farmer's daughter

Chapter 889: Qiu Yuan's Decision

Chapter 889: Qiu Yuan's Decision

Chapter 890 Qiu Yuan's Decision
In a flash, more than ten years have passed, and the old patriarch is gone.Even if the new patriarch said that what happened back then had nothing to do with him, but is it irrelevant?

It's irrelevant, Qiu Yuan can still tell the difference clearly.Although he was young, during the two years he was on the run, he still heard a lot from the old housekeeper.

When I came back this time, I wanted to clear up all the problems at once.Cleaned up all the regrets when my father was around.This enemy, it doesn't matter if you don't want it, I am a Marquis now, and I can start my own family alone.Rebuild a shrine by yourself!
Qiu Yuan made this plan, so when he talked to Manager Cheng, Manager Cheng also nodded in agreement and said:
"That's great. You are a Marquis, and it's the best start for you to start the clan! And the military exploits of the former General Qiu. That can all be traced back!"

After making up his mind, he set up an ancestral hall in Dingyuan Houfang.However, he still hasn't made a decision on where to place the ancestral grave, and he still has to think about it.His choice, one is to buy a mountain around the capital, but over the years, many Fengshui mountains around the capital have been bought by some big families.

The second is to go to Qingyang.Because there are master and junior sisters over there, and the senior brothers also said to go to Qingyang.Then why don't you go find a place over there?

Qingyang is the fief of the princess's sister-in-law, and Li County is the fief of the younger sister.They are all together, and in the future, I have no other relatives, that is, them.So, thinking about it, Qiu Yuan wanted to find a place in Qingyang.

But when Qiu Yuan and Manager Cheng discussed this, Manager Cheng thought it was not good.Manager Cheng said that if everyone went to that place, the emperor would be suspicious, which is not good.And Manager Cheng also said it.It is said that the prince had plans.This time, the land in Li County was washed out.When the crops can be planted, they will be returned to the court. She does not want to entrust the land.

When Qiu Yuan heard this, he thought about it and realized that he really had to pay attention to this issue.Because now it seems that it was the younger brother who took Princess Yu there.Although the eldest brother has not gone there yet, the princess's fief is over there, and there is also the princess's other courtyard over there.Needless to say, the second senior brother is not under the control of the emperor.In addition, the master said that he was the one who followed Xueer.So it seems that there are enough people there.

Qiu Yuan fell into deep thought, Mr. Cheng said:
"The subordinate has an idea."


"Mr. Hou, why don't you buy the area where your father and mother are now. It is also a few mountains, so you don't have to move your parents. Let them settle there. Then move your grandparents there, and wait for the other side After buying it, I will ask the prince to see what can be done there!"

Qiu Yuan thought about it:
"Yes, that's fine. I've seen the mountains over there and they're okay. I've stayed in a cave over there with Master for several years. It's okay to buy them over there. Then I just need to take my grandfather and my grandfather here. It’s enough for grandma to move away. This side has nothing to do with me.”

Manager Cheng nodded and said:

"Yes, we will leave a courtyard in the mansion as an ancestral hall. The Chou family, it is a new clan that started from you."

Qiu Yuan nodded.The next day, I arranged for someone to find some people who specialize in the operation of moving graves.Then they went to move the grandfather and grandmother away according to the auspicious time.

Qiu Yuan took his grandparents to the place where his parents' graves were.Moreover, Manager Cheng took the first step, and was going to buy the place tens of miles away from the consummation over there if he could.Because the side is originally uninhabited, it is very cheap to buy there.

Because the hearse was returned, Qiu Yuan and his party couldn't walk fast, and they traveled from south to north, almost half of the Eastern Dynasty.So this journey was slow, and it took nearly ten days to reach the destination.Manager Cheng has already done everything here.bought it.They also built a simple small yard not far from the grave of Qiu Yuan's parents.Here, they are going to stay for some days.

Because burying a person or a corpse is not casual, not to mention that this is something that has been prepared, or it is someone from the old life who was buried.Therefore, it depends on the auspicious time and the auspicious day before acting.

After some matters have been settled, it has been forty days since I left the capital.When Qiu Yuan returned to the capital again, even Quchen and the others were on their way back to the capital.

Lian Quchen originally wanted to take the princess to see his daughter this time, so no matter what, the group went to Shenjia Village again.Xue Jian didn't have much to do now, so she took Chengwen and Yuewei back to the countryside.It's like a big family is coming back for vacation.It frightened the local county magistrate and security chief.Those who come here are all important people.As soon as he heard about it, he rushed over to greet him, but was waved back by Xue Jian.

When Lian Quchen and others arrived at Shenjiazhuang, they found that Shenjiazhuang was completely different from the last visit.Now there are wide carriageways.There is also a neat and beautiful house.It looks like a very good place to live.Quiet and elegant.

Both the princess and Princess Yu fell in love with this place. The people here are simple and natural, and there is no pressure at all to get along with the people here.Here I am, I can laugh as much as I want, and I can do whatever I want. I don’t have to dress up every day before going out, and I don’t need to change clothes several times a day.I change clothes every time I meet anyone.

Especially children, when they come here, they don't care what their status is, they go to the fields to catch fish together, and they go to the trees to catch birds together.At least, within three days after Yu Yang came, he often appeared at other people's tables to eat.Sometimes no one can be found.

Even Princess Jade often goes fishing by the small pond with the princess!If there are fish, turn around and grill them to eat. If not, let them go up the mountain to hunt and come back. There is something to eat.

Such a life is really easy to support!Everyone stays here and doesn't want to leave.If it weren't for Lian Quchen going into the hot spring valley to bring out his daughter and the other boys.Everyone has almost forgotten that there are two elders and a few children in the mountains.

Especially Duan Fei has always heard about Hot Spring Valley, but has never been there.Now He Lian Quchen went in and looked at it, then came out and said:
"Junior Sister, I want to participate in the building of the house you mentioned. It's in the valley. I think it will work."

Listen to what Duan Fei said.The next day, Lu Qiuhui asked Duan Fei to take a look.Of course, the princess also wanted to see it.Murong Xing naturally took it with him.

Seeing so many people coming, old man Mo was very unhappy and said:

"You are busy with your business, we live well, you are here to trouble us."

They ignored old man Mo, but when they saw Nangong Yuzhu, everyone got serious and went to visit this teacher one by one!

(End of this chapter)

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