farmer's daughter

Chapter 905 The Pirate Incident

Chapter 905 The Pirate Incident
Chapter [-] The Pirate Incident
After eating, everyone settled down, took a rest, and heard the report from the porter, saying that Master Song Changshu had come with his eldest grandson Guarding Master.

Xuejian, Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan met them in the study.After a salute, sit down and listen to the reports of the two highest officials in the place.Of course, when Fu Jinghao arrived, he had received the latest detailed reports from the people he stayed here, and he hadn't had time to show Xueer yet.

Song Changshu first said:

"Four months ago, we received a report from the fishermen on the beach saying that their fishing boat was robbed. Fortunately, the man was released. At that time, we didn't pay much attention. Because every year, every month This kind of thing happened. After this incident, fishing boats were robbed every day for five consecutive days, and fishermen were killed at the end. At that time, we also notified them, and because the tide was about to rise recently, we also asked the fishermen to stop going out to sea first. However, there were still people who went out to sea, came and went for a month, and killed thirteen fishermen. And all of them were killed when they went out to sea, and some of them didn’t even see their bones, so they said they were thrown into the sea.”

According to Song Changshu.And three months ago, the fishermen stopped going to sea, packed up the fishing sheds by the sea, and moved inward for more than three miles, mainly because the tide was about to rise.However, on the day before the high tide, everyone rested.The pirates' ship came to the shore with the tide, and first of all they killed all the people in the nearest fishing village by the sea.There was only one child who wanted to go to the mountain to catch snakes to show that he was capable because he had a quarrel with his elder brother the day before, so he was not in the village that night, but when he saw the fire in the village, he ran back and saw the pirates killing him. folks.

Thus, this young man became the only one who was still alive that night.And those pirates, after killing the entire fishing village, went to the neighboring village. This time they did not destroy the village, because it happened that General Changsun's team arrived at this village that day, and they originally planned to go to that village the next day. But I didn't want the pirates to strike first.

There was a brief battle between the two sides. Although there were many pirates, they didn't take much advantage. There were few people here, but there were still fishermen.So, the pirates were beaten away.When I was chasing the pirates, I found that all the people in that village were dead, and the houses over there hadn't been burned yet.

When the child was found, the child was terrified.After crying for a few days, the doctor calmed down with needles and explained the matter clearly.

After this incident, there was a one-month tide period, and the pirates did not come ashore again. However, we moved all the fishermen on the seashore five miles inland, and set up some points at three miles away. , as long as the pirates come, they will report to each other.

However, the pirates did not go ashore in groups anymore, but a small number of people quietly came ashore from some hidden reefs, and then robbed and killed some local wealthy businessmen, and took some things away.First of all, we still have to be individual thieves.I was still chasing a group of people, only to find out that they were still going to the deep sea by boat. Looking at their tactics and familiarity, I knew they were pirates.

However, the routes they walk are all some hidden reefs, and our people dare not go there rashly.Because we didn't have anyone who was more familiar with that area than them, we could only set up checkpoints along the coast.But last month, two people who were stuck at the checkpoint were found and killed.It shows that there are still pirates who came ashore, but this person did not kill people and rob goods after he came ashore.It's like it disappeared.

Therefore, the protection on our side has been very meticulous recently.

General Changsun even explained some precautions in detail, Xuejian and Fu Jinghao Qiuyuan listened to their story without hesitation.General Changsun even said:

"Right now, Linhai County and Haikun County are quite long, so our manpower is not enough. We can only have ordinary soldiers to check at the seaside, so the two guards were killed. In any case, there are four people in one post, and there is only one mile between the posts. Of course, this is a flat place. If there is a gap in the middle, it can be closer. What we want is to make the posts on both sides hit They could see each other. Unexpectedly, two guards were still killed. This shows a point. The man who came here was not low in martial arts, ruthless, and quick in action. But the neighboring guards did not notice it."

General Changsun's supplement made Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan pay more attention to it.Even according to their current skills, it would not be difficult to kill four people in a short time, but they will soon have to kill the four people in the sentry that was discovered a mile away.That would be a bit fast, Qiu Yuan thought about it, maybe he could do it under special circumstances.Fu Jinghao thought that he might not be able to do it.

So, who is this expert who came to Haikun County?

And now, seeing that Prince Rui came to this place with such a high profile, then, would this person?
Fu Jinghao's first thought was Xue Jian's safety.He frowned, and when he was about to turn around, he sent a letter to Master, asking them to come over as well.Otherwise, if you go out to do business by yourself, you won't be at ease.Those who are here now are not only Xueer who has no martial arts, but also Princess Yu and Chengwen.None of these people can have an accident.

After listening to the two reports, Xuejian said:
"First, we need to move all the fishermen together as much as possible, concentrate them for better protection, and don't let them live scattered. In special times, some things are handled specially. We, first of all, start from protecting the lives of the people. Second, strengthen this The inspections in the city and the fishing villages, especially some outsiders living in the city, try to find out as much as possible. Do you have any proof of each other, where did you come from, where did you go? Find this person. Third, you Pay attention to your own safety. Moreover, I will soon enter some preparation work here, so I need a place, a large place. And it is best to be by the sea. So, in the early stage, we will build a pier."

Xuejian made a little bit of request, and Song Changshu and General Changsun agreed with frowning.Because they could only agree, Xue Jian was the prince, and he had received the imperial decree to deal with this matter here.They just need to assist the Prince's work well.

What is to build a dock, and what to do to build a dock.They have no bottom in their hearts.But now that pirates are so rampant, they still have to go to the sea to build piers and shipyards.

But fortunately, the prince also said that he would put the safety of all the people first.This can be regarded as an explanation to the people of this mansion.

See you again:

"We have just arrived, and we still need to make some preparations for some things. You also go back and summarize the various aspects of this mansion. After two days, we will discuss together what to do."

(End of this chapter)

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