detail the characteristics of each place during the day and at night.Comparing when and where the most people are, which high-ranking officials have what habits, anyway, he said everything he could think of.

Fu Jinghao also heard the news he most wanted to hear.That county king was originally a Xiaoyao king, so he would come out for a walk every day.The places I go to are mostly restaurants and theaters, and sometimes I go to a building.

In fact, when Fu Jinghao first got the news that the noble concubine was bought from that kind of place, he thought that the county king was a person who lived a luxurious life.After hearing this, sure enough.

A few people walked around the capital for a while, then came back and sat down to discuss it again.The main thing is that Fu Jinghao asked for some things, and asked them to buy them for him.

It's been arranged.Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan went to rest early, because they planned to go to the spot tonight, but for this kind of thing, it is best to go in the middle of the night.

Both of them were vigilant people, and they got up immediately when they heard Chu Geng's voice.Then tidy up, and then the two left the yard together, and set off for the mansion of the county king.

Because both of them learned about the structure of the county king's mansion, they decided to enter from the backyard.Unexpectedly, it went well.Although there are still guards in the county mansion, the county king has always arranged few guards in order to show his loyalty to the emperor. At most, they can protect them from thieves. Of course, thieves like Fu Jinghao are very important to them. It is impossible to guard against.

Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan came to the backyard of the county king one after the other. This was the first change, but they found that the lights in a small courtyard in the backyard were still on.It looks like it's in a remote place, presumably it's where servants live.Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan didn't care.

Because there are many small courtyards here, it seems that this county king really has many beauties.The two made a gesture, and then searched separately, but after the two searched separately according to the east-west direction, they did not find the county king, which is a bit interesting!

Where did this debauched county king go without sleeping in the middle of the night?
As soon as the two met on the roof, they turned their gazes to the small courtyard that was still lit.So I touched it lightly, but I didn't expect to find that there was a problem here in the past.In this small remote courtyard, there are not only guards, but also hidden guards!

This is a bit interesting!Explain that there is a situation here!

The two did not act rashly, but stood guard outside for a while.I think it's late at night now, so there should be a change.

Sure enough, after a while, I saw the door of the courtyard open, and two guard-like people came out from the inside, standing at the door, and then two people came out from the inside, one turned around and clasped fists, and the other walked towards the door.

The person clasping his fists was a middle-aged man, and the person who was delivered to the door was also a middle-aged man.It seems that the person who gave it away was the current county king, but the person who came out did not know who it was.Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan looked at each other and decided to follow this man.

This person also brought two guards into the room of the king of the county, and it seems that he is not a small person.The guard led them out of the yard.They didn't go to the usual way to the front yard and exit the gate, but opened a small gate from the wall on one side, and four or five people guarded the middle-aged man and left.Disappeared in an alley behind the Prince's Mansion, and this alley was empty, there was basically no place to hide here.Just as Fu Jinghao and the two decided to get up to meet each other, they found that a hidden guard had moved.

Several hidden guards set off to follow the middle-aged man.That was the hidden guard of the middle-aged man.Fu Jinghao and the two had no choice but to stand still.fine.They leaned over the front of the house, so they could see the alley behind them, that is to say, they could clearly see the actions of those people.

But they didn't finish the alley, but a gate was opened on the wall on the other side of the alley, and these people entered through there.

Fu Jinghao and Qiu Dianwai's hidden guards also passed by.I just followed him.I was worried about getting lost.Unexpectedly, those people did not leave the house.The mansion here is the mansion of a prince who is the third younger brother of the current emperor.In other words, this is the Prince's Mansion, and that middle-aged man is probably also the Prince.

It's not a good thing for a prince and a county king to meet in private without sleeping in the middle of the night.I thought so, but the two followed quietly.It was discovered that after returning to the mansion, this person still did not go back to sleep in the backyard, but went to the study in the front yard.

It seems.And his hidden guards also followed him to the outside of the study, and then quietly hid in the trees outside.This made Fu Jinghao and the two of them a little embarrassed.How do you know who this person is?

The two discussed for a while, and Qiu Yuan's lightness kung fu was better, so Qiu Yuan went to distract some people.How much confusion will do.

Qiu Yuan quietly shifted to another place, and then lightly jumped on the roof, so that he was immediately seen by the hidden guards.Two of the four hidden guards moved and rushed to the roof.and fought.The fight on the roof quickly attracted guards, but everyone was yelling:

"Protect the prince!"

Then many soldiers poured into the yard, and Fu Jinghao remained motionless.After Qiu Yuan made a few moves, he feinted and left.Below was the voice of catching assassins, but these people were obviously not Qiu Yuan's opponents. Although the lightness skills of the two hidden guards were a little better, they were thrown out by a large margin after leaving the mansion.

Those who chased and killed over there left.The door of the study here opened, and a loud voice shouted:

"Who is it? How many people?"

(End of this chapter)

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