farmer's daughter

Chapter 893 Unpacking 2

Chapter 893 Unpacking 2
Chapter 890 Unpacking

The Emperor Taishang was very excited.If such a large ship is built, it will be a blessing to the heavens!

Xuejian also sighed and said:

"We don't know what's on the other side of the sea. If we can have such a big ship, then we can go out to see if there is a dynasty on the other side of the sea. How wonderful!"

The Supreme Emperor laughed loudly and said:

"Xue'er thought about it, I also thought about it. However, looking at these characters, some of them can be recognized, while others can't be recognized. And this kind, is this a character? It looks like a group of ants. , I can't see clearly."

Xue Jian laughed:

"This, Xue'er does recognize it. It was Prince Rong who taught me that it was a country where he traveled to Hu State's sandy sea. He also went to learn from others. The last time the Hu State came to us Come here, didn’t you save my life? When I went back to Qingyang, Master talked about the past, he found a record book he had in the past, and then taught me. In this way, I will know.”

Then he pointed to a place and said:

"Look, the lines on this picture refer to what this thing is called. This is called a wall lamp, maybe because it is installed on the wall. This, this one on this small table is called a desk lamp. It's just that their lamp is so strange , there seems to be no candles!"

The Supreme Emperor looked at it and nodded, saying:

"Well, I really don't know where these things come from. Look, and this. What is this? What is it used for?"

Xuejian also leaned over to have a look, pretended to put together, and thought about it:

"Strange, this means that this is used for running. Treadmill. How can this run? It has no legs or wheels?"

"Hahahaha, it's finally something difficult for Xue'er. Xue'er doesn't know what this is."

The Supreme Emperor didn't care about the treadmill, he just laughed when he saw Xue Jian scratching his head.

Xue Jian also intentionally got angry and said:

"My lord, you made fun of me. I'm just a peasant girl, how can I know so much. These things are even more novel."

The Supreme Emperor seemed to be satisfied with Xue Jian's words and said:
"Well, don't talk about you, even I haven't seen it, alas, Prince Rong is not here, so I don't know if the old man has seen him."

Xue Jian shook his head and said:

"I don't know, but from the few things that Master himself brought. I have never seen such a beautiful picture. How is this made? Look, it's still in color!"

The Supreme Emperor also hummed.Then he put away the paper, packed it up, and said:
"Let's put it in this box. Let's see what the other box is."

Xuejian put the things back in neatly, and locked the box anyway.Then handed it to the Supreme Emperor and said:
"It's the old rules, I'll try it, you guys get out of the way first. This box is said to be dangerous."

Regardless of the hint from Xue Jian before, Fu Jinghao was still a little worried about Xue Jian and said:

"Xue'er, why don't you tell me the way, I'll come!"

Xue Jian shook his head and said:
"I don't quite understand this for a while. I will open it first and then teach you. From now on, these two boxes are unique things. After they are put in, few people can open them."

The Supreme Emperor laughed and said:
"Girl, you are talking too much. It's not that you can't open it, but you don't want to destroy it. I don't know what is in the middle. If you use a knife, you can still open it."

Xue Jian stared and said:

"Then you try it with a knife, you cut this? Let's start with this one. If you cut it with a knife, then the picture will not be damaged? At that time, we may not know where a word is missing, so that our It’s not good to build a boat.”

"Okay, okay, okay, I won't argue with you, let's open it, don't need to chop it up, okay? Open it properly, I will give you one of this treasure chest, and you can use it to store your private house in the future."

When Xue Jian heard it, she immediately closed her eyes with a smile, and saluted the Supreme Emperor:
"Thank you so much, Your Majesty."

Then he went to open the box.This box seems to be a bit more difficult than the previous one.This is a nine-digit number.Xuejian still has to try one by one.This time, it took a long time.It was dark for a long time.Xuejian was sweating profusely and was still trying, because she had to try to count one by one. In the end, the Supreme Emperor sent someone to send a candle, and then Xuejian was still trying there, concentrating on it, and was not affected by other things at all. with.

Xue Jian was indeed immersed in it.It was not affected at all, and I didn't even feel hungry.The Supreme Emperor waved away all the people who came to deliver the meal, and sat there with Fu Jinghao, drinking some tea and eating snacks slowly, watching Xue Jian still moving there.

Fu Jinghao really wanted to go up to wipe Xue Jian's sweat, but he couldn't, that box was not an ordinary thing, if the things in it were special, he'd better stay away.

Xuejian seriously lowered her head and wrote on the side while turning the numbers and letters on it.One look at the complexity of this box and you know that the things inside are unusual!The more Xue Jian opened her heart, the more flustered she became, and she didn't know what was inside.

The three people in the room here have the same voice as each other, and everyone is just quietly listening to Xuejian trying the size one by one.It wasn't until the sound of the third watch that there was a click.I knew it was passed.

Xue Jian didn't open the box immediately, but just stood up straight, as if she couldn't stand up anymore, she had bent down for too long.With some difficulty, Xue Jian stretched out her hand to support the table and smiled:

"This thing is too labor-intensive, I'd better leave it to you, my lord, I want the lighter one."

After a while, Xue Jian slowly stood up straight, and the Supreme Emperor also stood up, looking defensive.And Fu Jinghao even stood not far from Xuejian.

Xuejian still followed the previous method, turned the box to face the empty space over there, and then opened it gently, but there was still nothing abnormal.

Xuejian turned the box around and looked down.


With a cry of surprise, he immediately closed the box.

Fu Jinghao was so frightened that he hugged Xuejian as soon as he stepped forward, and rushed to the door.The Supreme Emperor also hurried to the door.Xue Jian hurriedly shouted:

"No no no. No!"

Only then did Fu Jinghao stop.The Supreme Emperor also looked at Xuejian, as if he didn't blame her for frightening him.Slowly said:

"What is it?"

Xue Jian calmed down and said softly:
"It's some strange things. I have to look again. I was just shocked just now. Don't blame the emperor!"

The Taishanghuang didn't speak, but followed Xue Jian slightly and leaned over a little bit.Only then did Xue Jian come forward, and Fu Jinghao put one arm around Xue Jian's waist, as if leaving at any time.He reached out to touch the box with one hand, and then gently opened it.

(End of this chapter)

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