Chapter 909
Chapter 910
Xuejian hurriedly comforted him:

"Master, you don't know. It's not that you are shameless. It's that there may be a traitor here. We haven't found out who it is yet."

Old Man Mo even hummed:

"Both of you are foxes, and someone pretends to be a sheep in front of you?"

Xue Jian pouted and said:
"Master, it's wrong for you to say that. People say that ginger is still old and hot. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to invite you here in a hurry, right?"

Old man Mo didn't speak until now.Ban Xia brought the meal.Old man Mo reached out to take it and ate it. He was starving to death. He said he would kill a rabbit and roast it on the way.That damned old man Qin insisted that he was worried about something happening to the children here, so he hurried over here.Come and have a look, he is doing well, and he is still having breakfast with you and me.

Old man Qin was also hungry, and he was in a hurry along the way.

While the two elders were eating, Xuejian was on the side and told about the recent events.Old man Mo didn't seem to hear it, just eat it.

Seeing him put down the bowl, Xue Jian said:
"Master, we brought a monk named Chengmu, who is said to be a member of the Mu family that you rescued back then. Tell us about the people and things of the Mu family. Look, this matter is very relevant to the Mu family now. There is a connection."

So I talked about some things that Chengmu said along the way, and the things about recognizing Mu Junliang and receiving the letter.Old man Mo frowned, and turned to look at old man Qin.Old man Qin looked at old man Mo again, and said:
"I think this incident is a bit unusual. I'm afraid it has something to do with the Mu family back then. It seems to be true. The Mu family is not far from here, probably only a few dozen miles away."

Old man Mo just frowned, thought for a while and said:
"Yes, we were still young back then, and I just met old man Qin, and we were preparing for a trip to the rivers and lakes together. I know the owner of the Mu family. Because there are some things in the palace, I asked him to do them, but the people in the palace , as you know, I am also a little afraid of people in the Jianghu. So, I have been supervising the work, and we have formed a friendship between the two of us."

"Wait a minute, master. You want to tell us about the past. Can you tell Master Chengmu? If possible, let's go to him and talk about it together. He really wants to know about the past."

Old Man Mo frowned and looked at Old Man Qin and said:

"Who is Sumiki?"

Xue Jian said with a black line on his face:

"Did you save a young man with a broken leg in the Mu family back then? That's the current Master Chengmu. This time we invited him to help us build the ship."

Old man Mo thought for a while before saying:

"You're talking about that kid from the Mu family? I sent him to the temple. I don't know he's a master now."

Said and pulled the corner of his mouth.Xue Jian was speechless.

Old man Qin rolled his eyes at old man Mo and said:

"Look at you, your hair and beard are all white. Why are you pretending to be young! You are passing the years, so don't allow others to grow old too!"

Old man Mo was about to turn back, Xue Jian hurriedly said:

"Okay, okay, it's fine if you think it's okay. If we can, we'll go together. Only Chengwen lives with him over there."

Old Man Mo stared back at Old Man Qin, nodded and said:

"Okay, I didn't expect that kid to survive. I thought he would die when I saved him."

Fu Jinghao, who had been silent all this time, stretched out his arms to hug Xuejian and said:
"Let's go, it's just across this wall."

A few people stopped going through the main entrance and jumped over the wall to enter.As for Cheng Mu who stayed in the temple for a long time, he got up very early every morning.

As for the kid Shen Chengwen, Xue Jian sighed.Xue Jian thought of many ways to make him sleep late, but none of them succeeded.Because when he lived at his grandma’s house when he was a child, he was too deeply influenced by his uncle, and insisted on getting up to read and study every day when the cock crowed twice. Later, Xue Jian forced him to get up early instead of reading, and exercise first.That's all right, but it won't keep him from getting up early.

Therefore, monks, laymen, young and old, all sat down at a small stone table in the yard to read and study.Chengmu seems to be explaining something to Chengwen.

Several people jumped down from the wall, and even surprised Chengwen. Dingqing saw that they were two old seniors.

Chengwen stepped forward and saluted.Snow saw it and said:
"Wen'er, have you eaten yet?"

"have eaten."

"Then you go back to the house with your book and read it. We're going to talk about something."

So, Shen Chengwen obediently took the book and went back to the house.When Cheng Wen first saluted, Cheng Mu heard him calling Senior Mo and Senior Qin, so he knew that these two people were the ones who saved him back then.After all these years in the temple, I was very excited.

Xue Jian said softly:
"Master Chengmu, this is my master, Prince Rong, and this is elder brother Jing Hao's master, Senior Qin."

Cheng Mu supported the table and stood up, jumped to the side with one foot, then knelt down and said:
"Chengmu thank you two seniors for your life-saving grace. Over the years, I have never forgotten my life-saving grace, but I can't find my benefactor. Thank you benefactors and don't blame me!"

Old man Mo looked at him, sighed and said nothing.Old man Qin stretched out his hand and said:

"Don't be too polite! I didn't want you to know. It was Xue'er who asked us to come over."

Fu Jinghao also stepped forward to help Chengmu.Cheng Mu said with tears in his eyes:

"It's the little monk's blessing! I was rescued by two seniors back then!"

Xue Jian looked at it and said:
"It's not easy to sit here, let's go inside and talk about it. I specially asked Master to come and tell you about the past that you want to know, so that you will know."

Fu Jinghao handed Chengmu's crutch to him, and Xue Jian led the two elders into the house.After the two elders sat down.Pinellia also brought tea, and then went to watch outside the house.

Old man Mo looked at old man Qin who had half-closed eyes, and knew that this old man didn't talk much, and he didn't want to talk about those past events, so he opened his mouth.

"Back then, when we were just walking on the rivers and lakes, I heard that some people conspired to attack Mujiazhuang. At that time, I thought it was a joke. How could it be possible? I have a little friendship with your father, so I know a little about your Mujiazhuang. So, I still don't care about these people in the martial arts asking for trouble. But when we wandered to places outside Qingyang, I heard that Mujiazhuang was taken down."

"At that time, we were very surprised. Based on our understanding, it was impossible for these people to enter the foreign village of Mujiazhuang. How could they win Mujiazhuang. But others said it vividly. They are still in front of friends and friends. We wanted to get something, so we hurried over."

"Fortunately, some of the simple mechanisms on the periphery of your Mujiazhuang blocked them, so although we were late, but at least they haven't destroyed the villa. At least, there are still a few lives still alive .”

"Based on our reputation back then, those people retreated. Then, we checked the situation in the village and found you."

(End of this chapter)

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