Chapter 886
Chapter 880 The seventh is nothing to do

Murong Xing couldn't help shouting proudly:

"Hahahaha, that's great. Look, Xue'er, the little brother is the best. Just look at me and you'll be fine. Haha!"

Murong Xing, who had just finished his proud words, fell to the ground with an ah.Although it was only the car that fell, the man flew away and jumped away.It was a thrill.Then even Quchen laughed at him and said:
"Aren't you very powerful? Can't even pass a stone?"

It turned out that he was so proud that he went to talk to everyone, but he didn't notice that there was a fist-sized stone in front of him.When the wooden wheel touched this stone, it was head-to-head, and it would naturally produce great resistance, and then blocked Murong Xing.

Murong Xing stepped forward to have a look, sighed and said:

"I didn't expect that I would lose to such a small stone."

Murong Xing pulled up the car.Even those who are not convinced by Quchen will fight again.In the blink of an eye, there were three people in rotation here.Duan Fei was still riding section by section.Just can't turn the corner.

Xuejian also smiled and said:

"Second senior brother, don't worry about whether you can turn it over or not, just flick the faucet slightly to the side. You don't have to be too nervous sitting in the car, and you don't have to hold the faucet tightly with both hands. That's just turning the head. One thing in the direction, you're too nervous."

Duan Fei thought about it, felt what the little junior sister said, and rode up again.Instead, it turned around this time.Just when turning, there was still a pause.It seemed that he was paying attention to his hands and not his feet.

Duan Fei was struggling with this turn by himself.Here Lian Quchen stepped on the bike again, this time, he also noticed something, and he rode on it right away.But still can't step on a full circle, can only step back and forth half a circle without stopping.He can turn the corner, but it seems that the front of the car hits the rear of his own car, turning too fast.

Seeing the princess shouting from the side:
"Master Lian, this action of yours is a bit like the last time Ziyan tied a flower to Xiaohua's tail."

Seeing that they didn't know what it meant, Xue asked the princess.The Princess smiled and said:
"Our family has a puppy, which is what Ziyan wanted. Then one day, Ziyan tied a silk flower to the puppy's tail, which may have hurt the dog's hair. So the dog kept turning around. The one with the circle in the head wanted to turn around and bite off the flower, but his own tail was too short to bite. It just kept turning around. It made us laugh so hard."

Xue Jian turned her head to look at the elder brother who was still circling in circles with a black thread on her hair.I don't know whether to laugh or not, but the old Hou Ye who was standing on the sidelines and watching the fun heard the words of the princess, laughed loudly and said:

"Princess, you have to be careful of being punished. I believe that kid heard what you said."

Xue Jian was speechless.Isn't it a little gloating for the old Hou Ye to say that?

Xue Jian turned around and shouted:

"Brother, don't turn too much, just turn less."

Even Quchen and Duan Fei didn't speak, they were just studying hard.This is to do with that bike.

Hear Xue Jian's words.Lian Quchen controlled it now, don't spin it too much, tried it, it really works.Now I know.I turned a few times, turned left, turned right, and turned in an S shape. I tried all of them, but I didn't expect it to work.This is learned.Duan Fei over there really finally learned it.Ha ha laughed and said:

"Xue'er, order twenty of these cars for me, and I'll take them back to the village."

"Hui'er, you come to ride too."

Duan Fei asked Lu Qiuhui to learn it, and Lu Qiuhui handed the child to Princess Yu who was standing aside, and went straight up, ready to learn it.

Unexpectedly, no matter Luqiu Hui who had learned martial arts, or Princess Yu and the princess who had never learned martial arts, they could learn it easily. Except for the need to use some force when starting, they all said it was very easy.This made Lian Quchen lose his temper a bit, reached out his hand to touch his face and laughed at himself:
"Well, it seems that I am too old. My bones are not flexible."

And Old Master Fu who was on the side heheed heavily and said:

"Old man, come and try."

The people around laughed after coaxing, if this is the old master Fu riding on it.Can Lian Quchen still think that he is too old and his bones are not flexible?
Lian Quchen was speechless.

Fu Jinghao hurriedly stepped forward to hold the car for the old man, and let the old man try to see if he could get on.The old man waved his hand and said:
"Go, go, go, the old man is not disabled yet!"

Fu Jinghao had no choice but to touch his nose and back away, which made Lian Quchen make several jokes.

Old Hou Ye didn't want to lose face in front of these young people, so he led the car around first to master the flexibility of the car.

Xuejian praised on the side:
"This ginger is still old and spicy. Old Hou Ye first understands this bike. Then he uses it. Take a look, Old Hou Ye will ride better than you all."

Sure enough, from getting on the car to riding and getting off the car, the old Hou Ye did it all in one go.Xue Jian applauded fiercely, and everyone followed suit.Murong Xing suddenly said:
"It would be great if the master was here. I really want to see how the master can't ride and fall."

Xue Jian turned to look at him and said:

"I'll write it down for you. I'll tell him when I see him later."

Murong Xing was stunned.Everyone laughed again.

Xue Jian led the smaller car again, hugged Yu Yang who had been excited to one side, and sat on the front crossbar, told him to grab the faucet with both hands, and then rode on the car by herself, taking the The kid was spinning around in circles, which made the kid so happy.Turned twice, stopped and put him down.Instead he said:
"Aunt Xue'er, and brother Duan Xi, let brother Duan Xi sit down too."

"Of course. Hug me here."

Duan Fei's eldest son on the side also walked over in a dizzy manner. Fu Jinghao hugged him up and sat him down, and Xuejian took him for another ride, which made the two children very happy.

Anyone who wants to learn next will learn.Xuejian stopped riding, and stipulated that unmarried girls are not allowed to learn, which made Banxia a little unhappy.She had waited for a long time, when the masters stopped riding, it was almost dark.Finally it was my turn, but Xuejian didn't allow her to follow suit.

But she had to listen to her master's words, Ban Xia pouted and went back to the house.Xue Jian whispered to her softly, she blushed, and then she stopped calling to learn how to ride a bicycle.Because Yuewei was also stopped and not allowed to learn.

This thing is a good thing, it has been successful, and then people in the storage station started to make some, large and small models.This master will know what everyone does when he goes back.

In the evening, Xuejian called the three senior brothers and Fu Jinghao to the study.They want to discuss how to take out the two boxes in the emperor's library.Xuejian didn't tell them the contents of the letter, but said that it was fine now, and wanted to take out the thing for a try, to see if it could be opened, and to see what was inside.

(End of this chapter)

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