farmer's daughter

Chapter 862 There is a situation

Chapter 862 There is a situation

Chapter 860 There is a situation
Looking from Fu Jinghao's side, he could still see the speaker, because a window was opened here, and the speaker was a middle-aged man who had just returned from the county palace.

"Back to the prince, it's a person. Cover your face, you can't tell who it is, and the tricks you use are ordinary tricks, nothing special."

"Hmph. Hunting geese all day long, I was pecked by geese. You go down and check for me, maybe where did the person come from? Go to a person and inform the county king. I don't know if the person came from his side. followed."

This sentence made Fu Jinghao a little surprised. Should he inform the county king of this news?Shouldn't I check it out, is it someone from the county king?So to say.Does the prince trust the county king very much?
interesting!The prince is the third younger brother of the emperor.But the king of the county is the youngest brother of the first emperor!In other words, the county king is the prince's uncle.

These two people obviously shouldn't be so good, but they are very close to each other.And these two unlikely princes met privately in the middle of the night?In the middle, I'm afraid there is something wrong, right?

Fu Jinghao still leaned over and did not move.After a while, I saw two people flying back, they were the ones who went out first and followed Qiu Yuan to chase after them, they came back and reported:
"Prince, the person who ran to the west is better at Qinggong than us. After a few ups and downs, we couldn't even see anyone."

"Hmph! Check with me, check if someone from the martial arts world has entered the capital recently. Strengthen the guards in the mansion!"


It seems that the guards need to be strengthened.Fu Jinghao gently moved down from the rockery over there.But when he turned around at the end, the sleeve caught on a sharper stone on the rockery, and the sleeve was pulled away as soon as he tried hard, with a bang, the noise was a bit loud.

Most noticeable in the middle of the night.Fu Jinghao flew into the darkness without any hesitation, and went straight back to the prince's courtyard.

The prince's men came after him.But he didn't dare to chase into the yard rashly, and had to inform the person at the door.Only then can we go in and chase people down.All of a sudden, the time was lost.Just right.After a few ups and downs, Fu Jinghao was a bold man with a high level of art.He went directly to the courtyard where the county king had just left.

Then hide in it, because this is the corner of the county prince's mansion, there are walls on both sides, and once you get out of the wall, you will find an alley.On one side is the prince's house, and on the other side is a senior official's house.

Those people didn't expect Fu Jinghao to be so courageous. He knew that there was an investigation here, and he dared to hide here. After they got permission, they came in and took a rough look inside and outside the yard, because I don't believe that people haven't run away yet, most of them checked outside the hospital.

In addition, the princess's mansion is not small, so it's usually not easy to find it clearly, but it scared the mistress in the backyard so much that she was screaming here and there.It was a mess.

Wait for most of the wind to pass.Fu Jinghao was also sure that there was no one here, so he slowly got down from the beam in the room.Taking advantage of the moonlight and the wind lamp on the porch, I checked the house in this small yard. This place is obviously a study.But I didn't expect a county king to arrange a small courtyard in the backyard as a study, and the courtyard of this study is separated from the inner courtyard.

When he first came in, Fu Jinghao found out.In addition to a back door in this small courtyard, there is also a side door here.If you open it, go out, it should be along the wall here.It must have led to the outer courtyard.

But Fu Jinghao didn't find anything in it. It's a study room, which is also very elegant.But there are really only some things to play with.There are also some common poems and songs.Most of them are some calligraphy and paintings, which look elegant.

Fu Jinghao frowned, thinking about it.Is this the place for secret meetings?There should be something, but now I can't see anything.

There was a second watch outside.At three o'clock, there will be servants getting up.Although the county palace had been arguing for a while, it was late at night.Everyone fell asleep.

After thinking about it for a while, Fu Jinghao got up and left.But he was cautious when leaving.From the county prince's mansion to the roof of the prince's mansion.Of course, this time it was the backyard, but even in the backyard, I felt that the prince's mansion had more guards than the county prince's mansion.

I don't know if it just increased.Fu Jinghao stepped on it, turned a few turns on the street, and then returned to the small yard he rented.

Qiu Yuan was sitting in his room.Seeing him come back, he smiled and said:

"I was going to find you. I didn't expect you to come back."

Fu Jinghao said with a smile:
"The prince said that tomorrow we will check out the people in the martial arts, the new arrivals in the martial arts. Are you?"

Qiu Yuan smiled indifferently and said:
"I'm not afraid of them investigating. However, it seems that the prince's guards are not very good. Those two are hidden guards. They disappeared after a few clicks."

Fu Jinghao told what he heard and saw when he stayed.Qiu Yuan said:

"It seems that this prince and this county king are plotting something. However, we don't know now. We will ask people here tomorrow. How is the relationship between these two?"

Fu Jinghao nodded and said:
"That county king is not the kind of person we have heard. It seems that this person has some schemes. Otherwise, he would not have come up with the idea of ​​buying a woman to send to the Eastern Dynasty."

Qiu Yuan was a little dissatisfied with the Dongfang Emperor, and he laughed for a while when he heard that the woman in that building was also made a noble concubine.Now I heard Fu Jinghao mention it again.nodded and said:

"The people here said something today. It is that the woman became a noble concubine, which has not been spread here. In other words, the county king knew the news, but suppressed it. Originally, a gift It should be a happy event or something that can be used as a joke, but the people here are calm!"

Fu Jinghao also nodded and said:

"So, there is something wrong here. It seems that tomorrow we have to ask our potential people to check the past of this county king, even if it is a little thing."

The next day, Fu Jinghao asked the people here.People here said:

"That prince is the third son of the first emperor. It is said that he almost became the prince. He also has a son who is very famous here. He has many friends and is also very knowledgeable. This person The prince always praises his son, especially with the emperor's Prince Wula. No matter in person or in private, there are many comparisons. No matter what aspect, this prince's son is better than Prince Wula."

And that county king is the late emperor's younger brother. It is said that the first emperor's father took in a court lady a year before his death, and this person was born by this court lady.At that time, the old emperor still thought that he was very strong, and he used this son as an example.Therefore, this county king has been taken care of since he was a child.Moreover, he is a person who poses no threat to the throne.So it is equivalent to the life of a happy king.

(End of this chapter)

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