Chapter 888
Chapter 890
After one night's discussion, I finally decided to speak out to the emperor. Of course, with the influence of these people, I am not afraid of the emperor. I just want to see whether he agrees or not.

However, everyone is still worried about Qiu Yuan's matter, because now it is difficult for these people to intervene in his matter, and he can only handle it by himself.Xue Jian kept Manager Cheng to help, and even Qu Chen told his eldest grandson the housekeeper, and also sent some people to him.

After Qiu Yuan received the imperial decree that day, he went to the direction where he was exiled that year. Although he was still young at that time, he was very familiar with this road, because when he was a child, his master would bring him to worship every year.When I grow up, I come alone.On that barren hill, there are only a few graves, without tombstones, and passers-by don't know whose grave it is, but every year someone will come to clear the weeds and add a handful of new soil.

After galloping all the way, Qiu Yuan arrived at the foot of the mountain, left the horse there, jumped up and over, rushed to the bigger grave, knelt down with a plop, and shouted:
"Father, mother! The child is here to see you."

Then leaned over and cried bitterly!The grievances of these years came out all at once.I have been living quietly.If it weren't for the master, even if he was alive, he would be like a lonely ghost.

And now, he has finally corrected his identity.But he walked in this world openly and aboveboard.After weeping bitterly at the grave of my parents.The people who followed him watched from a distance, and when he got up he cried.Then he slowly approached and said:
"Lord Qiu, Lord Lian asked us to follow, if you have anything to do, just tell us."

Qiu Yuan looked at the few people who came with him, and he recognized them all, they were all from the elder brother's side.Qiu Yuan nodded and said:
"I don't do anything today. I want to go back to our hometown first, to rectify the name of my parents, and go to the clan. I want to make them regret it. In addition, choose a good place, and bring my parents and the old family home together. People, move over there, and let them have incense to enjoy in the future!"

"Yes! Master Hou, what do you need to prepare!"

Qiu Yuan said:
"Let's go to the capital first. Didn't the emperor give me a slap in the face? I'll go back and deal with some things first, then go back to my hometown, prepare, and then move the grave."

Normally, Qiu Yuan didn't save any money for himself, but now, he needs money to do things.I just have to go back and have a look.

Back in the capital, I heard that the senior elder brother took his senior sister-in-law to Qingyang, but he left a message for the eldest grandson butler, what he wants to do, just follow orders.

But he had just entered the city and came to the mansion given to him, which was a big house with five entrances.As soon as I entered, I found that it had been cleaned.It turned out that Manager Cheng of the Prince's Mansion brought someone to arrange it.It's like having a home.Only the master came back.

When Qiu Yuan came in, Mr. Cheng accompanied him and walked around the house and looked around.Then he handed over a box to Qiu Yuandao in the study:
"Prince Rui left it, saying it was for Lord Qiu. Take a look. The prince said there was a letter for you inside."

Qiu Yuan opened the box, and there was an envelope on it. He picked it up and opened it to see. It was the words from Xueer, saying that he left this box for him. The money inside was all his money, and it was what he should have done all these years. Got it, so don't say no!
Qiu Yuan looked in the box, there were gold and silver tickets, and after a brief look, he was afraid that there were more than 20 taels.Qiu Yuan didn't know where Xue'er got so much money, so he smiled, no matter what, he understood what the little junior sister was thinking.I want to give it to myself but I am afraid that I will not accept it.That's why you say it's your own hard work, and you can get so much money by doing what you do?
Qiu Yuan also took the money.One is that I need it, and the other is that if I don't accept the change of mind of my junior sister, then I will offend her.

Qiu Yuan thanked Mr. Cheng.Then he told Mr. Cheng some of his thoughts, and asked Mr. Cheng to keep a few people here to take care of him for the matter in this mansion.

Manager Cheng nodded and said:
"Don't worry, Lord Hou. The prince has ordered that as long as you are not here, his subordinates will take care of the house. As for returning home, Cheng has gone to make some preparations for Lord Hou. Cheng, the hometown of Lord Hou It’s fairly familiar. I’ve been there back then, alas! As for the relocation of the grave, Cheng will help Lord Hou make arrangements.”

"Okay, thank you, Manager Cheng."

It is naturally much smoother to have Manager Cheng handle the affairs.Early the next morning, a convoy set off.This convoy has put all the airs on display, because it is Hou Ye's convoy, and it is the convoy that Hou Ye wants to return to his hometown.

Director Cheng also accompanied him, and yesterday he arranged for someone to go to the front station first, and informed the local county magistrate over there.When Lord Hou returned to his hometown, it was a matter of honor for a county and town to admit the truth.

So, when two days later.When the convoy slowly arrived at Qiu Yuan's hometown town, the county magistrate waited here with Qiu's patriarch and others.

But Qiu Yuan got off the carriage and only exchanged a few words with the county magistrate, then went to the residence arranged by the person at the front station.This is to pack a hotel to stay.

This made the patriarch who came here a little embarrassed.Originally, I thought that there would be a Hou Ye in the clan, and it would be better to bring the descendants of the clan in the future, but now this Hou Ye seems to have no face at all.They don't even live in the Hui family.

But no matter what, after Hou Ye lived, the patriarch went to the door in person, wanting to see Hou Ye.But he was stopped by Manager Cheng and said:

"Our Lord Hou said that although we were young and inactive back then, we still remembered that our family was expelled from the clan. Therefore, there is no such thing as Hui nationality. Our Lord Hou came back this time. We just bought some land and moved our grandfather and parents. It’s just the grave. Don’t disturb other people and things that don’t matter.”

The patriarch was extremely embarrassed!I could only go back angrily.Back then, when the Chou family was arrested, they didn't say what the crime was or how to judge it. After the patriarch got the news, he immediately called the people in the clan and announced that all the people in their house would be expelled. family!
Just to not be implicated, just to save their lives.This is understandable, it's the people in their clan who did such a great job!In order to express their determination to the court, they also dug up the body of Qiu Yuan's grandmother who had just died a year ago.Originally, it was meant to be abandoned, but unexpectedly, the people who came to the court at that time would look down on their approach, and sent someone to find a new place to bury the bones.

At that time, it was considered a slap in the face of the Qiu clan!But no matter what, their enemies were saved.And the court did not punish the nine clans, but exiled the Qiu family.This made the members of the Qiu family feel ashamed in the local area. Everyone said that the head of the Qiu family was too chilling.

(End of this chapter)

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