Dressed as an age koi, her mother

Chapter 137 Consciousness

Chapter 137 Consciousness
"Secretary, I think some people can't support the wall with mud, so let's stop wasting our efforts!"

"People are laying down on the ground to make mud, why do we disturb their cleanliness?"

"In the future, I don't care what happens to this family!"

Simply expressing his attitude directly, Jiang Yi waved to Li Zhengdao, Wang Mancang and others, "I'll go back first, it's so cold today, why not stay on the hot kang?"

"Secretary, I think Dani is right!"

"That's right, let's just leave it alone!"

"Go home, go home, warm on the kang!"


This time, the villagers of Lijia Village were unanimous in their attitudes like never before.

There is no need for Li Zhengdao to say that he is gone, and the people are gone. This time, Li Zhengdao was depressed.

But what can he say?
The eyes of the people are discerning.

"Forget it, you guys go back too!"

Li Zhengdao glanced at Li Dazhu's family. Although the family said that they were separated, it was no different from no separation.

If you insist on the difference, it is that Li Dazhu lives alone, while Lin Guilan still lives with her three sons.

Oh, yes, and Li Yaofu!
Li Dazhu's eldest son was really separated.

Li Zhengdao looked at Li Dazhu, and finally said nothing. Li Dazhu, the head of the family, is now alone, so he has nothing to say.

As for Lin Guilan, just like what Jiang Yi said, if someone wants to be treated as mud, why do you have to help him up? Isn't this asking for trouble?

"Bitch, I'm not finished with you!"

After returning home, Lin Guilan swore aggressively.

Then, she fixed her eyes on Li Yaoqian, said in a hateful voice, "Second, what are you doing for food? Didn't you ask you to chase Jiang Dani back?"

"You can't even do this little thing, what else can you do?"

"Are you a piece of trash?"

Lin Guilan who wanted to deal with Jiang Yi, the only way she could think of was to let her second son marry Jiang Yi back. As long as Jiang Yi became her daughter-in-law again, she would be able to trouble her.

But Li Yaoqian didn't make it happen.

"Mom, it's not that I can't do it well, it's that she doesn't give me a chance at all!"

"Besides, didn't the third brother get Song Laidi back?"

"It's all trash!"

Lin Guilan glared at her two sons angrily, "Are you all pigs? This woman is always saying no, as long as you sleep with her, do you think she wants it?"

"Mom, this, this is against the law!"

"What's the law? Aren't you a couple?"

"Besides, when the time comes, why don't you bite back and say that she seduced you?"

"This kind of thing needs me to teach you, you are all pigs!"

Lin Guilan was so excited that she scolded the two sons.

When he finally got tired of cursing, he drove the two sons out.

Li Yaoqian went out with Li Yaojun, and then entered Li Yaoqian's house.

"Second brother, do you think what my mother said is right?"

"Third, what are you doing? You don't want to listen to my mother, do you? Let me tell you, this is really against the law!"

"Second brother, I'm thinking, Laidi and I still have feelings for each other!"

Li Yaojun smacked his lips, gritted his teeth, and said, "I want to move out!"

"It's true that what my mother said is not pleasant, but I think she's right in some things. We're all pigs, trash!"

"Second brother, I have figured it out, I want to marry Laidi back, I don't want to listen to my mother anymore!"

"Listen to her, you'll be trash all your life!"

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(End of this chapter)

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