farmer's daughter

Chapter 904 Division of Labor and Cooperation

Chapter 904 Division of Labor and Cooperation
Chapter [-] Division of Labor and Cooperation
Master Chengmu nodded, but he didn't know that Xuejian still had his family, and thought that it was only because of Prince Rong that he got the throne.

Xuejian solemnly said again:

"My younger brother, Shen Chengwen, is a very smart child. Because I am a prince, I don't want him to be an official again. Therefore, after my younger brother got the enlightenment and literacy, he didn't go to school anymore, but followed him at home. I learned some things, for example, I taught him the kind of picture I drew for you that day."

"This time, I brought him here, one is to let him learn from him and gain more knowledge, and the other is to ask him to help me a little. Maybe I have to learn from him in some places. But I know you In the end. I was thinking on the way, please teach him more in the future. If the master thinks that he has great talents in this area, then please give him a little advice, it will be enough for him to benefit for a lifetime!"

This is to entrust my younger brother to Master Chengmu.Cheng Mu took a serious look at Shen Chengwen, the current Chengwen is also over ten years old.The body shape is also slightly out, and the figure is slender.On the contrary, he is a handsome and handsome man with delicate features and well-grown.And watching people look at the eyes, this child's eyes are steady and clear.Master Chengmu nodded again and again after seeing it.

Everyone was able to enter the house, because Murong Xing and Princess Yu came first, so the affairs in the mansion were well arranged.After entering the mansion, she looked at the father and son of the Lu family standing respectfully by the side of the road, Xue Jian smiled and greeted:
"Come on, come on, this time, we're going to add two new people, these two. Come inside, everyone."

The Lu family's father and son also followed in.In terms of familiarity, no one is more familiar with this place than their father and son.Although the identity of returning now is no longer the master, but Xue Jian did not use them as current people.There is still a lot of respect for them everywhere.

Into the house, everyone sat down.Xue Jian naturally took the main seat, because the main seats are on the left and right sides, but unexpectedly, Xue Jian invited Master Chengmu to the main seat to sit down.Then there is Mu Junliang, and then there are the father and son of the Lu family.Chengwen sat last.

As for Xue Jian, she originally asked Princess Yu to sit down, but Princess Yu refused to sit down and pushed Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan out.Qiu Yuan is the biggest, that is Qiu Yuan, then Fu Jinghao, and then Murong Xing and his wife.Next came a few people from the Ministry of Industry.There is also the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, because he has to explain some matters, he did not follow this time, saying that he will come later.

Sitting down, Xue Jian said seriously:

"We came here mainly for what to do, and everyone has a good idea. Let me say it again, we are not just here to discuss how to repel the pirates, we also want to build a big ship, and we are going to give the pirates' dens to It's over!"

Speaking of this, Xue Jian paid special attention to Patriarch Lu.Patriarch Lu really looked a little bit pained, this is human nature, he has a son who is still there, he must be two or three years old now.Of course, it has to be alive.

Xuejian asked Banxia to bring something over and said:

"I'm on the way, and I've prepared some things in the carriage. I'm here to tell everyone."

"Personnel arrangement. We have two things to do this time. One is shipbuilding. This matter is led by me, Master Chengmu and the people from the Ministry of Engineering. However, in terms of division of labor, I have to make it clear. In terms of skills, Cheng Master Mu has the final say, the people in the Ministry of Works can only be supervisors, if there is a dispute, come to me. The people in the Ministry of Works are responsible for coordinating various materials and the overall arrangement of personnel. And I am responsible for providing you with all guarantees."

"The second is to fight pirates. This matter is the matter of the two Marquis. You two go back to Song Futai and the eldest grandson to learn about the current situation of coastal defense. I don't know how to fight, but if there is Wherever you want me to come forward, I will definitely take care of it.”

After Xuejian's arrangement was made, everyone nodded, and then Xuejian said to Master Chengmu:
"Master, I recommend two people for the technical matters you are in charge of. One is my brother I told you just now. I hope this time, he can learn more. The second person is this Lu Second Young Master. I have talked with this Young Master. He is a person with some new ideas. They are just learning from you. Moreover, Second Young Master Lu and this Mr. Lu were originally the owners of this house. They are very interested in this seaside They know more about this sea than we do. Therefore, in some places, we need to listen to their suggestions!"

"Thank you Prince for the arrangement. Old Na understands."

"Okay, I just made a preliminary arrangement, we have to do two things, and we have to catch up on both things, and some connection issues between these two things will be handled by Lord Concubine Murong , and Mr. Lu, from now on, you will assist Lord Concubine Murong in arranging and handling some of our local affairs. Shi Chun will assist Princess Yu in managing the affairs of this mansion. I will leave it to you to manage.”

"I also received a job? Ah Xing, I also received a job!"

Princess Jade has never been so happy before, and she never expected to send her an errand. Although she is only in charge of the house, for the princess who has never been needed, this is her trust and ability. A kind of affirmation, naturally very excited.

Looking at Princess Yu's happy look.Xuejian also smiled and said:
"Then Princess Yu, please start your work now. We are all hungry, can we have dinner?"

Princess Yu was stunned for a moment, then stood up immediately, bowed to Xueer and said:
"It's all ready. Everyone, please go to the flower hall for dinner."

Then he saw it, and said:

"I'm sorry, master, I didn't know that there was a master coming, and I didn't prepare a vegetarian meal alone. I will order someone to handle it immediately."

Shi Chun, who stood waiting at the door, smiled and said:
"Princess, don't worry, we got out of the carriage just now, and the person who made vegetarian meals for the master along the way has already gone to the kitchen. Thinking about it, it's almost ready now."

"That's good, that's good. It seems that I have a lot to learn."

Princess Yu is not afraid of others laughing at her negligence.Admit your own shortcomings.

After lunch, Princess Yu and Shi Chun arranged their rooms and courtyards.Of course, Shi Chun also reminded, and arranged the master's courtyard in a quiet place.The young master, Chengwen, took the initiative to ask to live in a side room in the master's yard.It is said that he should ask the master for advice.

Unexpectedly, he got the approval of the master.But Mu Junliang was refused by the master to live in the same courtyard, the master laughed and said:

"I really don't need to take care of it. I have come here by myself in the past few decades. You should also take a good rest. Looking back, we still have to do a lot of things together."

(End of this chapter)

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