farmer's daughter

Chapter 887 We Should Protect You

Chapter 887 We Should Protect You

Chapter 880 IX We Should Protect You
Always say how can others snore next to the couch?Therefore, it is a good thing to clean up this kind of thing that threatens his dynasty.

When Lian Quchen heard this, he slapped the table and said:

"Look, look, if you had said that earlier. If we had said earlier, we wouldn't have had to discuss and invite Master. Let's go directly to the emperor and say that we had a clue, saying that it was in the box of the Xu family. To deal with pirates, the emperor received an urgent request from there a while ago, saying that pirates are always coming to the shore to grab things recently, which makes people hard to guard against."

Xue Jian was startled and said:

"But what if the emperor asks where we got the news from?"

Lian Quchen rolled his eyes and said:
"Do you think the emperor didn't know that you rescued the child of the Xu family last time? The emperor knew, but he also knew that he was in your hands. So you didn't pursue it. You can just say that the child said it unintentionally, because Originally, the child was young, so I might not understand some things, I just said that it was ordered by their Patriarch before his death."

Xuejian looked at Fu Jinghao blankly and said:
"It's that simple? What are we still planning on doing?"

Lian Quchen looked at the big boat and said:
"If our dynasty really has a few such big ships, that would be great!"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"However, building such a boat is not easy. First, we need to find craftsmen who can actually build boats. Second, how many people are needed to row such a big boat? Therefore, we have to come up with a power system. We can operate this boat. Also. This kind of boat can’t get close to the shore, so a deep-water pier needs to be built.”

Lian Quchen thought about it:

"That's true. It takes a lot of people to do a series of things, and it takes time. It can't be done in a day or two. However, your current Lu family can come in handy. The original Lu family owner Living by the sea, I am afraid that many people are familiar with this aspect."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Indeed, after I had this idea, I planned to invite Patriarch Lu out. This matter really couldn't be done without them. The seaside is not a place we are familiar with. Who can build ships and who can do it? What, it really depends on him. Mainly, he also has a concubine who is the daughter of a pirate. I heard that the child she gave birth to was also abducted to the pirate. hands. It’s almost two years old now.”

Fu Jinghao said:

"I cleaned up the matter of the Xu family back then. At that time, I detained several old family members of the Xu family and handed them over to the prefect Mr. Song at that time. If we go to the seaside this time, we can also bring those people up Come out. Maybe give us some help too."

Fu Jinghao said:

"That's right, Mr. Song has done a good job over there. Recently, the emperor intends to mention him. If you are going to do business there, I think it's better for him to stay there first. This person is not bad. He is a good person. practical people."

Murong Xing asked anxiously:

"Xue'er, you didn't take me with you this time. You didn't take me with you last time when you went to the Border Guard City. This time, I will go with you. Also, Princess Yu has to go too. Yantian is a regular place. Yes, you can let brother-in-law Jiang watch over it. I have to follow you."

Murong Xing was a person who couldn't stop. He heard that he could go to the beach, but that was a place he wanted to go. For Princess Yu who had just left the palace to live, the attraction there was even greater.

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Well, I'll let you be a supervisor. I even brought Princess Jade with me. Hahahaha"

"That's, that's, the little junior sister's arrangement is really good."

Anyway, I can arrange to go to my own home.Murong Xing also did not forget to praise his junior sister.

Lian Quchen frowned and said:

"If you go, what else can I do?"

"You? You should stay in Beijing and do business planning."

Murong Xing immediately interjected.Lian Quchen gave him a white look and said:

"You don't want to stay in the capital?"

Duan Fei took another sip of wine and said:

"Why leave the capital? Ah Xing is gone. Isn't there no one in Yantian? Isn't there something about the little junior sister washing the fields? Why don't people come and watch?"

Lian Quchen toasted Duan Fei and said:

"That's a good idea. Ah! Junior Sister, it seems that you have to build me a house in Li County, and I'm going to live here, hahahaha."

Xuejian heard a black thread and said:
"All right, all right. Originally, I was thinking of going to the hot spring to build a house. I think it's better to build all our houses here in Li County, and build a smaller one at the hot spring. It's good to live here once in a while. When your children are older, we will leave them behind for the elderly."


Xue Jian looked at the second senior brother who was making fun of her words, and said angrily:
"What are you laughing at, second senior brother? You don't want to retire with us?"

"Junior Sister, you are still a child, and you are only thinking about retirement. It has been too long, and no one can tell. Back then, I didn't want to have a family. I wanted to be a ranger who roamed the world. But Now, I have a home, but I’m the one who doesn’t want to leave home. I just want to stay at home every day. Watching my son grow up day by day, I feel very good. I I thought my thoughts were very old, but I didn’t expect you to think farther, thinking about retirement. Let’s wait until you reach the age of Master to say this.”

This time, the brothers all thought Duan Fei was right.Lian Quchen also said:

"Your second senior brother can say this well. Look at you, you are so young, but you are always old-fashioned. You also follow the example of Princess Yu, who acts coquettishly from time to time. Jing Hao is also a little sweeter."

Xue Jian stared at the three senior brothers.Fu Jinghao nodded while listening.Xue Jianbai glanced at him and said:

"What do you nod?"

Fu Jinghao returned to God and said:

"Oh, I didn't nod my head to say that what the brother said is right, I just nodded, but I haven't said it yet. Brothers, you don't know, when Xueer is acting like a baby."

Before he could speak, his mouth was covered.Xue Jian scolded coquettishly:

"Don't say it!"

Fu Jinghao rolled his eyes with a smile and nodded again and again, expressing that he would stop talking.

It caused several senior brothers to look at Fu Jinghao with disdain and said:


Seeing this, Xue Jian raised her eyebrows and said:

"Okay, you wait. Humph!"

Then he said to himself:
"I have to talk to the Princess Princess, Princess Yu, and Sister Lu, ah, think about it, what are you talking about?"

Murong Xing hurriedly said:
"Xue'er, sister Xue'er, I didn't say anything, I left right away. I'm going to sleep."

After saying that, he rushed out of the house.Even Quchen and Duan Fei reached out and failed to grab anyone.

"This kid, slipping away is fast!"

Lian Quchen turned around and said seriously:

"Little junior sister, you are a smart person. You know what I just said. I didn't mean to make fun of you. I really think that you are too old at a young age. It's better to have a little childish temper. We hope you have a better life, You can do what you want like Zi Yan and the others, and you don’t have to take care of us in everything. We are brothers, and we should take care of you. But you have always been taking care of us, Master and your family .Aren't you tired?"

Duan Fei also said:

"It's not just us, you also have to take care of the people in the world. Junior sister, you can't bear so much, why not be a little prince happily? How can we protect you?"

(End of this chapter)

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