farmer's daughter

Chapter 885 Who Will Learn It

Chapter 885 Who Will Learn It

Chapter 880 Who Will Learn Six
Look at this thing that Cher calls a bicycle. Everyone wants to try it, but they don't know how to use it.Seeing this simple bicycle made of wood and iron, Xuejian was happy and said with a smile:

"This does not require motivation, as long as you master the balance yourself. This is not something that people with higher martial arts will do better."

Because I noticed the difference in height, I installed two cars, one taller and one smaller.Xue Jian didn't move, and none of them knew how to move.Where is this hand?In order to show the usage of this bicycle, Xuejian specially wore the kung fu practice that she had not worn for a long time today, because it is really difficult to wear skirts, and the skirts here are too complicated.

Xuejian asked Fu Jinghao to help her take the small car to the small square dam outside the gate, and then she stepped forward, with her left and right palms on the handle, and gently led the car to roll forward. It was okay, although it was a bit bulky. But it's not impossible to move.

Then Xue Jian stepped on the pedal with her left foot, crossed the stool with her right leg, and sat on it steadily.With a kick, I really kicked the car away.It's just that it's a little hard to pedal at the beginning, because this is not a wheel with rubber tires, it's just a wooden wheel.

However, after continuous pedaling, the speed of the car came out.Driving forward quickly.Xuejian turned her head, this faucet is not very good, it seems to be okay.Xue Jian walked around on the dam, leaving some laughter along the way.

Seeing that Fu Jinghao and the others were also very excited, watching Xue Jian riding this car was faster than a horse-drawn carriage, and he was in charge of it by himself.

After spinning around a few times, Xuejian stopped, got off the car, and exclaimed happily:

"It's okay. It's really good, but this wheel is a bit bulky. It would be nice to have rubber trees."

Everyone doesn't care about rubber trees or not, they only care about whether they can roll forward freely like Xue'er.This is much more comfortable and faster than walking, and it saves a lot of trouble than using light work.

Lian Quchen shouted:
"I'll try."

Xue Jian looked at them and said:
"Okay, pay attention, keep your balance, keep your eyes on the front, and turn it in whichever direction you want to turn. If it doesn't work, just fly down."

Even Qu Chen took a look, and thought it was very simple, so he and Duan Fei shared a car, led the car, and imitated Xue Jian's movements just now, but as soon as the two slipped out, everyone rushed forward, and one of them crooked. fall down.

It caused the surrounding onlookers to laugh.Even Quchen didn't believe it anymore, so he stretched out his hand to lift up the front of his robe, folded it around his waist, and then got ready to get in the car. After touching the ground, it seemed that he couldn't control the movements of his hands, and the front of the car kept swaying from side to side.

Although Lian Quchen's movement is very beautiful, he floated and put his feet down, but halfway through the step, he stepped back and couldn't turn the circle, and then the faucet in front of him swayed so much that he had to look down. The faucet in your own hand.

"Look ahead, look ahead."

Hearing Xue Jian's scream, Lian Quchen hurriedly looked up again.Only then did I realize that I was on the side of the dam. If Xuejian hadn't reminded me, I would have rushed into the fields outside the dam. , Only then did he let himself stand back on the dam.Instead, he broke out in a cold sweat.

The princess laughed out of shame and said:
"Master Lian, you almost rushed into the field."

Even Quchen himself was a little funny, so he came back here with the car in one hand, and said with a smile:

"Don't laugh at me, this thing is really difficult to control, I find it very difficult."

Fu Jinghao stepped forward and said:

"I'll try."

Over there, Duan Fei kept trying to get in and out of the car.Seeing the embarrassment of the elder brother, he knew to be cautious, and started to learn slowly, asking Xuejian for advice while learning.Xuejian also ran over to give some pointers in person.Finally, he successfully got into the car, but the car didn't move.Pressed tightly by him.

Xue Jian sighed and said:

"Second senior brother, this is not when you want to use a jackhammer. Why are you pressing the car with internal force like this? This car is a thing. We want to use it, not be used by him. You have to relax, just treat yourself as light Sit lightly on this, and then use the pedals. As I have said, it is the pedals that move the wheel, so that it can roll forward.”

Duan Fei's understanding of martial arts was praised by old man Mo, who said that he had the highest understanding.Now after hearing what my junior sister said.He also felt something.I tried to move it myself, but just like the big brother just now, I could only push halfway, and turned around again.

Xue Jian had no choice but to remind again, after stepping on the lower foot, use a little more force.Then it turned around.

So, Duan Fei tried to push it, and he really did push it, Xue Jian kept reminding him again.It depends on the front, the faucet in the hand is controlled by the touch, not by the eyes.

Duan Fei learned to ride this thing just like that, but he got off after only riding for a certain distance.He turned around and said he didn't know how to turn.

Turning around, I saw Fu Jinghao getting into the car as well.Fu Jinghao watched the situation of the three riding on the sidelines, and he had his own way in his heart. He got on the car easily, learned to push forward, and the car stopped.Push harder, and you've made a full circle.

As long as you pedal a circle, you have a little experience.In addition, I have heard so much from Xue Jian first, so.Fu Jinghao learned it smoothly.Seeing that Lian Quchen shouted:
"Impossible, impossible, how did you do it?"

If you didn't see this thing made with your own eyes, it would be new to see everyone in person.Lian Quchen thought it was Xuejian who taught Fu Jinghao in private.

Fu Jinghao rode forward for a while, and then slowly turned to the left. He was also a little scared when turning, and felt that he might fall.Xuejian called:
"Turning is the same as riding. Just don't disturb your rhythm. Just ride straight forward. Turning is just the faucet of turning. Neither you nor the car will change."

Xue Jian reminded so.Fu Jinghao naturally understood.Therefore, Fu Jinghao turned the corner smoothly, and turned into a circle, riding a few more times by himself.happily shouted:
"Xue'er, this saves effort, we can ride this when we go to Yantian in the future."

Fu Jinghao stopped the car.Murong Xing, who had been eager to try for a long time, also rushed forward, led the car and followed Fu Jinghao's actions just now, and he really let him ride away.

(End of this chapter)

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