farmer's daughter

Chapter 906 Publishing Tasks

Chapter 906 Publishing Tasks
Chapter [-] Release Task
Everyone has made some preparations when they go back, but what Xuejian especially needs to prepare is to carefully sort out the materials obtained from that box, and then make them into words that everyone can recognize, and then take some out to share with everyone .

Xuejian is doing these preparations.Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan also asked their eldest grandson to discuss some prevention and control issues here. Everyone's preparations are different.Murong Xing and Princess Yu made some arrangements and plans in advance for the house.Of course, he also followed some suggestions from Patriarch Lu.

When I saw Xue Xue that day, the most surprised person was Second Young Master Lu.She didn't expect Xue Jian to bring him here and arrange for him to learn such an important thing.For him, this is to look up to him.value him.He is really grateful.

So, the next day, he took the initiative to ask Shen Chengwen for some knowledge in this area, and the two got together to study and research.

What Master Chengmu and Mu Junliang's family learned is enough for them, but they are still novices when it comes to shipbuilding.Especially for a boat as big as Xue Jian mentioned, the two of them also got together, but what they discussed was different, and it was another combination.

Two days later, Xue Jian called everyone together again.This time, there were also a few old local fishermen who were summoned.There are a few experts who know how to build ships.

Xuejian prepared carefully for two days, and Ban Xia was also busy for two days.So, this time everyone gather together.Just to discuss a result.

In order to achieve the goal, Xue Jian specially asked people to put together several long tables to form a large rectangular table.Then put chairs around, and I and the master sat at the end.However, the newly invited veteran fishermen and shipbuilder carpenters refused to sit at the table no matter what.

Because they felt that their identities were far inferior to those sitting at the table. When they were first called, they thought they had committed some crime.

It was only when they came that they found out that it was the prince who summoned them.They were flattered and panicked even more, so it was absolutely unacceptable to ask them to sit on the table. Look at the ones sitting on the table, the youngest officials are the Futai and the guards.

Xue Jian smiled and nodded to Shi Chun.Shi Chun went up one by one to ask:

"You are here. It is the prince who wants to discuss something with you. This means that the prince thinks highly of us. You are also capable. So, there is nothing you dare not sit down. Sit down, some things are good to see on the table. .Besides, when you come, just follow the arrangement. That's how things work."

Several old men looked at each other.This is in accordance with the etiquette, but it is still not right, so you have to sit down.

Several people sat down.Xue Jian started talking.

Everyone knows about the pirates.Xue Jian also stopped going into details, and just said the main points, or the two things, one is shipbuilding, and the other is anti-piracy.

To build a ship, you must have a place, and the first thing to do is to build a large wharf.Build a dock.You have to choose a place that is suitable for building a wharf.How suitable it is, it depends on these old fishermen and these shipbuilders who know the sea best, so they know where it is most suitable.

And Xuejian also knew that it was not easy to hear the truth from these old people, but let's talk about these things first today, and then.Only then will they be gradually involved.Only by listening to some of their suggestions and combining with some actual situations can things be carried out well.

As soon as this matter was thrown out, the old men had different expressions, some were worried, some were happy.They all glanced at each other, and then heard Xue Jian say the second thing.

The second thing is about the boat.Having said that, Xuejian first took out a picture of the big boat that he had drawn.This picture stunned Song Changshu and Changsun Shoubei, who hadn't seen it two days ago.And those few old people were stunned when they saw it. How can there be such a big boat?
The second picture given by Xuejian is a composition picture of some parts. This is what everyone looked at carefully.Because he hadn't seen it before, Xuejian handed over these two pictures so that they could all have a look.

Then Xue Jian talked about the power of the boat. Regarding Xue Jian’s talk about not using people to row the boat, but using some power, this is something that Cheng Mu has never heard of. Of course, you have to listen carefully .

Xue Jian gave an overview of some things sorted out from those materials:

"Now, with these things, do you still think that the possibility of building a big ship is far away? It's not far away! We can build it. From now on, master Chengguang will be in charge of shipbuilding, and the power part will be done by I am in charge. The construction of the wharf will be in charge of the Song Futai. There must be a detailed regulation for this matter."

Things were arranged in great detail.Everyone also raised some questions and got answers from each other. There are some things that Xue Jian doesn't understand, for example, what kind of wood can be used to build ships, and what kind of wood can be used where.These things are beyond comprehension.

But there are people who understand, for Mu Mu, there is really no one who understands better than Cheng Mu.Therefore, first of all, where to get the wood, Xue Jian had to go to the court to coordinate.

Cheng Mu also made some requests, and Xue Jian answered them on the spot.They've all been recorded.Those who can be ordered to go out immediately, they will be ordered to Shi Chun or Gu Gonggong immediately.

Song Changshu still had some headaches about asking him to be responsible for repairing the pier. At least, he didn't know what the pier looked like.It would be easy if a few big rocks were piled up like a boat on the river bank. It is a place of deep sea water.

But, how to fix that!Song Changshu didn't have much background.Originally, living by the sea was a challenge for him who had lived in the west.I finally got used to it.Give yourself such a big one now.It's still the first thing at the beginning. If I don't start this head well, then I can't do this thing.

Song Changshu had a headache and didn't know what to do.Of course, this question was also raised, but Xuejian replied that he should keep those old men behind.Tomorrow, we will discuss specifically how to build this pier. It seems that there is still room for discussion.

The picture that Xuejian took out today really shocked these old men.The boats on these patterns were something they had never thought of. It seemed so different and so big.If it is really done.Even if I get on the boat and take a walk, I will die in peace!
(End of this chapter)

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