farmer's daughter

Chapter 863 There Are Secret Passages

Chapter 863 There Are Secret Passages

Chapter 860 There Are Secret Passages
The next day, sure enough, some officers and soldiers came and went on the street, saying that an assassin appeared in the Prince's Mansion yesterday, so they were looking for the assassin.I also found this small yard.But I came to see a few people wearing coarse clothes working hard.

I just asked which servant it was.Hearing that it was someone invited from a certain store, the leader smiled reassuringly and said:

"Oh. It belongs to shopkeeper Li's house. That's all right. You guys should be busy. Let's go."

It seems.The soldier who came to check people today is someone familiar to shopkeeper Li, so I feel more at ease if he knows someone.

After they left.Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan came out from home.

In the evening, the people inside the potential spread the news.The prince has had some changes recently, because the original prince was stranded by the emperor because of the unfavorable dispatch of troops.And he couldn't get the support of his uncle's family anymore, because although the cousin he brought out finally came back to life, he became a half-dead cripple!

And after this prince Ula lost, he could only live and dream in his own mansion every day.Waiting for the emperor to show mercy, because although the emperor has other princes, from a comprehensive point of view, the other princes are really not as good as him!
Therefore, in private, there are also one or two people who support him and help with the activities.However, this prince's fall made the prince think about it. No matter what, he had a son who was like jewels, and this child couldn't be the emperor because he was not the emperor.This made the prince a little sad, this son is his pride!
Therefore, the prince has had some changes recently.It seems that he wants his son to be in the position, of course, first of all he wants to be in the position.

Listened to the news from the potential people.Fu Jinghao smiled lightly and said:
"It's easy to handle, as long as their emperor knows what they are doing. We just need to add fire. We can't do our best, so we might as well let them fight themselves."

Qiu Yuan also laughed and said:
"That's fine, but you have to have a good plan, how can you let them eat dogs!"

Fu Jinghao said with a smile:
"He wants to rebel, we just need to help! However, we still need to find out what is going on with that county king. How can that person be valued by this prince? Ordinarily, he is a man who plays games in the world." .”

Fu Jinghao raised this point.Qiu Yuan was also silent, indeed.Why did the prince go to meet the county king at night?

Fu Jinghao said, let the hidden people check again, why can this county king live so happily?The emperor sent people to the Eastern Dynasty, and they were also sent by the county king.And this county king, if he is really at home, how could the emperor ask him to give him away.And who is the person he sent, doesn't the emperor know?Why would you let them send it out?
Someone spread the news, and asked someone to check the county king again.Then check which building the one sent to Dongfang Dynasty bought it from.It seems that there are some news that everyone doesn't know.

This time, I waited for three days before I got a response. It was very simple. The girl I bought was bought in a small building in a county town. It is said that it was sent by a wine and meat friend of the county king.Then the king of the county originally had a daughter, and the emperor said that he wanted that daughter, but the king of the county gave it to this woman. I don't know if the emperor knows about it or not.

Suddenly, Fu Jinghao had a sudden idea, suddenly thought of a kind of job that Xuejian once said, spy, could he do this kind of job?

When I thought about it suddenly, goose bumps all over my body.If this is the case, what about the person next to the emperor?Thinking of this, Fu Jinghao got up abruptly, pointed to a person, and wrote a secret letter, a letter that only Lian Quchen could understand.Let people send it back to the capital immediately and hand it over to Lord Lianhou.

Here, Fu Jinghao decided to supervise the affairs of the county king himself.And whispered some of his thoughts to Qiu Yuan.Qiu Yuan was obviously surprised, if what Fu Jinghao said was true.That's kind of scary!People ambushed all their own people in their own palace.

Still went in aboveboard!So, here they are.He didn't make fun of a girl in the building who became a concubine at all.Because what they want is not just a joke!
Qiu Yuan and Fu Jinghao divided their jobs, one to monitor the county king, and the other to pay attention to the prince's every move.

Because that day Fu Jinghao found an excellent place in the courtyard of the king of the county, where he could hide himself.There is a small attic in the small courtyard left by the county king. It seems that there is a lot of dust in it.That is, it has not been activated, and Fu Jinghao decided to bring some food to station there.

Fu Jinghao took some food and left that night.When I went there, I really found that the place was perfect. There was a small skylight in the attic, and the skylight could be used for entering and exiting.You can also see the general situation in the inner courtyard outside.For example, which yard lights go out first!
It was just dark when Fu Jinghao arrived, and the girls were lighting up lanterns everywhere.Although he is familiar with the road, Fu Jinghao also feels that the defense of this mansion has been strengthened a lot today.At least, there were not so many hidden guards yesterday.But today even though the master hadn't come yet, a hidden guard also came and stood guard there.

But how could these situations escape Fu Jinghao's eyes.Because that's what he does.

Sensing that the situation here has changed, Fu Jinghao thinks it is a good thing, at least this shows that there is really a problem.It seems that some of my ideas are not wrong.

Fu Jinghao sat in the small attic with peace of mind, closed his eyes to rest for a while, and then waited for the county king to come.Check out this little yard in action.Is it really just for meeting with the prince?

Fu Jinghao didn't have to wait long, the county king came in a short while, but at the same time, Fu Jinghao saw a lively scene, that is, the county king's backyard was lively, singing and dancing.This situation doesn't look right, who is the master not happy to show?A group of women in the backyard, isn't it just for this man?
But this man brought a few servants to this small courtyard here.After coming, those people were not allowed in.He just entered the house by himself, then closed the door and the window.

Fu Jinghao looked down from the crack of the attic door and saw the county king sitting behind the desk.He just reached out and opened a drawer on the side of the table.Then I reached out to do something inside, and heard a crackling sound, and then saw the door of the bookcase over there opened, and a few people came out from inside.


Fu Jinghao was not so surprised. He had already thought about it. There must be something unusual here, but he didn't expect it to be a secret passage!
(End of this chapter)

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