Chapter 927
Chapter 920 Nine Successful Birth

The midwives who had some opinions and wanted to say a few words, heard Xue Jian's words: I am the queen, so they restrained their minds, and then seriously helped the princess give birth.

Princess Yu also smiled lightly. Although the smile was uglier than crying, she still smiled.It's just that the pain came again, Princess Yu's hand holding the rope had blue veins, she wanted to grit her teeth to keep from screaming, but she couldn't bear the pain, it really made Xue Jian feel very distressed!
Xue Jian stepped forward, gently put down the quilt behind the princess, let the princess lie down a little, and said:
"Come on, princess, listen, take a deep breath, and then feel that when the child is going down, you should help her to increase the car, use a little force, don't spend your energy on pulling the rope, use it on your stomach Up, down hard."

The midwife wanted to say something, but she kept her mouth shut.Another midwife also said:
"Princess, you can see the child's head now, give me more strength!"

Xuejian stepped forward, grabbed the princess' hand and said:

"Get ready, use your strength!"


The princess let out a scream, and stretched her waist and abdomen, only to hear the midwife shout:

Then Xuejian saw a ball of pink meat falling into the midwife's hand. Although there was still some blood, the child opened his mouth and burst into tears as soon as he came out!

The baby's cry says it all!The princess turned her head with a pale face to look at the child, but she was a little weak.

The midwife tidied up the baby neatly.Wrap up the baby.While bagging, he smiled and said:
"Congratulations princess, you are a young master!"

A midwife is about to carry it out to announce the good news.Xuejian called:
"one left!"

The midwife paused to see, and sure enough, it happened again.I hurriedly put this aside, and went to pick up another one.

The other midwife was busy pouring out some blood, but Murong Xing, who was guarding outside, saw pots of blood coming out, his eyes turned red, and he fainted!

Murong Shan screamed in fright.Mrs. Murong has calmed down now, she covered Murong Shan's mouth, and whispered:

"Don't yell, yelling scared the princess. Your brother was just worried and scared when he saw the blood. Your father was also like that back then."

"Do you still remember?"

As soon as Mrs. Murong turned her head, she saw Lord Murong coming in from the courtyard gate, so she followed her words.She was at a loss for words, she didn't want to talk to this person, but some past events came to her mind.

Murong Shan and Niangqin helped her elder brother up and put him on a chair beside him, the imperial doctor also came up to make a diagnosis and said:

"It's all right, the son-in-law is just getting angry. He fainted for a while. It will be all right after a while."

Mrs. Murong knew what was going on, and paced back and forth:
"Oh, what's going on? Didn't you hear the baby crying? Why don't you take the baby out? There won't be any problem."

Just as I was talking, I heard Xuejian shouting again from inside the room:

"Come on, one, two, three! Hard!"

But Xuejian has become a midwife.Immediately afterwards, another coaxing cry of a child was heard.When one cries, the other cries too, one after another.

The midwife inside packed up the two children and carried them out. It was the midwife brought by Mrs. Murong, so she recognized Mrs. Murong as her master.He directly carried the two children to Mrs. Murong and said:
"Congratulations madam, congratulations madam! The princess has given you two grandchildren! This is the eldest brother, and this is the younger brother."

"Good, good, good! Reward!"

Mrs. Murong was very happy.The eldest daughter-in-law in Beijing also gave birth to a grandson three months ago.Now it is good here, and two grandchildren have been born.As for myself, I still have a house full of children and grandchildren!

Lord Murong didn't rush to hug him this time, he just leaned over to have a look and said:
"It's the same as Xing'er when he was born!"

Murong Xing on the side also faintly woke up.He didn't notice that he was watching with the baby in his arms, so he rushed to the door of the delivery room and shouted:

"Princess, princess! Why is there no sound? Princess! Princess!"

In a hurry, Murong Xing didn't know what happened to the princess, he only knew that when he fainted just now, the princess bled a lot, and now there is no sound inside, the princess will be fine!
Therefore, Murong Xing rushed in hastily. The midwives were cleaning up the princess's filth, but they saw the son-in-law rushing in.

As soon as Murong Xing came in, the smell of blood was in his nostrils. Although he had some incense before, after giving birth to two children and so much blood, the room only smelled of blood!
As for the princess, she was in pain and tired, where did she usually suffer from this kind of suffering!I'm too tired to talk now.It was Xuejian who was helping to wipe away the sweat.

And what Murong Xing came in to see was the princess who was half covered in blood, sweaty, pale, with wet hair, and didn't even have the strength to open her eyes.

Murong Xing was so distressed, he hurried forward and hugged the princess' head, kissed it lightly, and said sadly:
"No more, we won't have children in the future. Yu'er, you have worked hard!"

The princess smiled slightly and said weakly:

"Have you seen the child?"

Murong Xing raised his head to look left and right, and said in a daze:
"Huh? No, where is the child?"

Xuejian chuckled on the side and said:
"Little senior brother, don't you forget that you took the child out, you really didn't see it?"

Murong Xing shook his head and said:
"I came in, I didn't see it!"

"Hahahaha, princess, look at my senior brother who is worried about you to the bottom of his heart. He didn't even see his son when he was taken out!"

A little blush rose on the princess's pale face.He smiled happily.Turning to Murong Xing said:

"You have to thank Xue'er a lot, if it weren't for her, I really couldn't hold on!"

A midwife who had just tidied up the princess also said:
"My son-in-law. It's really thanks to the presence of the prince. Otherwise, the princess would have no energy!"

Murong Xing looked up at Xue Jian, and said solemnly:

"Xue Er, thank you!"

"Hahaha, little senior brother, look at what you said, we are a family! You are my senior brother, the elder brother for the rest of my life, and this is my sister-in-law, the sister-in-law for the rest of my life! Besides, I don't count you , The princess and I are still friends! If you don’t look at it, I’m going to look at the two nephews. You haven’t seen it, and I haven’t looked at it carefully.”

Xue Jian turned around and went out. When she got to the door, she looked back and said:

"I'll ask the imperial physician to come in and give the princess a pulse."

Murong Xing nodded.

Xuejian went out and asked the imperial physician to take the pulse of the princess first, to see what the princess would eat or pay attention to next.And I just went to see the pair of newly born babies.

As soon as he came out, he realized that there were many people in the yard. At first glance, it was Murong Xing's father, Lord Murong Hou!
(End of this chapter)

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