farmer's daughter

Chapter 892 Unpacking

Chapter 892 Unpacking

Chapter 890 Unpacking

After saying that, the emperor got up and went into the back room. After a while, Xue Jian heard a sound. Sure enough, there was a secret passage in the emperor's study.You can go directly to that warehouse.

After a while, the emperor took out the things.Put it on the table.Xue Jian took a look, there were still two shiny white silver boxes.With the permission of the emperor and the emperor.It was the first time for Xuejian to go up to touch the box.

The first is to lift the box up and cushion it.It's not heavy.The two boxes are not heavy, and it seems that they are filled with some materials.

Xuejian looked at the box, which is the password for the lock, it will take some time to try, one by one.

But such words cannot be said.Just looked up and said:

"Where do we try? Also, are you two sure to be there? What if there is something?"

The meaning of Xuejian is too obvious to the emperor.In case of danger, those two will be finished, which is difficult to handle.

The Supreme Emperor looked at it and said:

"How about this, let's go to the side hall next to it, the emperor won't use it anymore. Call Fu Jinghao in, Xue'er's recent martial arts is gone. With Fu Jinghao here, it's better."

Xue Jian smiled and rolled her eyes and said:
"Thank you, Your Majesty, for thinking of me."

The Supreme Emperor carried the two boxes to the side hall, and Xue Jian followed.The emperor called the little eunuch outside the door, and Xuan Fu Jinghao came in.

After a while, Fu Jinghao came in.He was sent to the side hall.Xue Jian circled around the two boxes.It seems to be looking at where to start.

Fu Jinghao was a little surprised.First of all, everyone brought the words to these two boxes, and I didn't expect to get them so easily.Now see if Cher can open it.Because the Supreme Emperor is also there.Fu Jinghao saluted first, then stood aside and watched quietly.

Afterwards, the Supreme Emperor smiled and said:
"Come here, I told you to watch it carefully, because you don't know what is in this box, if there is any danger, you don't have to worry about it, I can retreat to this room by myself, you just take Xue'er. "

Only then did Fu Jinghao realize that he was asked to come in to prepare for this, and replied in a deep voice:


Xuejian put the two boxes on the table.Take a look:

"Taishanghuang, do you know which one belongs to the Xu family? Because I heard that the Xu family's is for repairing houses, so there may be no danger. I'll open it first and have a look."

The Supreme Emperor also stepped forward to look at it and said:
"I don't know either."

Fu Jinghao said:

"When I got it back, the emperor put a cinnabar seal on the Xu family's box."

Xuejian heard the words, turned the two boxes over and looked at it, and saw a small red dot on the bottom of one box.Looking at Fu Jinghao, Fu Jinghao nodded.

After confirming that it is this box, then Xue Jian will open this first.Taking some paper over, Xue Jian took out a charcoal pen from her body.Then I made some marks on the paper. The Emperor Taishang couldn't understand what was written, because the password of the box was composed of three numbers, and there were six numbers on each rotation, so Xuejian wanted to turn it out. For the correct code, you have to try one by one.

Xue Jian began to try.To the Supreme Emperor and Fu Jinghao:

"If it's okay, you can play a game of chess. I may need a lot, or I may open it all at once."

When the Supreme Emperor heard the words, he took two steps back and sat on a chair beside him.Fu Jinghao stood on the other side and sat on a small stool. After waiting for a while, he heard a click.Xue Jian laughed and said:

"It seems that my luck is not bad!"

After finding the correct password, Xue Jian reached out to open it.Fu Jinghao said:
"Stand back, don't open it directly."

It's right to think about it, it doesn't matter what kind of thoughts those people put in here, Xue Jianzheng put the box to the side facing the wall, and then stretched out his hand to open it gently, nothing happened after opening.Only then did she turn around slightly, Xue Jian stared blankly at the things in the box.

There are several file bags in the box, a notebook, two pens and a flashlight, but the flashlight is for charging.Here, no use.

Xue Jian stretched out her hand to open the file bag, and there were indeed some materials inside, most of them were written in English, and some were in Chinese.

Some pictures, some diagrams.It is really a picture of shipbuilding.Unexpectedly, it really is.It's just that this ship is not a ship.These are those construction drawings of that super tanker.

Xue Jian took these out gently, and then looked at the bottom of the box, there was something underneath, Xue Jian felt it.But for some reason, I didn't want to take it out, so I reached out and took out the last notebook and said:
"Taishanghuang, look, there is nothing in it. No wonder it is so light, it seems that these materials are there. It really looks like a boat. It's just that this boat seems too big. Do we have such a big boat?" ?”

Although the Taishanghuang has been an emperor in his life, he has never stepped out of this dynasty. The furthest was the last time he went to Qingyang, and he realized that he would not be able to complete a corner of the country in a few days.

The Supreme Emperor himself has never seen such a big ship, but look at Fu Jinghao and say:

"Come and see. Haven't you been to Haikun?"

Fu Jinghao stretched his head to look over and said:

"This boat seems to be bigger than Xueer's small building. It seems to be like a small building. So many floors? Four floors?"

"No, think about it, this is what you can see from above. Look at the height of the hull. There may be three floors below the boat."

Fu Jinghao widened his eyes and said:
"Your Majesty, the last time we went to see it was to add the lower floor for loading and the upper floor for people to live in. The largest ship we have now is the third floor. It is not so big. This ship looks bigger than this palace. Much bigger."

The Supreme Emperor also nodded.Xue'er reached out and took a more detailed picture, then handed it to the Supreme Emperor and said:

"Look, this is what each floor looks like."

The pictures on these few sheets of paper are still in color, and they seem to be three-dimensional pictures of the way they are made, and they also include the layout of each cabin.

The Supreme Emperor was attracted by some of the novelties on it, for example, that table lamp, for example, that wall lamp, so he looked at the picture seriously.And after Xue Jian stood over, she used her body to block the box behind her, and her right hand was pointing to the Supreme Emperor, while her left hand gently opened a zipper at the bottom of the box, took out something, and put it in her sleeve to go.

Fu Jinghao saw Xuejian's actions.He also stepped forward to talk to the Supreme Emperor without making a sound.Cover up Xue Jian's actions.

Xuejian herself didn't see what it was, anyway, she felt that it must be a good thing if it was kept in a secret place.Put things to yourself first and then talk about it.

(End of this chapter)

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