farmer's daughter

Chapter 884 A New Idea

Chapter 884 A New Idea

Chapter 880 Five A New Idea

It was rare that the whole family of the senior brother came and called back the young senior brother and his wife.Xue Jian looked at it and said:

"Hey, why don't we send a letter to the second senior brother and let their family come over for a gathering. I believe that the third senior brother will come back soon, and then we can get together. I think the few of us There is no real Juquan experience, either this is missing or that is missing.”

Murong Xing folded the table and said:

"Okay! I heard that the second sister-in-law also has two children."

"You really want to be a father, don't you?"

Lian Quchen smiled.

Murong Xing responded and said:
"Of course!"

Embarrassed, Princess Yu secretly kicked him.He hugged his feet and shouted:

"What are you kicking me for?"

It made everyone laugh!Sure enough, Xuejian sent a letter, saying that the second senior brother and his wife brought their children to Leisure Villa for a gathering.

Murong Xing said that he should go and invite Master back, but even Qu Chen said:

"When they all come back, let's pay a visit to Master Mistress."

Lian Quchen's family just stayed like this. During the day, Lian Quchen and Murong Xing went to Yantian to have a look. They said they came to see the work in Yantian and Li County, so they had to go and see seriously.

Even Quchen was accompanied by Fu Jinghao to watch the ground washing, which he was very interested in.When he came back, he asked Xue Jian directly:

"Xue'er, how do you know that the mud floor is for washing? Have you tasted the mud?"

Xue Jian widened his eyes and said:
"Who is an idiot to taste that mud? Isn't that what you can think of with your toes? The ground is full of brine, and that brine is salt, so the water in the mud is salt."

As Xue Jian was talking, Fu Jinghao bent over laughing behind him.Xue Jian saw that Lian Quchen had a very ugly expression on his face, while Fu Jinghao was still winking there.Xue Jian was also cut off at this moment and didn't know why. Even Quchen saw Fu Jinghao winking from the corner of his eyes, and he slapped back. The two hit each other from the yard to the roof, from the roof to the roof. On the back of the mountain, and then came back from the mountain, the people in the whole villa came out to see it, and cheered from time to time.

Especially Yu Yang, clapping and shouting vigorously in the yard.Everyone watched it very lively and energetic, Murong Xing also flew to join, it seemed that everyone was free.

This fight lasted for nearly an hour, until the three of them were sweating and panting from exhaustion before they floated down laughing.Lian Quchen shook his head and said:
"Sure enough, it's not good to stay in the capital. Now I can't even beat the two of you. No, I have to go back and resign. As a human being, I built a house for the little senior brother, what about the house you agreed to give me?"

Seeing a black line, Xue talked about the house again, and said:
"Didn't it be agreed to build it in Hot Spring Valley?"

"Then Li County is your territory. How about you build one for me? It doesn't need to be too big, it's enough for our family to live in, and a yard with two entrances is enough."

"Don't you have another courtyard?"

Lian Quchen snorted and said:

"Does that mean you won't build it?"

Fu Jinghao hurriedly leaned behind Xuejian and said:

"Jianjianjian, why don't you build it for senior brother? If you don't build it, how can senior brother taste the soil over there?"

Lian Quchen stretched out his hand in embarrassment, but he didn't hit Fu Jinghao. Only then did Xue Jian understand why he started the fight first. It turned out that Lian Quchen really went to taste the mud over there!And I said that only a fool would try it.

Xuejian laughed loudly and said:
"If you say you want to build it, you must build it. Don't worry. However, since you said that, I want to make a good plan. Let's build a house. Let the brothers and sisters get together."

In addition to Lian Quchen's visit to Yantian, the princess and Princess Yu also often chat together, but Xue'er has no time to chat.She wanted to teach her younger brother well.

It's just that there are a few more students in Xuejian's lectures now. From the beginning, it was just for fun, to hear how Xuejian taught his younger brother Lian Quchen.Murong Xing, who couldn't find anything to do to waste time, was attracted by Xue Jian's lectures, interrupting from time to time to ask some questions he didn't understand.

Sometimes, a class becomes a discussion class with everyone.Sometimes, listening to what they said, Xuejian still had a flash of inspiration and suddenly thought of something.Also recorded.

When Xue Jian said that the carriage was too big, if it could be made a small carriage for each person without using a horse, that would be great.

So, everyone began to discuss the possibility of this matter again.But this team is getting bigger and bigger, even the old Hou Ye joined in.

In the end, too much is empty, let’s make one.On the day when everyone decided to do it, the second brother Duan Fei and his wife came with their two children.Lu Qiuhui had just turned one month old, so she also brought her child with her.

It was a joy to see everyone meet again.Seeing the two children of the second senior brother, Xuejian praised:
"I saw these children, and they all look very good, but the second senior brother definitely inherited the best parts of the second senior brother and sister Lu."

Duan Fei, the eldest son of the second senior brother, is only two years old, and he can tell that he will grow up to be a big brother!
It took a day and a night for Xuejian to draw the bicycle and its various parts.What everyone is interested in is the chain, which looks different from the usual iron chains.But Cher said that this is the only way to bite that gear.

Here is a picture drawn, so let's try forging, but few people can't forge, so Xue Jian thought of Grandpa Niu again.If his old man is there.As soon as his picture came out, he knew what to do.Because the group leader is here, Butler Huang will come to the villa the next day to see if there is anything he needs.

I heard that it is not easy to find a blacksmith. Now there are several good blacksmiths in other courtyards, who are working as masters in that shelter.So he drove back immediately and brought the best one, the one who had learned from Lao Niu, directly.

Although this person had learned from Lao Niu, he was still a bit lacking in spirit, so he wanted to make a new thing, and Xuejian was on the side talking about it, and made a sample out of dough.That's how he did it.

In the past few days, everyone has spent all their time on the side of the iron furnace. It is not bad if one part can come out a day.Of course, the most difficult thing is the iron chain. If it is connected, it must be hollow, and it must be small enough to catch the gear.

It took three days in a row to make a suitable size.Then half of them were punched out, and it took ten days in a row to punch out all the parts in two sets.

As soon as the two sets came out, Xuejian began to assemble them, and from time to time found that there was something else that was needed, and then added it.Finally, half a month later, the first bicycle was born.

(End of this chapter)

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