farmer's daughter

Chapter 910 Spy

Chapter 910 Spy
Chapter 910 Spy


Cheng Mu was very excited when he heard it, and after saying the Buddha's name, he asked:

"Then may I ask the two seniors, who else saved my family?"

After Old Man Mo and Old Man Qin glanced at each other, Old Man Mo nodded and said:
"Yes, we still saved one person. The one who was protected by a girl was your sister-in-law. But your sister-in-law is the same as you, no, worse than you. She lost one arm and one leg. "

Cheng Mu listened attentively, hearing that his sister-in-law was hurt more than him, and she also burst into tears.He opened his mouth and wanted to ask how his sister-in-law was doing now.But no words came out.

Old Mo said:

"It was just the two of us at the time. We checked and found that there were no other living people in the villa. So, I took you. Old man Qin took your sister-in-law. When we left the villa, we activated the perimeter protection of your villa. , So up to now, the villa may still be good. At least, we haven’t been there, and I don’t know if anyone else has gone. I hope the villa is still good.”

The old man Qin who had been silent all this time interrupted:
"It's not far away, you can go and see it someday."

Old man Mo didn't answer him, turned his head to look at Cheng Mu again and said:
"We thought we couldn't save your sister-in-law. There was too much blood loss. But your sister-in-law said she was pregnant. So we decided to keep her."

"If we keep her, we can't take care of you. So, I handed you over to an old friend of mine. It depends on your fate. If you are lucky, you can survive. I didn't expect you to survive too gone."

"But your sister-in-law is not very well. If it weren't for the child in her stomach supporting her from dying, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to survive. We took a lot of medicine to save her life. We saved it The child in the belly."

"Hey, it's just that your sister-in-law is too weak. It didn't take long before the baby was born, but she fell into a coma after the baby was born. And she didn't wake up, and she died within a month. Instead, the child was handed over to us."

"We two big men can't raise a baby. We put the child in foster care with the family. However, because your sister-in-law is not in good health, the child's body has been very weak since he was a child. After a weak crown, Before he had time to tell him his family background, he died of the wind and cold. However, one of his girls was pregnant with his child. So, your Mu family still has a descendant. But, until now, we haven't told him, His surname is Mu!"

"Is he healthy? How old is he?"

"It's a little over 20, married, and has a son. It's very healthy!"

Old Mo laughed.

Old man Qin said softly:

"It's time to tell him, too."

Old man Mo nodded.

Cheng Mu was still immersed in excitement, and was still happy with himself and his family.While listening to the story, Xue Jian frowned and said:

"No, Master, are you sure you didn't see any other living people in Mu's house except for the two of them?"

Old man Qin raised his head and said:

"I'm sure. We originally planned to save people. Naturally, we found all of them. We also went to some secret rooms in their homes."

Old man Qin was blushing and out of breath.Can you say it with such fanfare when you go to someone's secret room?
But old man Qin said without changing his expression:

"At that time we did go to see everything. Even his sister-in-law saw it in her boudoir, so we looked everywhere. Moreover, we have processed all the corpses. It's all buried."

As soon as old man Qin said this.As soon as Xue Jian's complexion changed, Fu Jinghao's complexion also changed.Fu Jinghao flew out and said:
"I know who the spy is."

Old man Qin glanced at old man Mo, and flew out himself.Xue Jian stood up.Pressed down by old man Mo, he said:

"You sit down."

Xue Jian also sat down.Sumiki didn't seem to have reacted yet.Xue Jian said:

"I didn't expect the spy to be him?"

Cheng Mu said in a daze:


"Mu Junliang!"

Cheng Mu didn't speak, just like being dumbfounded.

"Who is this person?"

Old Man Mo asked.

Snow said:
"We brought this person from Beijing. It was recommended by Mr. Wei Shangshu. He said that this person is a good carpenter and capable of building ships. We are short of such a person now. So we brought him here. And Cheng Cheng Master Mu was recommended by He Shangshu. We also invited the master, and when we were on the way, that person recognized the master as the Mu family."

"And the master also recalled that person. When Wei Shangshu recommended him to us, he said that his surname was Lu, but now we know that his surname is Mu, which is easy to understand. He was trying to avoid the pursuit of the year. So Those who changed their names survived."

"However, when he met the master, he told us and the master that he buried the dead in Zhuangzi. But just now the master said that it was the two of you who buried them. This is not right. And now Think about it, he only said that he didn't see the body of the master, but he didn't say that he didn't see the body of his sister-in-law. So, he was lying."

Cheng Mu heard Xue Jian's analysis.He couldn't help but nodded, but then he stared at old man Mo and said:

"Senior, so say, this person."

Old man Mo didn't know Mu Junliang and Lu Junliang at first.But hearing Xuejian say that, she was also a little angry.This is because the spies have all sneaked into Xueer's side.But look at Cheng Mu's excited look.I froze for a while and didn't speak.

Cheng Mu tremblingly said:
"Senior, back then, it was because of father's little concubine in our Zhuangzi. However, there must be one person who is introduced into the martial arts outside. That little concubine has always been in the house. He didn't go out. !"

Now that Chengmu said this, old man Mo seemed to be awake all of a sudden, and thought of it all of a sudden.This person, since Chengmu always remembers this person, is still the person who has been living in Zhuangzi.The person who didn't die at that time may have been the one who introduced outsiders back then!
However, old man Mo said again:
"You mean it was caused by the concubine back then? But when we went, we didn't see any concubine. The ancestors of your Mu family have very strict rules, and the clothes of the servants are different from the clothes of the master. We didn't find a few female masters. Besides, during the few months when your sister-in-law followed us, she didn't say there was anyone else, and she didn't tell us that it was because of the concubine. We just thought it was someone from the Jianghu Those who got your secret way and entered your Mujiazhuang."

Cheng Mu recounted the scandal at home with some pain, and then said:
"My sister-in-law doesn't talk about her, maybe she has resentment in her heart."

(End of this chapter)

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