farmer's daughter

Chapter 907 Lu Lin'er

Chapter 907 Lu Lin'er

Chapter [-]: Lu Liner

This day's discussion is still somewhat useful. First of all, everyone's previous ideas about building such a big ship were empty, and now we have some real data.It seems that it can really be repaired.

Master Chengmu said that we should study the issue of motivation in the future.Because of this problem, Xue Jian didn't plan to make it public, but just told everyone a general idea, so they didn't understand the specifics.

Shen Chengwen was the one who talked about it in detail, and even though Shen Chengwen didn't actually operate it, he had done some research on this thing.Some of the things he said out of his mouth made Chengmu express that he would ask him for advice later.

The tasks assigned today will be even more careful, and the division of labor will be more detailed now. Xuejian and Shen Chengwen have to study the power thing carefully, and I only have a little theoretical knowledge. It's really not easy!

Therefore, in the following days, Tiantian Xuejian will be with Shen Chengwen and Master Chengmu.What they discuss, will naturally not let outsiders know.Therefore, they all discussed in one pavilion.And Gu Gonggong, Shi Chun and Ban Xia are all on duty not far away.

Even if Mu Junliang wanted to participate, he was rejected by Master Chengmu.And for the safety of Master and Shen Chengwen, Xue Jian sent Eunuch Gu to their yard to be on duty.Said to take care of Shen Chengwen.

And Fu Jinghao's courtyard was originally in the outer courtyard, but everyone knew it well.Fu Jinghao lived in the west wing of Xuejian's courtyard, and the two of them had time to talk sweetly every day.Mainly, Fu Jinghao was still for Xuejian's safety.Shi Chun and Ban Xia took turns living on the couch in front of Xue Jian's bed.

In any case, Fu Jinghao always felt that the person who killed the two guards was not an ordinary person.Moreover, Fu Jinghao also wrote letters to old man Mo and old man Qin, explaining the situation here.Let's see when they get one.

Because here, you will live for a long time, and it is not a matter of a day or two.According to Xue Jian's estimation, if the pier is repaired and the ship is built, even if it goes well, it may take three to five years.

And in the past three to five years, we must guard against pirates and some people with different intentions.Qiu Yuan also sent a letter to Duan Fei, asked Duan Fei and several people, and also inquired about the attitude of the people in the Jianghu towards this place. Everyone in Jiang Hu knew about his movements for a long time.Therefore, generally speaking, people and things in the rivers and lakes can be avoided from those in the court.That's why.

For the safety of these people, everyone is thinking of various ways and thinking from various channels.

Patriarch Lu came back to this place again. He knew too many people, and no one thought that he was still alive.I thought their family was also taken away, and it would end up the same as the Xu family.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Lu returned to Haikun County with the prince, which surprised many people. Patriarch Lu seldom went out after returning.Because he is now the prince's servant, so he will not go out to show off if he has nothing to do, and it will be troublesome for the prince to cause any trouble.

It's just that he doesn't look for trouble, it doesn't mean that trouble doesn't come to him.

One day, Lao Ding, the concierge, came over and sent him a letter, saying that there was someone outside the door who said he was an acquaintance and wanted to send him a letter!However, you will only give it if you see him in person, and you will not pass it on to the concierge.

The head of the Lu family didn't know who it was, so he went to check.It's just that when he went to see it, there was no one outside the door, only a kid sitting by the door.Finally got a golden lock!
Patriarch Lu didn't see anyone, and was about to turn around and go back to the house, but when he turned around, he glanced at the golden lock and was startled.So, isn't it the lock that I gave Fourth Aunt back then?Said it was for the child born.

Looking at the child again, there was a small bundle tied to his body, Patriarch Lu asked the concierge:
"Who put the baby here?"

The concierge took a look and said:

"Hey, I didn't see anyone. Where is the child?"

Patriarch Lu stepped forward and looked at the child. As soon as he approached, the child with lowered head raised his head. As soon as he raised his head, Patriarch Lu fully recognized that this must be his child.Because, this child looks exactly like him.And still holding the golden lock.

Patriarch Lu took two steps and looked at the big alley outside the gate. He didn't see anyone, which meant that this child was placed here.on purpose.

Patriarch Lu stepped forward to pick up the child and went into the house.Carry the child directly to the main room.Fu Jinghao was talking about something with Murong Xing, and he was a little surprised to see Patriarch Lu come back with a child in his arms.

Patriarch Lu was a little excited, but also a little apprehensive, stepped forward and said in a trembling voice:
"Master Hou, Lord Hou. This child was placed at the door and said he was looking for me. Look, I... I suspect it is the child born to my fourth aunt. Judging by the size, it is almost two years old. Look at this Son, is it similar to me? And this golden lock, I gave it to Fourth Aunt back then."

Hearing Patriarch Lu's excited words, Fu Jinghao stepped forward to take a look solemnly.Seeing the child carrying a burden, he said:
"Look again, is there anything in the child's baggage!"

Patriarch Lu nodded when he heard the words, put the child down gently, and then opened the bag. Sure enough, there were only two pieces of the child's clothes and a letter in the bag. It seemed that the letter was still in the bag before, but the back stuffed.

Patriarch Lu didn't dare to read the letter, but just handed it to Fu Jinghao.Fu Jinghao shook his head and said:
"That's a letter for you, why don't you read it, if you can show it to us, just tell us about it."

In front of Fu Jinghao, Patriarch Lu opened the letter with trembling hands.The letter is very simple:
"Return Lin'er, there is no more debt."

Not a single word.Patriarch Lu couldn't believe it, so he turned the letter paper over and over again to have a look.still none.I even tore open the envelope, but there was still nothing.

The head of the Lu family handed the letter to Fu Jinghao.Then he turned around, picked up the child, and asked softly:

"Who carried you to the door?"

The child blinked his pure eyes and looked at this person, who seemed somewhat familiar.But shook his head and didn't speak.

"What's your name?"

"Lu Lin'er."

The child is not a mute, and speaks very clearly.Look at that look, he is also a clever child.The head of the Lu family was reluctant to let go, no matter what, this was his own child.In the past two years, I didn't take him with me at all.Now holding it in my hand, the feeling of father and son surged up all at once.

Fu Jinghao also looked up and down.Didn't see anything famous either.But I feel that the paper is a bit thick.

(End of this chapter)

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