farmer's daughter

Chapter 926 What is the cleanest place

Chapter 926 What is the cleanest place
Chapter 920 Where is the cleanest place?
A month later, this man used the kind of crutches that Xuejian made for his mother back then.Not only he used it, but Master Chengmu also used it.Master Chengmu also smiled and said:

"It's because I've been working as an agency for so many years, but I didn't expect to be able to make such a simple thing to help myself. I have to thank the prince for helping me. With this, I can stand up and do things with my hands free. .”

In this way, Master Chengmu often appeared in the dock to guide the work, and in order to facilitate the construction of the ship, he also made some modifications after the master came to see how the dock should be built.

Now Xue Jian has spoken harshly about both Song Changshu and General Changsun, thinking that their arrangements were not careful enough, that's why there are dozens of lives!

Xue Jian was very shameless and transferred Qiu Yuan to participate in some management of the army, especially to clean up the people there, if there are any more pirates who sneak in, they will be held accountable!
This time, General Changsun also accepted the punishment!Watching the bloody scene, even if I saw it myself, was very touching.

Qiu Yuan had just arranged the affairs of the mine, so he took over the affairs here. He was really busy, but there was no way, Fu Jinghao was in charge of building the dock, and Murong Xing couldn't leave now. Princess Yu might be in these two days It's time to give birth.Even Mrs. Murong made a special trip from the capital, of course.They also brought Murong Shan along.

The reason why Murong Shan was brought here was because Qiu Yuan was here. Normally, it was time for Murong Shan to get married.But Qiu Yuan said that he would get married after completing this matter, because he won the name of the Marquis but did not make any achievements. If he succeeds this time, he will somehow have the confidence to gain a foothold in the court.

Mrs. Murong didn't object, so she could keep her daughter by her side for two more years, so this time I heard that Princess Yu was about to give birth.He left all the family affairs to the eldest daughter-in-law and let them take care of the house, so he brought Murong Shan here.

I heard that Lord Murong Hou is also coming, but he is still not welcomed by Madam Murong.Therefore, it is impossible to leave with Mrs. Murong.

Mrs. Murong is living out of herself now.Coming here is also very kind to Princess Yu, and made Princess Yu cry a few times when chatting with Xuejian behind her back, saying that she really feels like a mother now.

Xuejian congratulated her again and again.However, I looked at Princess Jade's big belly every day.Xue Jian was a little scared.Although she had known for a long time that she was pregnant with twins, this appearance was too scary.The belly is so big that Princess Yu has to hold her belly with her hands when she walks.

Murong Xing couldn't leave, but Mu Qingyang didn't have time to help Xue meet.After clarifying that he is from the Mu family.He learns from the master every day what the Mu family should know the most, but he is smart and has the Mu family's natural understanding of those organs and the like, so he understood a lot at once, and then he learned a lot. At that time, the master was going to work at the dock, so he was told to go to the Mujiazhuang, open the Mujiazhuang, and revive the Mujiazhuang!
The person who accompanied him to Mujiazhuang was old man Mo, and old man Qin would stay and take care of Xue Jian.Instead, he and Shen Chengwen worked together every day to study the matter of motivation.

And Princess Jade finally came to fruition.While discussing with a few people how to build the pier on the sand table, a little girl hurried in and said:

"Go back to the prince, the princess is up."

"What happened?"

"It's the princess who reacted!"

This is a big deal.Xue Jian hurriedly said:
"You all wait a moment, or you can look at yourselves and think about it first. I will be back in a while. I will go to see the princess first."

When Xue saw the princess's yard, she heard the princess's screams.The imperial doctor didn't go in either, just bowed and waited outside the door.Seeing Xuejian coming, the people waiting in the yard saluted one by one.

Murong Xing directly came over to follow Xue Jian and said:
"Xue'er, Xue'er, I can't go in, you have to go in and take a look for me."

Before Xuejian could speak, Mrs. Murong on the side pulled her anxious son and said:
"You, just sit and wait. The mother brought the midwife, and there are midwives in the palace, don't worry! How can the prince be allowed in? First, the prince is still an unmarried girl, and second, it's a filthy place. !"

Originally, Xue Jian had a good opinion of Mrs. Murong, but these two words immediately made Xue Jian unhappy.Xuejian said lightly:
"Madam's words are wrong. It's not a dirty place. Madam is also a mother. I think Madam understands the pain of childbirth more than I do. I haven't given birth, but I can also imagine it. Now inside Princess Jade, what she wants is the comfort of her senior brother! What she wants is someone to encourage her! If we are all waiting here, isn't it too cruel. She is running to death inside alone!"

Mrs. Murong was a little embarrassed and said:

"Prince, I didn't mean that, I was thinking, you are the prince."

"At this time, I am not the prince, I am the junior sister of the third senior brother, and I am a friend of Princess Yu!"

Xue Jian interrupted Mrs. Murong again.Then said:

"Even if I'm a prince, if I go in with the word "king" on my head, I can still restrain some things, right? So, I want to go in and accompany Princess Yu!"

Then I called Ban Xia, brought the high-quality wine that I had prepared a long time ago, washed my hands, and put on a smock that I called Ban Xia a few days ago, so as to ensure that I would not bring bacteria into it.

Murong Xing saw Xue Jian go in.He also hastily exhorted:

"Tell the princess, I'll wait for her here."

"Tell her yourself, louder, she can hear you."

Murong Xing really lay down on the window and shouted:

"Yu'er, Yu'er, I'm here with you! Don't be afraid, I'm here with you! Xuejian has come in to accompany you!"

Xue Jian went in, and the midwives there recognized Xue Jian, and when they saw Xue Jian coming in, the three midwives all looked a little uncomfortable.In their opinion, what is this unmarried prince doing here!
Xue Jian said lightly:
"You are watching what I do, don't you know what to do?"

The women were startled, and immediately went to work again.This is also the first time Xuejian has seen the birth of a child here. There are two strips of cloth hanging from the beams of the house. The princess holds them tightly with both hands, leaning against the bed, her hair sticking to her head with sweat. up.

Seeing Xuejian coming in, she pulled her mouth weakly and said:
"You shouldn't have come in here, it's not clean!"

"Nonsense, in this world, there is no place that is cleaner than a mother giving birth to a child. You save some strength, and only use strength when it is time to exert strength. I will come and accompany you, don't worry, I am the prince, and I am here , you will only give birth to the baby smoothly."

(End of this chapter)

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